
Lady of the Worlds

It was like a window cracked open in the middle of the room so suddenly. Dark matters circled and hovered aimlessly above the elevation. If you gazed inside it, you would perceive utter darkness seeping into your eyelids.

Whistling initiated alongside its apparition. It blew in an air current although the hall was windowless and tightly closed. It was a warm breeze that blew upon our faces, but it spiked the hairs on the back of my neck regardless. It began sweeping the atmosphere towards it and a few of the minimal rubble, flew up and collided with it. Upon impact, they disappeared into the void without a trace.

I was unsure of the phenomena happening right before me, but I had seen something of the likes of this lightless window.

The darkness resembled much the contents of Demonic's form. And I had seen them first hand too. Back when he pulled me out of the world and took me to Kazalkar, I spent a few days within his closed clutch. It was like standing in a black painted room without any lights whatsoever. It was so dark, that I even panicked, thinking I had lost either my sight or my body in whole.

Such was the corridor crackling before us. I had a mild theory, but I hypothesized that the inside of the space was devoid of light and allowed whatever passed through to disappear once within it.

I heard footsteps from beyond the veil. They were faint at first, but felt louder and louder with time. It came to a point where I thought it was someone's echo in the hall. But I knew not to trust my instincts when dealing with Demonic God and the likes of his company. I have seen some extent of their capabilities and the absurdity of their power enough already. A woman with echoing footsteps was nothing weird in comparison.

Her title was a bit peculiar. Lady of the Worlds!

What had prompted such an honorific from Demonic God whom I have learned to be capable of creating worlds at his whim? He said so himself after all in a loud and clear articulation. That alone peaked my interest in the so called Lady, even after her long and teasing entrance. She must be at least on par with the sadistic god…I think…

I was lost in thought when, lo and behold, she made her flashy appearance.

I know it might sound unrealistic, but a leg and an arm protruded from the veil alone. They were in mid-air and appeared to be cut at the joints since the rest of her body was still obscured inside. The Lady of the Worlds came in whole soon after and revealed herself before us.

With a sucking noise, the veil dissipated and deconstructed itself like a cube of sugar dissolving in a glass of water.

Before I describe her…

(I mean to say that with you readers as my witnesses, I have never failed to theorize correctly on the unknown.)

…I think the veil is really a place void of light in which one could not see where the end of the corridor connected.

"Lady!" Luo gave a slight nod and closed his eyes with respect directed at her. "Thank you for arriving this quick on such a short notice."

"Pay it no mind, Luo. It is my duty to serve."

She returned the nod gracefully, putting more effort in it than what Luo did. Even Demigod spoke to her with such respect. I wonder how far her influence has spread within these mountains.

"Master!" she joined hands to greet Demonic. "I have arrived as requested."

"Kun! We are short on time, so if you would open the rifts quickly I would be most grateful."

"Right away" her robotic voice answered. She turned around to begin her work when both our eyes met.

Kun seemed like a familiar name he used for her. If I had to guess, it was some sort of nickname regarding her character.

(Remember this statement for later.)

If I had to say it simply, she looked quite ordinary in terms of appearance. In terms of presence though, I'm sure she made everyone feel a constant dagger to the heart. More on that, disregarding her golden raying hair and the white raiment she fashioned herself with, her light bearing eyes gave me a mystic feel. A static sensation coursed down my spine in that brief exchange, almost like she spoke directly into my mind.

I saw a flash of gold shimmer through them. Her face moved away from my sight but her eyes lingered still, piercing my very soul. I heard my name being called out in hisses. 'Akilaba…Akilaba…'

I waved my head harshly, casting the voice and the image of this woman away from my weary mind.

While I delved into my thoughts, again, she was ready to open the "rifts". The Lady of the Worlds wove a handful of swings with her arms. Her clenches seeped of white sparkles and drew a trail behind the movement of her limbs. After her show ended, she pushed forth the drawings that had formed during the performance and created what were seen as thin vertically supported drapes. Drapes of white sparks and stars.

Three fissures were conjured instantly before our eyes. They were akin to a door within which an image reflected clearly. Within the first, I could see a man, wearing a funky purple robe, swinging his arms wildly all the while juggling with a ball of fire. In the second, there was a clash happening where two opposing armies simply rammed and killed each other. In the third, I saw multiple people of all ages, sitting on the ground and meditating.

I was not sure which I had to choose. The die had chosen me. All three were quite ambiguous after a quick glance at them. If my initial plans, to take out the kings and stop them from creating a world similar to the one we were living in, was to work, then I had to choose appropriately. A setting where advantages were not found and yet where my death would come not sooner than theirs. I hope he will give us a brief description…

"Hmm!" he cleared his throat to get our attention back as we were so immersed with the mind-blowing show. "Seventh. Choose one if you may!"

