
The Sentinels: Resealing The Kono Penitentiary Orb

The Kono Penitentiary Orb was created long ago by the Sentinels, The Kono Clan, to trap an evil spirit know as Kaguya. As time passes, The Kono clan had continuously resealed the orb. The last descendant of the Kono family, the father of Akio ran away from the responsibility as so to stop this burden from continuing and to keep his son away from danger. With the seal weakened, the new Generation Sentinels have to find Akio and try to reseal the orb before it brings the age of extinction. Hidden deep in the midst, will they succeed in finding it? or will there be the age of extinction?

Percy_Nkululeko · Acción
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2 Chs

An Old Friend

Naomi Suzuki (17)

"I ended up in the hospital..." Naomi murmurs regaining consciousness.

"Naomi, you're okay?" Asahi is worried.

"Don't even ask, you idiot! You almost let her die!" Miwa yells at Asahi.

"Why are you overreacting?" I just wanted to give her battle experience so she can get strong too. Besides she's Pro B Ranked . She was more than enough for that runt." Asahi tries to validate his actions.

"I don't want to hear another word from you!" Miwa casts him out, "are you okay, Naomi?"

"Ms Miwa..., Sakamoto...sensei?" Naomi struggling to talk.

"You are a strong girl, Naomi." Asahi says so.

"You shut up!" Miwa madly shuts him out, "focus on me, Naomi. The doctor said even if you've suffered an extreme loss of blood, you'll be fine. It must be part of you enhanced abilities." Miwa ensures Naomi.

"It was... My fault. I'm...the one who... Told Sakamoto sensei... That I ... Wanted to be... Stronger." Naomi tries to calm Miwa down.

"It's okay, Naomi. Just lay down, I'm glad you're okay." Miwa smiles at her.

"Can I say something?" Asahi tries to enter the conversation. Miwa firmly stares at him, with his eyes steaming of anger.

"I'll just see myself out I guess."

Along the corridor.

"...well, now, now, what do you choose between boobs and or a huge butt?" Kenji tries to have an honest guy conversation with the boys.

"I choose b-"

"Boobs," Asahi finishes off Tyler's response and they are all shocked, except Isamu.

"Sakamoto sensei?" They all exclaim, expect Isamu.

"Well, she's awake, but Miwa still blames me for everything. She's mad so I had to excuse myself." Asahi explains to them what happened.

"I always admired your respect for women, Sakamoto sensei." Kenji says so with a huge grin on his face. Akio smacks him and he growls in pain, "Hey!"

Kenji Ogawa (20) and Tyler Ralph (22) are both classified as Pro Ranked Sentinels .

Yuri, Vagro and Violet approach them. "I just heard one of the juniors was admitted to the hospital and I had to come and check on them. So considerate of me." Yuri confidently expresses her consideration.

Yuri Kayahashi (32) is a senior sentinel, self absorbed, self loving, and always approaches any situation calmly. Asahi had always had a thing for her. She's an Elite B Ranked Sentinel .

"My love, Yuri. It feels like forever since I saw you." Asahi simps for her.

"It was only a week ago, you idiot." Vagro grins, silently mocking him.

"This has nothing to do with you, Vagro!" Asahi is mad at him.

Vagro (34) is self absorbed, doesn't care about anyone else except himself, loved pink and cars. He's one to spend his money without checking the balance. He is an Elite B Ranked Sentinel .

"Hahaha, all of you boys look pathetic!" Violet laughs at them.

Violet (16) is a psycho, loud and loves to laugh at anything when she gets a chance, even in laugh threatening situations, she also loves the colour purple. She is a Pro B Ranked Sentinel .

"No one pay attention to her." Kenji tells them and they all look away.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Violet yells at them for not paying attention to her.

"You don't know anything about love!" Asahi yells at Vagro.

"My favorite color is pink, so I know more about love than you ever will." Vagro laughs at him.

"What kind of a man loves pink and be happy about it?" Asahi madly says so.

The Same Tunnel Asahi and Naomi were in, is entered by Jason.

"Hahaha, when we're you planning to come back to life?" Jason laughs at Kevin. Kevin's head grows back and he wakes up.

"I didn't want to waste all my lives. If I kept coming back, that yellow haired brat was gonna keep killing me. Looks like his technique is stopping time and I can't keep up with it even if I tried." Kevin grins.

"I'm glad you can still keep a smile after all that, you're positive." Jason laughs at him.

"That was the whole purpose, I lured him out here, so we can figure out his technique." Kevin says so confidently.

"There's one more I need you to figure out. That blindfolded idiot, I need to know what he is hiding. He may be even stronger than his sensei. He's so fascinating, isn't he?" Jason chuckles.

"I hate being killed, it's really painful!" Kevin tries to get himself out the situation.

"With all the lives you have to spare, you'll need the money on offer. Asahi has probably figured out you're not the one responsible for the attack on the baseball arena. You're weak, you couldn't even hide it." Jason mocks Kevin.

"Tsk! Damn you, Jason," Kevin gets mad.

"Be careful now, dying is painful, remember?" Jason laughs at him.

Jason heads out, "I'll be waiting, Kevin."