
The Search For Alana

Chelsea Manchester, a shy but aesthetic teen goes into a whole new world when her widowed mother marries an elegant British widower. She moves into a new city, new house and new school excited and ready to start a new life. However, tragedy strikes and she gets into an embarrassing accident on her first day which might leave her reputation damaged forever. If her problems at school weren't enough, she has to deal with her bratty six year old stepsister, Brianna and her vicious pranks. In her new world, she gradually learns that not all that glitters is gold as she unravels dreadful secrets which were meant to be hidden forever. As they say in Lavender Hills, "Not everything is what it seems."

Lilian_1 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

The Dazzlin' Apple

"Ann, I heard you were a 1st class pianist back at your old school." ,Clara disclosed, on our way to the Prefects' Lounge.

"Yeah. It's nothing big." ,Ann confirmed.

"Are you kidding? I saw you play at the Dazzlin' Apple last year. You were amazing!" , Madeline praised her.

"Thank you." ,Ann said. I noticed a faint red blush on her cheeks.

"How many Dazzlin' Apples have you won?" , Madeline asked her.

"About four, but who's counting." ,Ann replied, looking a bit shy.

"Wow! That's so cool!" , Madeline exclaimed.

Ann only giggled in response.

"What's the Dazzlin' Apple?" ,I had to ask.

"Only the coolest and the most exciting event of the school year." , Madeline answered. "Once a year, elite private schools from all around the world come together to compete for one thing. The Big Apple"

"The Dazzlin' Apple is a global talent show competition, competed by the top notch private high schools in the world. Winner gets fifty thousand dollars, title of The Dazzlin' Apple Champion and... The Big Apple." , Clara explained.

"It is glorious" , Madeline squeed.

"It sounds really cool." ,I commented.

"It is really cool! All the amazing performances, games, celebrity judges...oh! Have you guys heard? The Mayor of Lavender Hills and C.E.O of the fashion brand, Valente, Rowland Valente, is going to be one of our celebrity judges this year." , Madeline revealed, her voice raising with excitement on every word.

"Yeah. I heard about that on Trendz. I thought it was just a rumour." ,Ann said.

"Is anything on Trendz ever a rumour?" ,a voice spoke. We all turned around to find Abby standing behind us. "It is happening live and colored." , she said, as she joined us in our walk.

"I just hope we win this year." ,Clara said. I noticed a small frown on her face.

"Why? Has Lavender Hills Academy never won before?" ,I asked.

There was an awkward mood after that, as they all kept quiet. I guess I must have said the unspoken.

"We've won...but...not in like...a decade." ,Clara broke the awkward silence.

"Rasford High always beats us to it." , Madeline added. "Principal Williams is getting sick of it. I swear, if we come in second again, she is going to kill us."

Not going to lie. That came as a surprise to me because of the long speech I got from Principal Williams on my first day about Lavender Hills Academy being the best in everything. But then again, nobody's perfect.

There was another moment of silence after that. They were all probably thinking about how the evil dragon was going to slice and dice them if they lost again this year.

"By the way, Abby. What is your team doing for this year's Dazzlin' Apple?" ,Clara asked, breaking the silence that hanged in the air.

"That's a secret. All I can say is that it is going to be off the hook." , Abby responded.

"That's what she always says, but...here we are." , Madeline whispered to me.

"Hey! I heard that; and trust me, I have something awesome planned." , Abby retorted.

"Sure." , Madeline said but immediately after, mouthed to me, "She doesn't"

We split into our own separate ways once we arrived at the Prefects' Lounge. As Ann-Marie's talent guide, Madeline escorted her to sign into her club. Abby went to receive the names for the new members to be joining her team, and Clara and I went together to receive my test results.

"Okay, let's see the potential clubs you may join." , she said, as she brought out the results.

"Looks like you may either join the Drama Club, Music Club, Tennis Club or the Horse back ridding club."

"Cool. When do I start?"

"Chelsea Manchester, your search for talent begins now."

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I hope you enjoyed it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Until the next chapter remember that Jesus loves you and so do I.

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