
The Second Coming of the Ancient Star

Austin, a man reincarnated from a world where science is prominent, finds himself In a world where Magians, humans who possess the capabilities to perform arcane (a.k.a magic), must battle against the re-emerging demonic creatures and their followers to protect the human race and other humanoid races, from annihilation. Following a life-saving encounter with a famous hero, Austin's awakening grants him the memories of his past life and access to 'The Akasha', a mysterious system. With newfound purpose, he endeavors to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, facing challenges and adversaries to uncover the secrets of his reincarnation and the enigmatic origins of The Akasha.

SuensQuill · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The Akasha

"NOOOO! Don't leave me!." Austin yelled as he jolted from the bed.

"You're awake! It's a miracle that you're still alive after being captured by the hobgoblins." An adult man said as he approached Austin who was now clutching his head in unbearable pain.

"Hah?" Confusion etched on his face as tears silently fell.

"Thanks to your awakening, I was able to locate you." The man continued, "Though I'm not sure if you're with anyone else. I'm Agerico, Rico for short. How about you?" refraining from directly informing the disturbed child that he is the sole survivor.

He thought for a second before deciding to introduce himself as, "Austin."

"How are you feeling, Austin? Do you remember anything?"

"Where..." According to the body's memory, he should be with his mother. Austin looked around and realized that Neve is missing. "Where's.. bleurgh." he struggled as the flood of memories caused him to vomit saliva.

"Oh boy. You can't vomit with an empty stomach" The man sighed as he handed Austin a towel to wipe the drooling liquid from his lips. "I don't know any mystic arts but I know a bit of herbalism so use this to ease your headache." He said as he handed a cream to him.

"..." Austin looked at the cream that was not packed properly. It's obvious that it was made manually.

Seeing that Austin doesn't have any clue on how to use them, he expressed a resignation look and rubbed a small amount in his temples. "What does the cream feel like?" he asked to distract him from the pain.

"I-it's warm and spicy. It smells nice" Austin commented as the man smiled.

"Is it your first time using these things?"

"My mama actually do magic so we never needed this." The man expressed a disappointed look as he handed the cream to Austin.

"Well, since you already know how to use them, take some and rub them to places where it hurts." he pondered for a bit before asking, "If your mother is familiar to the mystic arts and performs healing, then does that mean that she's a Magian?"

"I don't know what that is, but she would go out to hunt at night." Austin replied.

The man thought as he scratched his chin. "Hmmm - That's odd. there aren't any beasts to be hunted nowadays because I've been taking care of them myself. Are there perhaps beasts that escaped my grasps?" he wondered. "Can you please describe the spells your mother used when performing the arcane?"


"Spells - like does she say it through incantations? Maybe she owned a grimoire or wore a relic that contains runes? Or simply a scroll that contains a sigil or maybe glyphs? Does any of these things ring a bell?"

"Ummm, No - she doesn't usually use s-spells. I don't know, but when creating a fire or when she made a wall of ice, I don't think she were using any spell. But when she was healing my wounds once, she was speaking a language I don't understand." Austin said.

The man was shocked upon hearing this but he calmly speculated, "I see, it must be an incantation then" he said, but the truth is, he knows that there are no mystic arts for healing.

"But when I asked her about that, she said that it was an ancient prayer to heal me," Austin added.

"Hmmm..." He can't believe what he was hearing. If it's ancient language that was used to pray, then the healing makes sense. That means, Austin's mother was not using the mystic arts to perform healing but by praying to a Deity.

But what's even more amazing is the fact that his mother performs magic without incantations, or a chantless arcane. Pyromancy is already rare among Magians since there are only a few of them that has an aptitude to the fire element, but cryomancy? It's now considered a Forgotten Arcane after the Eisen Kingdom fell.

Judging from their conversation, Austin realized that he was the only one who could see the holographic screen floating in front of him.

[Welcome to The Akasha]

He recalled the things that had happened so far, he was sure that he died but then saw April, his long-lost wife in his dreams. But then there's also a memory of a small boy, the owner of his body about escaping from the Barony.

"Where's Mama and What do you mean kidnapped by hobgoblins?"

"Do you really not remember anything, Austin?"

"The last time I remember is when Mama used something to make me sleep," he confirmed.

"I see so you were asleep when all of those things happened. Lucky for you kid — Where are you staring?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking." He was staring at the holographic screen.

"As you said, your mother is a Magian but the people I found with you in the cave are not Magians. Don't worry, we'll search for her once you've healed — Is this your necklace?"

"Yes, my friend Fai gave it to me," he recalled.

Rico recalled the the same necklace that his grandfather has. "Where is this friend of yours. Wait, Fai – the Legendary Wizard?"

"Yes, he was fighting with an evil woman in the Baron's chateau. A girl that can control mind is helping her"

"Don't tell me – was it an Illithid?"

"I'm not sure but I think she did say something like that, yes."

