
Fate (4)

Why fate is so tough for us?

Why becomes a human is so difficult?

Why life without a heart is a sin?

Why I have to meet you?

Chen Xi Wang


Xiao He's act makes Chen Xi Wang and I become silent. She bowed down like this as if there is a serious case has occurred.

"Xiao He what do you want talking about?" Chen Xi Wang askes Xiao He with a low tone as his face still looks pale.

"Can I talking here?" Xiao He looked at me and I understand what she meant but I think I have to know because my instinct said the information is about Chen Xi Wang.

"I will be here if this is about him!" I said in a loud tone.

Xiao He looked at Chen Xi Wang first until Chen Xi Wang nodded as if he gives a sign to let me know about the information.

"Young Master needs the heart to be a human." Xiao He said.