
The Secret of Amrutha Kshethra

In the mystical realm of 'Alokdhama', a secluded island nestled within the enigmatic expanse of 'Abhivyktadesh', resides a young orphan named Karna. His life, nurtured by benevolent monks, takes an unexpected turn when he awakens one day to strange sensations coursing through his veins. This catalytic moment sets forth a journey of self-discovery that transcends the ordinary, embarking on a path of cosmic significance. Little does Karna know, his very lineage conceals the key to unlocking ancient powers long dormant within him. Guided by wise mentors and fueled by an insatiable curiosity, Karna immerses himself in the intricate martial arts of 'Amitva'. His goal? To master the elusive 'Vayuparshukala' technique, believed to unleash boundless potential and establish a profound connection with the primal energies woven into the universe. As Karna's training intensifies, he finds himself grappling with an overwhelming surge of energy that defies his control. Frustration and a deep sense of unrest propel him to seek guidance from his mentor, the revered head priest of the monastery. In the process, Karna unravels a truth that upends his understanding of himself and unveils a cosmic design far more intricate than he ever fathomed. The narrative weaves a complex tapestry of intertwined destinies and celestial orchestrations. Karna's burgeoning powers are not a mere anomaly but a pivotal cog in the universe's intricate machinery. His lineage carries the echoes of ancient deities who once battled malevolent extraterrestrial forces, forcing them into a deep slumber. Now, as darkness threatens to engulf the realm, Karna's emergence heralds a critical juncture—a chance to reawaken these dormant gods and counteract the looming malevolence. In the face of his newfound abilities, Karna must navigate a world teetering on the edge of oblivion. He grapples with unruly powers while seeking to uncover the cryptic heritage that binds him to the cosmos. Allies, both divine and mortal, gather around him as he unravels layer upon layer of the universe's enigmatic design. The climax hurtles toward an epic showdown, where the fate of 'Alokdhama' and far beyond hangs in the balance. Readers are invited to join Karna's voyage of self-discovery, witnessing the unraveling of destiny's threads, the confrontation of ancient malevolence, and a quest to rekindle equilibrium in a world shrouded in mystery.

kuttu_eternal · Fantasía
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6 Chs

We can inflict Some Damage

Chapter 03: We Can Inflict Some Damage

The forest resounded with the echoes of their triumph over the hornless dark beast. Karna, Anurag, Sachin, and Deeru stood victorious but winded, their weapons stained with the creature's blood. The intensity of the battle had taken them all by surprise.

"Karna, that move you pulled off was amazing!" Anurag couldn't help but admire his friend. "It was like you and your weapon were one."

Karna, ever humble, replied, "Thanks, but it was my first real fight, not just a spar with Master."

Deeru seemed puzzled, "Wait, you spar with Head Guruji?"

Sachin chimed in, "No wonder you're so skilled with weapons."

Karna nodded, "Yeah, I've had my share of tough training with Master. But let's not lose sight of our mission here."

Deeru still in awe of Karna's skills mumbled, "You're something, Bhai."

Sachin interjected, "True, our first kill was quick thanks to Karna. But remember, we're here to find the clues to the Deva's trail. We can't get complacent."

Karna steered their focus back to their mission. "That's right, guys. We need to remain vigilant. The cave's clues will be different for each of us."

Sachin recalled his Guruji's words, "My Guruji told me that the cave tests us in various ways. Our strength, our willpower, even our spontaneity when we face a sudden threat like a dark beast. We need to be ready."

With renewed determination, they set off into the forest, their inexperience outweighed by their determination to uncover the cave's mysteries. The forest enveloped them in thick shrubs and towering trees, their tops hidden by the eternal darkness above.

As they ventured forward, the elder monk assigned to protect them noticed something amiss. He turned his attention to the right and saw a red-horned beast lurking in the shadows, silently following the disciples. They were oblivious to its presence.

Karna's instincts kicked in, and he called for a halt. "Stop," he urged his companions. "I can feel it, someone or something is watching us. I can sense it, like a shiver down my spine."

Deeru laughed, "Come on, Bhai. It's probably just another unhorned beast. They attack directly, right?"

