
The Secret Chest

Laiba_Javed21 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Before the Journey

It is a sunny, busy and hectic day in Steve's Land in the month of May and Mr. and Mrs. John are planning for giving a surprise to their children. They are thinking about family holidays but both don't seem happy on the places suggested by one another.

Mr.John in quite a low voice, "I don't think we will ever be able to go somewhere in this summer. You don't like what I like and I don't want to visit the places you are telling." Mrs.John while putting her makeup on," Let me ask the children. They would probably have something in their minds. I just want to go somewhere. No matter what the place is. But the places you're broaching aren't of my interest." Mr.John in a bit furious tone," You never seem happy with my choices. It would be a wonderment for them. I seriously don't think that we should spill this out of our mouths this soon." Mrs.John nods her head to show agreement with her husband.

Mr.John while exiting the house for a business meeting," Bye honey! I would be back in a few hours and then would be able to execute this more easily."

The children are coming back from school and it was the last day of school before the summer holidays. Alice doesn't seem excited about the holidays because she never feels good at home. She finds peace in books and at school. While, Tom, Ed and Sam are over joyed and elated.

Alice enters the house along with her siblings. "Mom! I think that schools shouldn't be giving holidays to students. It should be an year full of studies and things relevant to it." Tom while cutting the words of Alice," You never look exultant about anything other than school." Alice hates what Tom said and becomes a bit ironic," Yeah! and that's why you are the topper of your class." Tom," Excuse me! I never cry for my grades. I get good grades and I think that I am blessed with whatever I get." Sam wants to end the fight so jumps in," Please! stop this. You both. It is a blissful moment. You shouldn't destroy it."

Mrs.John sees the situation and also isn't happy about the views of Alice, "Alice, studying all the time brings worries. Life is a precious gift of God. You should also take some time out and explore the world that is surrounding you." Ed is in the kitchen and is hungry. He is searching for something to eat and opens the refrigerator while mumbling, "I hope I would find something delicious here." He pulls out a piece of pastry from the refrigerator and while pulling it out, he accidentally drops all the milk in the big jar of glass. In a little horrific tone, "Oh Shit! now mom would again punish me for this." Mrs.John on hearing this noise of shattering glass,"Ed! I know it's you. You could have had asked me to bring food for you. Let me come and see what kind of a mess you've created." Ed in a low and fearful voice, " I'll clean it up. Don't come. I know another detention is waiting for me." Mrs.John comes inside the kitchen and sees the milk spilled over the floor and the glass pieces. In a rage full manner, "When will you grow up? What the heck had happened to your hands? Now clean this mess up before your dad reaches the home. He wants everything clean in the house." Ed in embarrassment, "Okay! I will try to clean it all up."

Alice has gone upstairs and is sad. Tom and Sam enter her room. Tom," Sorry! if I have hurt you." Alice," No. I think I said more bitter words. I am sorry too." Sam, "Hurray!" Tom, "Alice! shall we visit any place these summers?" Alice who is a super introvert person, "Yeah! but I love the quiet places with little or no population." Sam," I wanted to visit the bustling city of London. It is my dream." Tom," I think this time we should go with Alice's choice." Ed comes upstairs after cleaning the mess and joins his siblings. Tom on seeing Ed entering, "Ed! Alice is saying that we should visit any place, quiet and serene. Can you suggest any?" Ed, " My friend Ross visited woods in last summers. He told me that it's a beautiful area. This is what Alice would love." Alice in a gleeful tone," Yup! I am already excited to see that place." Sam, "How many miles away?" Ed, " According to Ross, it's 300 miles away from here." Alice adds, "It means it would take 5 hours to reach the woods from here by car." Tom, " Yes! Probably." Sam asks Ed, "What's the name of the woods? or Any place nearby?" Ed, "A town named Hushbor is near the woods. The woods are called Wilk's Woods." Alice adds, "Oh! Kerry my friend was telling about the same place. Her aunt lives in a city near Hushbor." Mr. John is climbing upstairs after coming back from the business meeting and hears the children discussing about the places they should visit. The door is slightly opened and He stands out of the door to listen about every single detail. Then he goes downstairs and asks his wife, "Have you told the children about our surprise?" Mrs.John shooks her head. Mr. John continues, "Then why are they discussing about places to visit?" Mrs.John, "I don't know. It was the last day before their summer vacations at school. They must be looking forward towards an exciting place to visit and enjoy the days." Mr.John, "They've already decided that which place should be visited." Mrs.John, "Oh that's great!"

Now it's the time for dinner and Mrs.John calls the children to come down stairs and have it. The children all in hurry rush towards the dining table. Mr.John is already present there and the table is all set. Mr.John,"Who wants a tour these summers?" All the children once,"Me." Mrs.John after a little silence,"Me too." Mr.John adds," So I am planning for a vacation towards the woods." Alice in a joyful tone," Dad! it would be an amazing adventure." Tom adds, "Yes it would be."

Mrs.John, "Then I would have to carry all of my beauty products with me. The nature also seeks for beauty." Sam giggles. Mr.John,"You can carry with yourself whatever you want. You all be ready and prepare your luggage within 1 day. We will be heading towards the woods on the day after tomorrow."

The dinner ends. The children are going upstairs. Ed,"I hope the woods be Wilk's Woods." Alice, "It seems that dad has heard what we were discussing about. I am sure, he would take us to the place you're talking about." Sam, "I am tired. I want to take a nap. Goodnight." Tom," Goodnight sleepy head." The kids have gone inside their rooms and Alice has started packing her luggage.

The next morning, sun has covered the sky and it's very hot outside. Mr.John is out in a business meeting and the kids are at home with their mom. They are all busy in packing their luggage.

After few hours, Mr.John returns back home. Mr.John, "So, is everything got packed?Is the luggage prepared for tomorrow?" Alice, "Yes dad! All set up." Sam, "I have been packing since 9.am in the morning, now its 1.pm. Can I go back to sleep?" Mr.John, "Yes if you've completed your packing." Sam, "I've completed it. Bye."

Everyone is excited for the holidays and is waiting for the day to pass. Mrs.John is inside her room searching for more cosmetics while Alice is busy in deciding about the books she could take to read on her holidays. Tom and Ed are busy in playing video games while Mr.John is sitting on a chair in the lounge and is reading the newspaper.

The night has arrived. Sam is still on her bed, sleeping since the noon while others are moving towards their bedrooms for taking a nap after completing their work which is preceeding towards the next day's tour.