

Artin stood next to his sister's bed, with a deep frown on his face. Her face was pale, and although she was sleeping, and was uncovered, rivulets of sweat trickled down her cheeks and neck. There was a small piece of wet cloth in his hand, and a small basin close to the bed she lay on. He slowly placed the wet cloth on her forehead before sitting back onto the small chair that was to the side. He placed his face into his palms and looked down.

The doctors had searched for what was ailing her to no avail. That was until Aurinda had come into the room to check up on Artin. Aurinda was one of the few people he knew who could see the energy signatures of a living being. With this, she had immediately noticed that Christana's energy signature was not acting normal.

It was thanks to her that they noticed the anomaly that was happening in Christana's body. Her energy signature was unstable, and thus, it had caused her body to begin tearing up from the inside out.