

Three days later

I ran, yep, you heard right, I ran away, like a coward. I went back home, I just couldn’t handle everything that was going on and I needed to be in a familiar place, where I felt at peace and back home in New York, was the best place. Also, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that her boyfriend is planning to take away the one thing that she loved, she would have probably thought that I was out of my mind.

I am sitting in the dining room with Charles watching tv, nothing feels like home if I have to be honest.

“Xander, you haven’t been yourself lately, are you having nightmares again?” he asks worriedly.

“No, I haven’t Charles and I’m fine,” I reply, keeping my focus fixed on the tv.

He grabs the remote from my hand and turns off the TV, “Hey, that was the season finale.”

“Xander, dude, please talk to me,”