I looked again at the images depicted in each of the three doorways. Mechanically speaking, I could deduce similarities with the corridor the Lady used to arrive in here. In both, there were hints of stars…like stuff related to space and cosmology of sorts.

Was it a way to connect two places together by distorting space in order to shorten the distance to be travelled?

That was how I perceived the black corridor. I was no magic-savvy person, but I was no idiot either. These three doorways however, showed a picture, which meant that there was light reflected within them. So, I asked forcefully.

"Um, is it possible for you to describe the three? Demonic God…" I chose my tone carefully this time. Another outburst of his part would perhaps render my choice of the setting nulled.

"A wise choice, Akilaba! They don't call you that for nothing after all."

Demonic walked up to the first of these rifts, the one with the purple dressed old man. As he did so, I saw the Lady sparing me another glance. I thought her gaze was actually sizing me up this time, evaluating me through what I have just said. There was something odd about this woman that I couldn't wrap my finger around it yet.

Demonic began his description, I focused back on him.

"This first one is a world where magic exists and its people pursue what is called the ways of the arcane. Anyone can have this power for themselves and it is quite easy to get."

No. This is a definite no. If it is easy to procure and can be found among many, then not only will the other kings have no struggle to acquire it but they could also gather many followers of equal calibres. I didn't say it out loud, but if the others were not worse, then this was definitely not my pick.

Demonic moved to the second rift, the one where a war was occurring.

"As you can see from the image, this is a world much like the one you were originally in. The countries are in a constant state of war and everyone is quite ordinary" he passed along it to arrive at the third when he left another comment. "I wouldn't choose this one. Quite boring if you ask me."

And here I thought there was no way the other settings were worse than the first. Not only is it the same as our original world, but if I have to take into consideration that should I be birthed a child, my death would be definite before I even make any progress.

No, no, no and definitely no! The third please. Please let the third be good. Please!

"In the third" Demonic moved next to it, "the world is filled with cultivation and people striving towards the path of cultivation. It is a hard journey but in which many rewards awaited the hard worker!"

I didn't know what cultivation meant. It was a vague explanation but I could tell, this was the best choice. No…the perfect choice in fact. A hard journey but with reaps of rewards should one strive. Which meant, that there was a possibility that the other kings would fail while I would be able to keep them in check.

Yup. That was my pick! I was about to pronounce my choice when Demonic had another rule to add.

"Oh! I knew I forgot something. Another rule I should have mentioned…" he was prickling his chin maliciously. "Under no circumstances you are to kill each other after being reincarnated!"


I was taken aback. That rule destroys everything I've been scheming…the choice didn't matter anymore…as it is, I should probably go for the second option then. The one with war after all. At least with that, they could die without my intervention. Wait, but if they don't, then it is meaningless…

"Should any of you attempt it or succeed at it even without their knowledge of the other king's identity, then I will make sure your punishment is even worse than what you have been enduring in here."

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…

Why? Why did he have to add that restriction? If I couldn't kill them and prevent their onslaught then…wait a minute…

He said we couldn't kill each other after being reincarnated. Right? Then, I will have to do it now before anything else happens. Yes, that was the only way. While he is yet busy speaking, I'll kill all six. We're all bound carelessly, but it'll be difficult for them to do anything.

I took a moment to gather my courage. Doing this while in his presence, was not only risky but was also foolish. But I had no choice anymore. He forced my hand himself…it's his fault not mine! Yes, his fault…not my fault.

I strained myself, gulped a handful of dry saliva. I steeled my resolve as I was giving myself a head start jump. The closest to me was Izaresius. He was sitting on the floor all this time. I suppose it would be easy to just wring his neck and continue onto the next.

Here goes nothing…

I was meant to jump at him in that moment but I felt extremely heavy. I couldn't throw myself off the ground and I also sensed a ring in my ears, like the whole room was deafened in that instance. Don't tell me that Demonic was able to predict this and stop me already…

I could move my eyes fortunately. What I saw was very weird if I must say. I was so flustered by the possibility that I was discovered, that I didn't notice everyone in the hall was frozen in their ground, immobile and petrified. Unlike me, none was moving their eyes.

My gaze shot towards Demonic, but he was in that state too. Just who could have caused this to happen? And for what reason?

"I heard you were wise, King Akilaba! I did not think you would opt for that desperate measure."

I recognized that robotic tone. Dead in my tracks, I swiped my sight towards the right side of the hall, where the owner of the voice stood in wait.

"You're making this very hard on me, you know!"

Don't tell me it's her? The Lady of the Worlds?

What does the Lady of the Worlds have in store for our dear Akilaba? stay tuned for when i publish chapter 7...it's gonna be the beginning of a new act and the start of the journey.

Thank you for reading my work and as always, leave a comment to fuel me with encouragement.

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