
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Cómic
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56 Chs

Bakugou Vs. Akuma!

"So I'm going against you next hot head?" Bakugou said with a glare as he got face to face with Akuma and the others could feel the tension.

"That's funny coming from a tantrum throwing bomb." Akuma said with a wicked grin and the others backed up just in case the battle started early. Mei grabbed Akuma's arm and he turned to her with a small smile before facing Bakugou again.

"You're gonna die." Bakugou told him with a serious face as he turned to walk to the waiting room, "So don't you hold back."

"Was that a sign of respect?" Ida asked to Izuku in a lowered voice and he nodded in confirmation.

"I've never known Kacchan to show respect to anyone." Izuku explained as he watched Akuma and Mei leave as well, "This will probably be the biggest fight we've seen so far and with Akuma not being able to use Super Saiyan correctly I'm not sure who will win."

"So you're saying that Bakugou actually stands a chance?" Kirishima asked in disbelief before he grinned, "This is going to one hell of a fight!"

"Kacchan and Akuma are both geniuses when it comes to fighting and they are unmatched in their own rights." Izuku said as he began to think out loud, "They are the perfect opponents to test their abilities against."

"You're muttering again Midoriya." Mina told him and his face turned red from embarrassment. They looked at the ring when the crowd became louder.

"It's time for the first match of semifinals! Are you two ready?!" Midnight yelled as they took their fight stances in silence, "I'm going to take that as a yes! The match begins now!"

"Neither student has moved yet and it's leaving me on the edge of my seat!" Present Mic yelled as the two continued to stare each other down, "Why aren't they moving?!"

"They're already in a stalemate." Aizawa said into his microphone so the rest of the spectators wouldn't begin to speak up like in Bakugou's previous fight, "It's going to be up to them who attacks first."

"That kid is fast!" Present Mic yelled as Akuma suddenly appeared in front of Bakugou with his arm cooked back but he jumped away when Bakugou caused an explosion to stop him. Akuma flipped out of the way as Bakugou dashed towards him and used both of his hands to make a massive explosion. Bakugou barely blocked in time as Akuma aimed a fierce kick for his face and he fired off another blast that Akuma was forced to block and they both slid along the ground. They both charged forward and Akuma landed a heavy punch to Bakugou's jaw as he hit him with an explosion to the face.

"They finally landed their attacks and it seems they are still revving to go!" Present Mic yelled as the two regained their balance and looked at each other with wicked grins.

"Try to block this one!" Akuma said as he sent small and fast energy attacks that streaked the air and Bakugou gracefully dodged them midair with his explosions before flying straight for Akuma. He narrowly dodged Akuma's fist and grabbed his jacket while flying towards the edge of the ring but Akuma delivered a nasty headbutt to his nose. Bakugou let him go and used both hands to hit him with a giant explosion that filled the ring with smoke.

"Damn hot head!" Bakugou yelled as he charged in Akuma's direction but he quickly realized that he was above him and barely got out of the way as Akuma slammed an energy filled hand into the ground, causing debris to fly in every direction.

"The arena may not survive this." Aizawa sighed as the two sent destructive attacks at each other that didn't seem strong enough for either of them to be taken out.

"Stay still you damn hot head!" Bakugou yelled as he fired off another large explosion and Akuma appeared behind him. He turned around fast enough for Akuma to punch his stomach instead of his back and he rolled to the opposite side of the ring. Bakugou's hand started to crackle as Akuma built energy in his hand and pulled it behind him.

"They're going to finish it with one last attack!" Izuku yelled as he leaned over the rail and the crowd roared louder. Cementoss built several walls between them as they both launch massive attacks at one another and when they hit the wall debris and dust flew in every direction, not allowing anyone to see who the winner was.

"Bakugou has won!" Midnight yelled as everyone saw that Akuma's foot had slid out of bounds and they were both breathing heavily, "This fight was as amazing as it was explosive."

"That Bakugou kid is certainly one of the best of the first years." Present Mic told Aizawa in an unusually calm voice, "To be honest I'm surprised he won that match."

"Both Akuma and Bakugou are powerful but Akuma is afraid of using his full strength." Aizawa explained as the two students walked out of the arena, "He says he can't control it yet."

"So like Midoriya?" Present Mic asked as he drank some water to help prevent losing his voice from all the yelling, "Can't you just shut off his quirk if he does?"

"No. He either has multiple quirks or none at all." Aizawa explained with a serious tone, "I tried to shut down his quirk during the first day of school and he didn't even notice it."

"Can everyone give a U.A. roar for that last match?!" Present Mic yelled as he changed the subject and Akuma heard the crowd be louder than ever.

"Akuma that was amazing!" Mei said as she walked up to him and he gave a small smile that she knew wasn't good, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not upset that I lost. I'm upset because of why I lost." Akuma said as he walked with her to a empty section of the stands, "As I Super Saiyan I know I could have beaten every student here but not without the risk of losing control."

"If that's all then you just need to get control of it and stop worrying about risks." Mei told him as they watched Todoroki and Midoriya begin their match, "If you refuse to use the form you will never be able to use it correctly. If I was afraid of what would happen with my babies then I'd never get any better at making them."

"You're right as usual Mei." Akuma said as his mood changed and she gave him a bright smile as they heard someone clear their throat. They turned around and saw All Might standing behind them with his usual smile.

"I just wanted to say that you and Young Bakugou had an amazing battle." All Might told him with a thumbs up, "I can't wait to see how you two progress."