
First Impressions Are Important

[Congratulations! You have given your AI the new name, Zera!]

[With 3 of 7 AI programs being given names, a new feature, "Chat Room" has now been unlocked!]

"The fuck...." Damian said out loud, confusing his friends as well. This caused them to ask what the problem was, but as he saw the flashing gold letters shrink and move to the second spot in the system menu before turning white, he simply remained silent for a moment while thinking what this meant for him.

"So the other kings received a system as well... and some have already given their AI names? What is actually going on here?" He questioned within his mind before blinking a few times as he noticed Kai waving his hand in front of his face.

Looking at Damian with a curious expression, Kai moved his hand away from his face. "Are you going to tell us what happened?" he asked, making Damian remember that he had made an agreement with his friends to tell of any developments with his power or system.

"Alright, it's just a new feature that my system unlocked. It is a chat room." Damian quickly explained. This made both Ari and Kai's eyes widen with intrigue but before Kai was able to speak, he was cut off by Ari.

"Then you can talk to the other people like you?! That's so cool! You should use that feature!" She quickly said as Kai said a few words in agreeance.

Seeing his friends excited to hear about this new feature, he said he would check the feature after they had finished breakfast. Unfortunately, this made both Ari and Kai rush to eat their food and drink their coffee, finishing their breakfast in a short three minutes.

Watching his friends devour their food so quickly, Damian simply ate at his own pace while enjoying his coffee. This was to the lamentation of his friends who were obviously excited as they asked each other questions.

"When we become clansman do you think will we get a system and chat room as well?" Ari asked excitedly, while Kai who she was speaking to, simply smiled in response.

"That would be amazing. Then we can simply talk to each other from anywhere without needing to use our phones!" Kai said calmly but happily, thinking of the possibilities of having a system similar to Damian.

"We could also get our own system AI to talk with! And maybe even our AI will be able to talk to each other!" Ari said just as Damian had finished his breakfast. Seeing this, she quickly for the check, which Damian decided to pay, before rushing her friends out of the cafe.


Making it back into Damian's black four-door sedan. Ari and Kai quickly began pressuring Damian into entering the chat room.

"Alright! I will go into the chat room!" He said as he lightly slapped away Kai's hand which was squeezing his upper arm.

"Zera, is there anything you can tell me about the chat room feature?" He asked in his mind as he relaxed in the driver's seat.

(Well for starters, a king can only gain access to the chat room after giving their AI a name. As to why that is the requirement... I don't know. Anyways the chat room itself can be entered any time after being unlocked. You will see a standard chat window open within your field of view, older messages will appear for you if there are any.

Your identity will not be revealed unless you decide to tell everyone your name. Your profile icon will be set to look like a crown with the color of your powers. Next, you are able to send voice messages or plain text messages. Voice messages need to be spoken within your mind, and text messages need to be worded within your mind as well.

You will understand when you actually go into the chatroom.) Zera said, leaving Damian to think about the information before, once again relaying it to Kai and Ari. Hearing that the chat room was like most chat rooms, their excitement lowered a little.

"Zera, what else should I know about the chat?" He asked.

( You will be asked to create a name for the other kings to see, it can be your real name or an alias. It can only be changed one time. After that, you will be stuck with whatever you decide. You will also be able to send pictures to the chat room and direct message other kings. It is similar to what you could expect) Zera said before falling silent.

"I understand now, thank you Zera" Damian said to his helpful AI.

(mhmm) Zera lightly replied.

Thinking of no other questions to ask, Damian navigated the menu before opening the chat room for the first time.

[Entering the chat room, Please enter a name]

Seeing the words appear before his eyes, Damian quickly input the alias he had already planned on using.

[You have selected the name "Zero"]

[Your name is now Zero. You have one chance to change your name again]

[User [Gold King] Zero, has joined the chat.]

[Current users online. [Red King] Cole, [Pink King] Luna]

[Red King] Cole: "Zero? Interesting name. Welcome to the group, Zero. I am Cole, the Red King."

[Pink King] Luna: "G-Greetings Zero! I am Luna, the Pink King. It's nice to meet you!"

Seeing instant messages from the other kings, Damian was surprised. He figured that they would wait for him to send a message., but it seemed that he was wrong. Smiling to himself, to the confusion of Kai and Ari, he quickly sent a response to both kings.

Damian: "Hello to you both! As you've seen, I am Zero, the Gold King. It is nice to meet two of the other Kings so quickly. Were either of you talking about anything before I arrived?"

[Red King] Cole: "I was actually discussing if we should establish rules on how we all use our powers. We, as one of Pandora's New Kings, have gained abilities that can turn the world into our playground. We need to come to an agreement so that there are no people trying to overthrow governments."

[Pink King] Luna: "I do believe that the Red King makes a good point. We shouldn't create chaos simply because we were selected to obtain these powers. It would upset the order of the world."

Damian: "I can go along with an agreement if a majority of the kings agree as well."

[Red King] Cole: "Great! I also want to confirm something, are you both in the United States?"

[Pink King] Luna: "Yes

Damian: "Yes"

[Red King] Cole: "And you are both citizens right?"

Both Damian and Luna: "Yes"

(AN: Let me know which answer type you like more when characters are answering at the same time, separate or together?)

[Red King] Cole: "Good, it would be hard to check each other if the kings were spread around the globe."

Seeing it was a good time as any, Damian decided to ask a question.

Damian:" What are you both up to right now?"

[Pink King] Luna: "I am about to board a flight to travel to the state my new college is in. I want to get there a few months early to get a job and a place to live until I can move into the dormitory. :D"(AN: Emoji in messages? yes or no?")

[Red King] Cole: "Great timing! I am currently being dragged through a multitude of doors and hallways to a high-security military cell."

[Pink King] Luna: "...."

Damian: "....."

[Red King] Cole: "What? You asked and I answered."

Damian: "Can you tell us why you are willingly allowing yourself to be put into a high-security military cell?"

[Red King] Cole: "Yesterday, Pandora's Box broke out of the anomaly and landed in the city. Unfortunately, it also landed extremely close to where I was and I ended up getting thrown into a tree, hurting my back, and passed out.

Long story short, I created my throne in front of them and spooked them all by controlling flames coming out of my body. Now they are afraid of me and locking me up in a high-security cell until they can figure out what to do with me."

Seeing Cole's reasons for being locked in a military cell, Damian was confused as to why he didn't simply escape. Asking Cole why he hadn't, he was given an answer along the lines of wanting to keep his job and not cause a panic. This quickly allowed Damian to come to the realization that Cole was apart of the Military.

After asking a few more questions about Cole's rank and Luna's plans for college study. Damian closed the chat window as the other two kings left as well. Sighing to himself, he checked the time to see it was nearly noon. He had spent almost forty-five minutes talking with Luna and Cole.

With how well he communicated with them, he felt that he made a good first impression. He had also taken some time to summarize the conversation for Kai and Ari, who were very interested in seeing the chat personally.

Thinking about what he should do, he figured he should avoid using his power as much as possible, until at least coming up with a plan of action with the other kings. If he ended up causing a problem for all kings, he was sure that the other kings would be angered and hunt him down for ruining their public image, as a collective.

Starting his car, he thought about going off to college with his friends. It would certainly be a fun experience but with the introduction of kings to the world, he felt that it would also be an intense point in his life, as a student and super-powered king.

Luckily he had his friends with him who were ready to share the burden, willingly as well.