Sachin agreed, "Deeru's got a point. Why do you think someone's following us?"

Karna hesitated, struggling to put his feelings into words. "I can't explain it, but I just sense it. My body's reacting to danger. It's like the weapon energy within me is on alert."

Anurag supported Karna, "Let's not dismiss his feelings. We should keep an eye out and figure out what's going on."

They cautiously scanned their surroundings, determined to uncover the mysterious presence that Karna had sensed. Their first encounter with the forest's secrets had just begun, and they couldn't afford to underestimate its challenges.

The beasts always did as their instincts guided them. But the elder monk noticed that this beast wasn't acting in its instincts but following the disciples and trying to catch them by surprise to directly kill them. " I have to be ready to act at any time", he muttered under his lips.

Karna and his friends stopped their chatter and grew serious about their situation, paying even more attention to their surroundings. Karna's master had taught him to excel in every aspect, including developing keen hearing. He pressed his hand to the earth, feeling the vibrations and listening to the faintest movements of the air. It all felt strange, sensing the subtle vibrations made by the beast on the surface of the earth. It was unlike any hunt they had faced so far.

Deeru, who had been less cautious toward the east, moved closer to Sachin to talk to him as usual. Just as he made his move, the beast attacked with lightning speed. Fortunately, Deeru stumbled over a root and fell face-first, narrowly avoiding the beast's deadly lunge.

Karna's heart raced as the beast missed its target and landed in front of him. It wasn't like any unhorned beast they had encountered before. It was small, about the size of a large house cat, covered in soft, earth-toned fur, primarily shades of warm brown and light gray. The fur was thick and provided natural insulation, perfect for keeping warm during colder nights. Its round, beady eyes gleamed with a kind and inquisitive expression, framed by a mask-like pattern of slightly darker fur around its eyes. Despite its small size, it had a sturdy build, with short, stout legs that allowed for agile movements. In short, it was a Humbledarkfire Badger.

Karna was flabbergasted by the appearance of the unhorned beast. It had a red horn, an anomaly according to their records. "What the hell is with this badger?" Sachin cried out.

Badgers were considered non-aggressive animals, and yet here it was, attacking them with a red horn, which gave it an unknown and potentially deadly ability. Karna snorted and tightened his grip on his weapon, preparing to face the beast. He moved his weapon left and right, holding onto the wooden staff and pointing the metal sword part toward the beast. He channeled his internal energy into his muscles to strengthen himself. The attack came fast and aggressive, but it only made a scratch on the beast's body.

Sachin, watching from afar, moved toward the beast and swung his paricha broadsword at its hind legs. However, the beast was faster and darted toward Deeru, who had just regained his footing. When Deeru saw the charging beast, he cursed, "Damn you, animal," and channeled his energy into his muscles. He rose from the ground and assumed a fighting stance, delivering a roundhouse kick as the beast approached.

"Aaarghhh," Deeru cried out in pain as his leg sprained upon landing the kick. Although it was a futile attempt, the force was enough to push the beast aside, causing it to fall beside Karna once more. Enraged, the beast unleashed its ability, "Dark Emberscratch." Though not a strong skill, the dark fire produced by it was fierce for this group of disciples.

Karna gripped his long wooden staff tightly and began to perform a precise weapon art, channeling energy fully into his body. With a powerful slash, before the beast could fully unleash its skill, he aimed for its neck. The weapon landed accurately, and since the beast was focused on channeling its energy, it couldn't dodge the attack. Blood oozed from its neck as its fur was broken, and it let out a pained cry.

"Good! We can inflict some damage," Karna thought as they continued to battle the mysterious unhorned beast with its deadly abilities.

My sincere apologies for the delay in publishing the chapter. Regrettably, my commitment to aiding my students with their podcasts and various artistic competitions in the demanding realm of real-life obligations left me with limited time to pursue this cherished hobby. Rest assured, I am dedicated to resuming regular updates in the future.

Navigating the promotional landscape of webnovels presents its own challenges. If engagement primarily hinges on comments and subscriptions, I humbly request your support and encouragement. Your continued patronage serves as a powerful motivator, spurring me to craft and release subsequent chapters with unwavering dedication.

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