The guy pondered the news, if they started to be active recently then this explains the demonic beasts of the forest becoming more active. "I should report this to Father."

"Umm... Mister, where are we?"

"We're in the middle of the Todesfall Forest."


"Excuse me for a moment. I will also make you a meal while I'm at it. Please rest for now." Rico said as he left the room.

For the first time, Austin was able to scan his body. Aside from the bandages that covered his left shoulder, nothing in particular caught his attention except for the floating holographic texts.

[Welcome to The Akasha]

"What's this?" he whispered with confusion, curiosity, and suspicion, all at the same time when the holographic texts expanded to a window to answer his question.

[The Akasha has been specifically designed to assist individuals like yourself in reaching their optimal level of growth. Along with you, the system will also grow accordingly. Should you have any questions, desires, or adjustments, feel free to communicate them.]

He thought 'If it's designed for someone like me, does that mean that it's not referring to the world but some kind of system?'


"It can read minds?"

[To be exact, the Akasha is inside your mind]

"So am I crazy?"

[Invalid. You are not the only one who has access to the system.]

"Wait so I'm not the only one who's crazy?"

[In this world, you are currently the only one who has access to the Akasha. Invalid.]

"Why do you keep saying invalid"

[You being insane is invalid]

"And I'm denying that I'm crazy? I'm totally crazy, alright. I thought that I was living as someone named Fritz on Earth and died, then I had this dream, and then the memories of this body. Are all of those things real?"

[Invalid. Attempting to scan your Memories. Affirmative]

"You can also do that? Why does it feel like I'm being stripped naked?"

[Correct. Scan complete. Invalid]

"This should be illegal and being stripped naked is a metaphor."

[According to your memories, you reincarnated from the world called Earth which has science as the basis of their knowledge. You had a tragic life filled with regrets and sorrow. Your soul wandered to this world after you died]

"Wow. What a great way to rub it all off." Austin said ennoyingly.

[Successfully learned metaphor]

[Unable to comprehend the statement]

[Scanning for the cause of reincarnation]






[Failed to retrieve the information due to an interference]

[You were not able to remember your past life until you awakened, causing the memories of your current body to be overwritten]


[Please choose which memories would you want to keep]

"What does that mean?"

[Due to the contradicting energy that both souls possessed, we will need to delete either of each essence. Please confirm]

"No! I don't have the rights to delete this body's memories but I also don't want to forget myself."

[Understood. Researching for an alternative to avoid destroying the host due to an excessive amount of information flowing all at once]

[Resolution found]

[Attempting memory compression]

[Your memories will be compressed and you will only remember fragments everytime you level up for a certain amount. This is to make sure that the host can handle the backlash]

[Due to the influence of your memories, the system has reached an advancement stage. If you want to proceed The Akasha's evolution, please confirm]

"Is there a 'no' option?"

[Attempting Evolution]


[Due to the evolution process, you will be rebooted]

"What does that..." Austin trailed his words as he slowly lost consciousness and closed his eyes.

"What's this place?" In a space filled with darkness, Austin heard a soft voice that said...

[Evolution complete]

"I thought that I was rebooting though. Well, that was fast." That's when his eyes slowly opened to be welcomed by the worried expression of Rico.

"Are you alright?" Rico asked as beads of sweat streamed down from his forehead.

"What happened? I thought you were cooking." Austin asked, confused.

"That was yesterday. When I finished preparing your meal yesterday, I found you asleep. But when I tried to wake you up, you wouldn't budge so I started to panic." Rico explained.

"Yesterday?" But for Austin, it only felt like a minute.

"Boy, you must have been through a great trauma. Don't worry, I called Father through the communication crystal already. He said that he'll bring Mother with him and check you out. I'm sorry, I thought that since you didn't remember anything, it's okay to act a little laid back."

"But I really couldn't remember anything." He said to ease the apologizing Rico.


"Don't worry. I'm okay." Austin assured when his stomach grumbled

"I'll prepare a meal right away. Please tell me if you're hurting anywhere."

"I'm not hurting anywhere." He smiled.

"Good, good. I'll be right back."

When Austin saw Rico finally leave the room, "Alright, let me check." He glanced at the holographic window that says...

[Hello, Austin]

"Umm, Hello?"

"Yes, hello Austin."

"Woah, it can speak now?" Austin was a bit surprised to hear a reply instead of seeing it in the holographic texts

"Not really, you're the only one who can hear me. Furthermore, I only gained consciousness after the evolution. So aside from the holographic texts, I can also talk to you like this."

"I see. So what are the other changes?"

"The system changed according to your taste that's based on your memories. According to your memories, you loved to play RPG games when you were younger and worked as a game programmer when you were older so the system was altered a bit to make you feel comfortable. Do you want to make some changes?"

"That's fine."

"I understand."

"What should I call you?"

"You can call me whatever. I am originally just an affiliation, 'The Akasha', but after I evolved due to your memories' influence, I became one of your skills, 'Akasha.'"

