
The Secret of every nerd

Everyone has a secret either big or little that they want to stay hidden from the word. Just like everyone Samantha Anderson the new nerd also is also keeping a a huge secret. But to what length is she willing to go to ensure it stays that way when an unexpected somebody suddenly takes interest in here.

Yourfavoriteweirdo · Adolescente
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29 Chs

Finding out secret 1

"Morning Samantha"

I sluggish opened my eyes to the sound of my  housekeeper Mary waking me up

"Good morning Mary did my parent sleep in last night?"

I asked stretching my stiff body on my bed

"No your mummy left a message saying  that she has a fashion show coming up soon so she will be busy for the next two day while your father's PA also left a message from your father  that they had an emergency in one of his industry at Malaysia so he would not be available for the next few days"

she said

"So in other words I will be home alone like every other weeks" I said trying to adjust my eyes to the blinding light


But you know..... "

"your parents are doing this for you

yeah I hear that everyday Mary and you don't have to worry about me  I am not a little girl any more I can handle myself"

I  said cutting her off as I walked straight to the bathroom to showered and dressed up

Walking down to to the kitchen I meet our Cook frying eyes on the gas

"Miss Anderson should I set the table?"

She asked me as she carefully dropped the egg on a plate

"Come on

Lilly we talked about this just call me Sam or even Samantha

I am not my mummy don't make me feel like a rich old woman in her huge empty castle  and no I am going to skip on breakfast today

I am already late

So.... see you later"

I answered her while taking a cupcake and coke as I walked out to our garage

"Sam what car are you taking today "

Mr black, Mary's husband our driver asked

"Audi RS5 coupe"

I said walking down to my beauty for the day

"Head up"

Mr black said throwing the keys to me

"Have a nice day and trying driving a bit slow this time around

Everything is not a race

Before I forget I left a little something in the car for you

Happy belated birthday Missy"

He said

"You didn't have to but thanks Mr black

And I will try taking it easy today

See you later"

I said with a huge smile on my face as I entered into the car and drove off

"Sam you missed yesterday party it was everything

Luke finally asked me out yesterday"

Emily happily said ranting my ears off as I got out of the car


I am so happy for you when is the date?"

I asked barely making the words out

"On Thursday can I  borrow some your Pink last year collection

I have to impress Luke"

She asked

"Sure is that all"


she said and walked down the hall

"Thanks a lot Sam"

I said to myself as I watched her

Entering drama class I went to sit down next to Alexis the school nerd

"Hi Sam"

she shyly said

"Hi Alexis"

"Have you done the work Mr Dig gave us last class?"

"He gave us homework"

I unknowingly shouted out loud

"Yes miss Anderson I gave you homework

can I see yours"

looking up I came face to face with Mr Dig wondering when he even entered the class.

"Miss Anderson the homework"

he asked clearly knowing that I have not yet done it, sometimes I wonder if this man hate me but now I am completely sure he hates me and he  loves embarrassing me in front of the whole class

"I didn't do it"

I said in a faint voice

"And why didn't you do it?"

He asked

"I forgot"

I said getting a bit anxious with all the attention I was getting from the class

"and why is that"

"Are you kidding me

  I didn't do it because I didn't want to"

I angrily said

"Detention Miss Anderson for rudely talking back"

He said


You wanted me to talk back just say you want to see my face a bit longer and don't worry I love detention I will even bring my friends I know it can get boring for you"

I said with a smirk in my face as the whole class busted out laughter.

"To the principal Miss Anderson"

Mr Dig said again but this time a lot angrier

"I will happily do that your class is so boring by the way so it definitely a plus in my side"

I said packed my books dropping them all in my bags and left his class

"He had it coming for a while and that man seriously knows how to get on my nerves"

I complained out loud as I passed the janitor closet until I heard some moaning

"Don't they ever get tired of sucking each other's face

It is just 9am"

I said trying badly to block them out

"Baby what wrong"

The guy said making me stop for a minute

The voice too familiar to me which made me curious

"You still haven't broken up with her"

The girl shrieked out and surprisingly her voice also very sounded familiar

I was 98% sure I knew them

"But you know I can't Ava"

He said finally solving the mystery to me


I was completely shocked because she has not mentioned any new boy in a life of recent which is something she can't keep a secret even if she tried

"Why Josh?

Is it because of her money?"

She asked but all I took from that was the name she mentioned


It can't be my boyfriend right?

I thought hoping to all heavenly body she was in their with another Josh

She might be a bad friend but she will never to this to me she is one of my best friend

It has to be a jerk Josh it just has to be another one

"Damnt it Ava

You know I can't break up with her yet I need secure that internship"

"Leave the Internship we already have enough contact from her

she won't even suspect a thing

I am tired of hearing her talk all the time  about how an amazing boyfriend you are

You are mine"

"Of course I am yours

You know that I don't love her she is way too simple

My eyes is only on you let just wait a little longer and I promise I will leave her and I finally be all your holding back

I am also tired of acting all lovey dovey around her"

I did not even know I was crying until I felt tears roll down my face "

This can't be true it's a lie

Josh loves me

This all is a dream

I kept telling myself not believing what I was hearing

The door suddenly opened wide


Ava gasped out

"Babe is not what you think"

Josh ditching Ava and rushed to my side

The next thing i heard was a sound with Josh putting his hand on is cheek,

That was when I realised that i had actually slapped him

"Don't you dare say another word"

I glared at Ava one last time then I ran to the bathroom to cry out my feelings again