

Yi Chang's birth was considered special. when he was born, a bright light shot up to the sky but it was only seen by two people, The Immortal Librarian and The High god Sheng Huo. During the battle with the demons due to a scroll found in the Immortal Library, his heart is carved out into four pieces, and the sword which carved his heart out belonged to the god Sheng Huo. Without his heart, Yi Chang is thrown into the dark abyss of death but he wakes up ten years later and joins his former friends in search of the pieces of his heart.

BOOKWORM7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Illusions of the past

The cock crowed loudly this morning.

Yi Chang watched as the child cried loudly next to two corpses. They were probably his parents. Seeing him like this, Yi Chang could not help but remember his own parents. The second lady Chen, Chen A'na, his very own mother, he did not even get to say a proper goodbye before the abyss of death clutched tightly on him only letting go after a couple of years. Judging from his mother's personality, she had probably cried so much that she fainted. As for his father, he could not think of anything else and maybe shed a tear or two.

"Let us go find your relatives." Yi Chang told the little boy after he had cried his fill. He was also clever enough to realize that his parents were probably never coming back. He got up and moved to where Yi Chang stood his eyes as puffy as steamed buns. The two made their way out to look for the head of the village. Yi Chang carried the child in his arms but even after they had walked for a while, no one on the streets seemed to identify him.

He asked around for the house of the head of this village and was pointed to a house at the end of the street. He made his way there quickly. He wanted to be done with this as soon as possible so that he would be on his way. The surrounding was trimmed nicely and there was a chicken coup at the side. The chickens were cackling loudly. Yi Chang knocked on the door for a good while before someone opened it from inside.

It was already the wee hours of the morning, daylight was about to break. Yi Chang explained to the old man what was happening. The man was a village elder after all so some of the things though strange, he understood. By noon, most of the corpses had been claimed by their families. The only two that were left were the young child's parents. No one from the village knew of them which meant that no one knew of the child.

Yi Chang dug two graves quickly and then buried the two. The child helped him pour soil onto their bodies and after a while, he started crying again. Yi Chang and the village elder and some villagers watched helplessly. Yi Chang had a little conversation with them at the side.

"Daozhang, thank you very much this time" The village elder started and he even bowed down slightly. Yi Chang felt his teeth ache from the address. He waved his hands desperately as the other villagers joined in on the bow.

"Do not address me that way. I am just but a lowly cultivator who was just passing by." Yi Chang answered but the villager's eyes still held gratitude that could not be concealed. If he had not passed by this area who knows what could have happened to them in the first place this gratitude must be given and repaid.

Village elder; "No need to be humble Daozhang, you really saved us this time so this gratitude must be repaid."

He then held up a pouch full of money to Yi Chang but he refused. The village elder became slightly embarrassed and then pointed toward Yi Chang's robes. This was when Yi Chang noticed a large tear at the front. It was so large that it almost reached his chest, just stopping short at where his heart was.

"If you want to repay me, just give me new robes then, I will appreciate it."

The village elder also thought that this was appropriate. Yi Chang also asked if he could leave the child with him and the village elder agreed immediately. They made their way back to the market. The village elder looked up and down at Yi Chang; it was obvious he wanted to ask something yet held it in. Yi Chang noticed his gaze.

"What's wrong?" he asked. The elder became embarrassed once again. He looked once again. Although this young Daozhang was quite handsome, his face was at the moment deathly pale as if he was sickly. His robes were of high quality yet they seemed outdated like designs that were made over nine or ten years ago. He just wanted to ask why someone as young as him dressed like an old man yet he did not know the correct way to put it so it does not anger the other.

The words found their way to his lips yet he changed them to something else, "Daozhang, may I know your name and which cultivation sect you belong to."

His words were modest. Yi Chang already got used to the address so there was nothing he could do. From what he could remember, he was quite famous back when he was a young master, and his death probably created waves upon waves. If he told this old man who he truly was, he may never believe him because the Yi Chang from Four Peaked Mountain was already dead so he twisted his reply.

"You can call me Sheng Yi and I am from Si Fengshan (Four Peaked Mountain)"

Amongst the young masters from Si Fengshan, the old man had never heard of a Sheng Yi so he became a bit skeptical but once he heard where he was from, it was as if something happened to him and his face became melancholic all of a sudden.

"What is wrong?" Yi Chang asked after he noticed the change. When he had introduced himself, he changed his name but not where he came from and this was because he wanted to hear what had happened after he died. He still did not know how long he had been dead, any hint would be helpful.

The old man sighed. "Si Fengshan has not been the same anymore after the young master from the Valiance Manor died ten years ago."

Yi Chang was stunned. He had actually been dead for ten years! And also what had happened to his home. The old village elder sighed as if Si Fengshan was in a half-dead state. Just what in the world happened during all these past years?

None of them spoke again. A new dark blue robe was handed over to Yi Chang and when he had changed, he bade the others farewell and was on his way when he realized another problem. The child who knew to do nothing but cry was clinging onto the hem of his robes tightly not allowing him to take a single step forward.

Yi Chang felt a headache coming. He watched the child cry for half a day before he carried him up to his shoulders and went with him. He figured that the child only knew him which was why he clung to him.

Just like that, Yi Chang became a father figure on the first day he rose from the dead.

He did not know where he was headed to. The child and the grown man held hands as they wandered through a grassy route. Throughout, Yi Chang was lost in thought and at the moment, the thoughts he was trying to suppress came gushing out like a waterfall.

The Si Fengshan back then was the most thriving cultivation sect. Everyone who heard of it was in awe of the many talents it had produced. Yi Chang was taken back to the lush, green fields. His mother had a small, peach garden which he liked to hide and sleep in. the flowers bloomed in spring, and everywhere was a sea of light pink. Soft fragrance wafted ever so beautifully. The sound of her mother's laughter came from far away and it filled his heart with warmth.

His father's voice boomed right next to his ears making him startled. It was as if he was at the center of an illusion. The voice was clear yet it wafted further and further away until he could not quite catch what his old man was saying.

He remembered many things from his past. He remembered the laughter, the pain, and the people whom he had interacted with all those years ago. He also remembered the day he died. His heart was dug out. The pain he felt at that time was unimaginable yet he took it in with a smile on his face. He remembered Sheng Huo's face as his own sword pierced Yi Chang's heart, the panic his eyes held, and the helplessness as he held him with tears rolling down his face.

He also remembered that lazy, old man who liked to stick to him. His words still echoed in his ears even now. 'Certain things no matter how difficult must always be done.' That was the first time he had spoken seriously to him. That day the old man also said to him, 'Fate finds you even when you hide from it'

When Yi Chang had listened to this, he walked off on a narrow path and stared at his home, the majestic Four Peaked Mountain, he sighed once more as many questions revolved around his head.

Just what in the world was fate?

Yi Chang remembered many things but out of all of them, he still remembered the beginning of things.

Everything started when he was eighteen. At that time…