
Chapter 10 - Hard work is worthy of merit.

"Blood, sweat, and tears."

That old line is so cliche, and yet so true.

I've been a city boy all my life and I've never done any kind of manual labor before so, I literally bled when I started digging the pool for my hot spring.

I had cuts and wounds in my hands and feet. And even if the backyard is covered with tree shade, my whole body and clothing is still drenched with sweat because of all the digging, carrying, and moving sacks of dirt that I do.

There are times, whenever I take a break and look at the sheer size of all the work that needs to be done, I silently cry because of the little progress I'm making. I... easily get disheartened, for I know it would take a long time before I can finish my project and get my desired results.

That's what sad about me. That's one of my many bad attitudes - The "Instant Mentality".

If I want something, I want to have it "now".

If I want something done, I want it to be done "Right now! As soon as possible!"

Another negative trait of mine is "The Entitlement Mentality" - If I want something to happen, I won't do anything to achieve it. I always believed that I deserve it, and it must be given to me because I want it and I need it.

If I want to achieve something, my goals or my dreams for example, I want to accomplish it in the shortest span of time with the least amount of work.

And I expect huge payouts.

I want to get results, not just "average results" but "excellent results" immediately, "instantly".

Boy, was I in for some rude awakening.

Everything I mentioned above about me, all my bad attitudes, my impatience, has been drastically changed.

I've learned, in the hardest and the most painful way that the real world doesn't work like that. You don't get what you want instantly. It will not be given to you. You need to earn it. You need to work for it, and you need to work hard.

There are no shortcuts. There has never been a shortcut.

And if someone says you can "Get rich quick!", you can get "Instant Results!", you'll be an "Overnight Success!", don't believe those guys. Those men are nothing but liars, deceivers, and scammers.


It took me more than a year of back-breaking hard work to finish my hot spring, but it's all worth it.

It's a single wide pool with the same depth of a regular bath tub. It's not as deep as an actual swimming pool but, twenty five persons can soak in it at the same time and still have ample space to spare.

The main purpose of a hot spring is for a person to seat down, relax their backs, relieve the tension on their shoulders, heal their tired muscles, and enjoy the peace and quiet of the beautiful nature that surrounds them.

A hot spring is not for diving, playing, and swimming. That's why my pool is only 3 feet deep. It's also a safety feature so no children would ever drown.

Believe it or not (I can't believe it myself either), I did it all by myself. I'm the one who mixed and poured the cement and placed the rough blue tiles (to prevent the customers from slipping) piece by piece. I learned the proper way of doing it on the free-to-watch, D.I.Y. (Do it yourself) videos in the internet.

I collected all the available smooth stones of different colors and sizes in our area and arranged it to create a path towards my hot spring. I cut and sawed bamboo trees to make a big arch with the name of my new business in it. I also built fences for the privacy of my customers, improvised changing rooms, benches, tables, chairs, and sheds out of the same material! Bamboo is so versatile! Nothing is wasted!

I've arranged potted plants and flowers to make the whole place even more beautiful. It's all about the presentation. And lastly, I bought an electric water pump, removed the old one, and installed it myself. I also bought snacks and knick-knacks for souvenirs.

And now, I'm completely and utterly broke. I've even used my savings to make it all possible.

I stepped back, and stared at my finished work...

I really wanted to cry, because finally, I can say, that I achieved something, that I established something, using my own two hands. But I just swiped my nose and kept all the tears inside.

I've only won half the battle. The real war has just begun!

This is it... This is really it! The moment of truth!

I removed the "Under Construction" sign and pierced the ground with a new one.

"The Bamboo Hot Spring is now officially OPEN!!!"

I quickly went at the backyard, turned the electric water pump on, and set the Flow Switch to "Low". Steaming, crystal clear water continuously flowed out from the steel pipe and it slowly filled up the pool. After three hours, I turned it off to save water and electricity. I'll turn it on again when the customers arrived.

My Entrance Fee is only 50 Pesos and the customers can stay for as long as they want. It's really cheap and truly great deal.

After making double sure that the electric water pump is turned off, I returned to the front lawn and sat on my reception table under the cool shade of trees.

I waited for my customers to come...

I've waited... and waited... for hours...

But nobody came...

At 6 o'clock, I turned the bamboo sign on its opposite side - "CLOSED" - and called it a day.

I took of my clothes, turned on the water pump again, sat back, and soaked on the hot spring water.

Now I really want to cry.

I've waited for a whole day... But nobody came... Why...? What did I miss...? Did I do something wrong...? The whole place looks beautiful enough... Have I... Failed again...?

My head slowly bowed down. Self-pity and dejection started creeping in...

Is everything I've done all for nothing...?

Have I just made another big mistake...?

Quietly, my mom and dad joined me in the hot spring and sat beside me.

"The water is wonderful, Tessy." My mom said in her soft voice.

"We're proud of what you did, son." My dad affirmed.

I almost cried.

"But... I have no customers in my grand opening, Dad... I didn't earn anything..."

My dad smiled.

"It's okay. Everything takes time, Teslan. Don't worry, they will soon come."