
Chapter 23 - When going through obstacles, fight with all you got.

The Golem Knight brought down its giant sword. But I quickly evaded his attack and lunged towards it. You may be strong, but you're really slow!



I attacked its left leg!


Its right leg!


And thrust my sword into its stomach!


It did not pierce through!

With all the strength I can muster, I pushed the sword deeper in to the Golem's stomach!


It's like my sword has no edge at all! His armor is so thick, my sword just couldn't pierce through! But the Golem is taken aback! Yes!!! If it falls on its back, it can't get up again because it's so heavy! This is it! This is my chance!


The Golem did not fall, it's just stepping back. Suddenly, it charged towards me! Full speed!!!


I jumped out of the way just in time! GAAASH!!! If I got hit, my head would be gone now! Gosh! I didn't know it can move so fast!

Again, the Golem Knight took a fighting stance. Don't tell me...


Even if I'm so tired, I ran with everything I've got.

"No! Not again! NOT AGAIN!!!"

The Golem Knight took a sword thrust stance.

With that long sword, it will definitely reach her!


I jumped, raised my sword, fell, and smashed my claymore against the Golem's sword hand!


"...Ting... Ting... Ting..."

The Golem lost its grip on the sword!


I repeatedly attacked its hand.


Its leg,


Its foot,


And its side,


Kaoru casted a spell.

"Jetstream Wind!!"

The Golem stepped back! I ran after it and attacked its body!


The Golem is losing balance!

I raised my sword for one last time,


I ran, jumped, and delivered the final strike on its helmed head!


"... Ting... Ting... Ting..."

My sword flew from my hand. My feet landed on the ground but I slipped and slammed on the ground. The Golem Knight fell, too, and crashed into the stone wall of the mountain. It didn't move again. The red glow in its eyes faded away...

My eyes started to close on its own...

I can't believe it...

I defeated a Golem Knight...


"Lionel... Lionel... Are you okay...?"

I opened my eyes.

"Aaaaaah... Have I gone through the jellyfishes again? My body hurts..."

I slowly got up.

"Are you okay Kaoru?"

"I'm okay..."

I looked at the Golem Knight,

"It's over, huh?"

"Yes... What you did..."


"Is very silly, Lionel..."

I looked for my sword, and picked it up.

"Oh, it's okay... At least you're safe."


"How long have I been sleeping?"

"An hour or so..."

"Aw, man... We really need to hurry now..."

"I - I'm sorry..."



"I didn't help you... When you really needed it..."

She bowed her head.

"I'm so sorry..."

She sniffed.

"Hey... Don't cry. It's okay, really. Besides, I told you I'll destroy that monster, remember?"

"But... You're hurt..."

"It's nothing! I'm fine, really."


"Hey, cheer up! Look! We're almost there! I can feel it! Those star crystals are ours!"


"Oh dear, what am I going to do with that sad face, Kaoru?"


"We won! Believe it or not, we won! It's time to celebrate!"


"Come on! That's not the Kaoru I know! She's much tougher than that!"


"Okay, okay, I promise that I won't get hurt anymore! Now that's a very hard promise! I don't even have a shield!"

She smiled, finally.

"Let's go?"

"Yes, Lionel. Let's go."

"Which way should we go, Kaoru?"

"Just follow me."

We walked pass the Golem Knight, turned to the left, and stopped in front of a stone door.

"I think, I can't break that..."

"We just need to push it."

I pushed the door and it slowly opened. We quickly entered and the door silently closed.

"Don't worry. We just need to pull it to open it again."


As we turned, we saw a stair.

"So this is what a mountain looks like, inside! It's hollow, but full of tunnels, walls, and ways! Amazing! And look, a very long stair!"

"It's not just a stair. It's a spiral staircase made of stone. It goes up to the mountain, into the clouds, and finally..."

"To the Exosfir!"

We looked at it again...

"It's really long..."

"And very high, too..."

"And we're going to ascend it?"

"It's much easier than climbing the face of the mountain."

"Good point..."

I inhaled deeply.

"Let's do this!!!"


We're going up the spiral staircase... Gosh... This will be long...



"Uhmm... Thank you for protecting me..."

"Aw, shucks. It's nothing. Don't think about it."

We continued to ascend...



"I'm sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay, really. No harm done. I harbor no hard feelings against you."

"No... It's about the cave entrance to the sea..."

"Huh...? What do you mean...?"

"When we entered that cave, I said 'I think I'm forgetting something,' and then the cave attacked us... I forgot to tell you that the cave hates outsiders and attacks people... Do you remember...? I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, don't worry about it."


"If you think I'm mad at you, you're wrong. We'll always be the best of friends, okay?"

She smiled.


And so we continued to ascend the stairs...


I stopped and leaned against the wall...

"Kaoru... Are we there yet...?"

I'm breathing heavily... We've been ascending the stairs for hours now. I know we've gone far now, but the stairs... It doesn't seem to end! Gaaash!! My legs hurt!

"The Exosfir is still far ahead, Lionel."

"HA?! Gosh... Kaoru... Can... Can I ask you something...?"

"What is it?"

"How... How on earth are you not getting tired...?"

"Well, that's because I exercise everyday, eat fruits and vegetables, and sleep early. Unlike you, I'm young and very healthy."

"Hey... We're just the same age! What are you trying to say, huh?!"

"And besides, I'm not going up the stairs. I'm floating. You didn't notice?"


I looked at her feet... It's floating above the stairs!!!

"OH MY GAAASH! Are you a ghost or something?!!"

"No silly. I casted a magic spell to make myself float. It's very simple."

"So that's why you're always ahead of me... I thought you're just full of energy... Hey, wait a minute! What about me?!"

"Sorry... I can only cast the spell on one person..."

"Ha...? Okay... I understand..."

Gosh... I feel really tired... But still, I must go on... And climb these stairs!

"To the Exosfir then, Kaoru! To the Exosfir!!"

"Walk on! Oh mighty Swashbuckler! Walk on!"