"I'll call you Akasha then."

[Name saved] The holographic window changed.

"Umm. Akasha what are affiliations and skills?"

"It will be easier to understand if you open your 'status window'. To open it, you can just think about it or say it out loud. Before that, I held your notifications while you were asleep. I'll let you read them now since they might come in handy.


[Notice: The Akasha's Evolution is Complete!]

[Analayzing and generating your current status]

[Notice: Due to the evolution, you now have the qualifications to receive your first title]


"Depending on your actions, knowledge, and experiences, you will gain titles that can provide buffs, skills, or even debuffs."

"So a title can also cause you to become weaker?"


[Generating your first title]

[Notice: First title successfully created: The Infinite Wanderer]

"What's this?"

"You gained this title after reincarnating. All the information of your past life's memories will be stored here."

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, you now have the qualifications to receive the skill, Akasha]

"Is that you?"


"If I think about it, if The Infinite Wanderer is a title where my memories are stored, and you, Akasha is a skill. It's like the title is the database or the central processing unit, you are the operating system, while I am the hardware as well as the user."

"That's correct, it was actually developed like this because you were a programmer in your past life and would be easier for you to understand.

"Great! But why is The Akasha originally an Affiliation?"

"You were informed yesterday that you were not the only one who has access to The Akasha, correct?"


[Notice: The skill, 'Akasha' is generated successfully]

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, attributes will be adjusted accordingly but not entirely due to age restrictions.]

"Host?" Austin asked.

"It's your body. I'll change that term in the future."

"Age restriction?"

"Since your body is still six, you will have restrictions on how much you can grow your attributes."

"Like a cap?"

"You understood it clearly. But that cap will be adjusted as you age as well so you don't have to worry."

[Notice: Attributes adjustment successful]

[Current attribute percentage applied to your body: 11%]

[Notice: Due to the attributes adjustments, you have gone beyond the average attributes a human of your age should have]

"Then why did it say, went beyond?"

"It did not actually go beyond, but according to the statistics of the attribute a human of your age should have, you went beyond the average people."

"I see."

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, aptitude will be adjusted accordingly]

[Notice: Aptitude adjustment successful]

[Notice: Due to the aptitude adjustments, you have gone beyond the average aptitude a human of your age should have]

[Notice: You now have the qualifications to gain a new title]

"What?! Did I gain a new title by gaining a title? Isn't The Infinite Wanderer a bit OP?"

[Generating your new title]

[Notice: New title successfully created: A Genius Born Every Thousand Years]

"Why does it sound like I cheated to gain this title? But, okay."

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, you now have the qualifications to receive the passive skills: Quick Thinking, Accurate Analysis, Fast Learner, and Godly Growth rate.

[Notice: The skills are generated successfully]

[Notice: Due to the skills' similar effects to the skill, Akasha, they are now being absorbed]

[Notice: The skill, Akasha has successfully leveled up. Current level: 2]

"Good for you, Akasha."

[Notice: The skill, Akasha has successfully gained a new function: You can now see the description of the things around you.]

[Notice: Due to experiencing the synthesis automatically, the active skill synthesis is being created.]

[Notice: The skill Synthesis is created successfully.]

[Notice: Due to the skill's similar effects to the skill, Akasha, it is now being absorbed]


[Notice: Due to the influence of your recent actions, you now have the qualifications to receive a new title]

"Hah? What action?"

[Generating your new title]

[Notice: New title successfully created: A Friend to the Strong]

[Notice: Due to the effects of the title, your charisma will permanently increase by 5]

[Notice: Due to the influence of your recent actions, you now have the qualifications to receive a new title]


[Generating your new title]

[Notice: New title successfully created: A Friend to the Weak]

[Notice: Due to the effects of the title, your charisma will permanently increase by 5]

[Notice: It is possible to combine the titles 'A Friend to the Weak' and 'A Friend to the Strong'. Do you want to proceed?]


[Notice: The titles are combined successfully. New title: A Friend to All]

[Notice: Due to the effects of the title, your charisma will permanently increase by 10]

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, you now have the qualifications to receive the active skill: 'Enchant']

[Notice: Due to the effects of your title, you now have the qualifications to receive the passive skill: The eye of Judgement]

[Notice: Due to the skill's similar effects to the skill, Akasha, it is now being absorbed]


[Notice: The skill, Akasha has successfully leveled up. Current level: 3]

[Notice: The skill, Akasha has successfully gained a new function: You can now see the status window of the people around you.]

"You're a cheat!" Austin screamed.

"Austin? What's wrong?" Rico peaked at Austin from the door to ask.

"Ah no, it's just because of the headache. But don't worry, I'm using the cream you gave me so I am getting better."

"Hold on." Rico went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and placed it on the table near the bed. "Here, drink this. And just tell me if you need something okay?"

"Thank you." Austin watched Rico leave the room. Specifically, he's staring at the status window above Rico's head.