
The Scion of Uzumaki clan (R)

Aiko woke up in a strange world, with no memories of his own, but he had a system and a few people who loved and cared for him, read on as he tries to become stronger in this dangerous world to protect what is important to him. Will he succeed? or are the decisions of fate set in stone? The story takes place in a alternate universe, where the timeline of events and character ages may vary with respect to the canon. All the characters except mine, belong to their respective creators, this is fan-fiction created for fun The pic on the cover is not mine, if it is yours and you want it removed, please let me know :)

Spiritlord · Cómic
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51 Chs

7. Learning Fūinjutsu

Kushina was also speechless when she heard the boy and looking at his face which was turning the same colour as his hair in embarrassment, laughed loudly, as it was the first time she had seen him showing this type of expression.

Infact, Kushina was worried in her heart, seeing the boy's behaviour these days, even though he was sensible and obedient, sometimes he showed calmness that was unsuited for his age, making her afraid thinking, what he might have gone through before his memory loss to affect his behaviour this much subconsciously.

"Ok, let's have lunch (ramen) and I will teach you how to read," she said, ruffling his hair and moving towards the kitchen.

So, Aiko's days of learning began and he had to admit that Kushina was a terrible teacher as her explanations contained more hand gestures than words, but still felt strange warmth in his chest, as she clumsily tried helping him.

Even Minato sometimes helped him with grammar and stuff in his free time and he felt like he was integrating into this family.

Aiko once again surprised the duo when he learned to read and write within six days, making them acknowledge that he was a genius in their heart.

Aiko himself did not feel much about it, when he saw mountains of scrolls waiting for him to read.

So, Aiko spent his days in the basement reading the sealing scrolls and learning the basics of it, making Minato commend him for his diligence and sigh how different Aiko was from kushina even though they were from the same clan, earning him a huge bump on his head from the older red-head, which Aiko thought he deserved.

Soon a month passed by and it was march and the weather was pleasant and Aiko decided to practice the seal symbols and theories he had memorized in this month.

But, before he could start his practice, Kushina dragged him away saying that they were going to visit her friend.

"There is also her daughter who is your age, you can be friends with her" she said smiling.

On the streets of Konoha, two red-heads, one old, one young can be seen walking together.

"How cute.." said a middle aged woman looking at the boy wearing a white shirt with wide sleeves and a black pants, he had a stoic expression on his face with bright red hair which reached till his shoulders.

The boy's mouth twitched when he heard the comment, this was the seventh time someone exclaimed on his way and for some reason being called cute annoyed him.

"Aiko-kun is going to be a lady killer when he grows up" teased Kushina as if enjoying the walk.

"KAKASHI let's have a rematchhhh" they heard a shout, causing the people on the street to look around and Aiko saw a green flash passing by him and stopped in front a white haired boy who was holding a book at the end of the street.

'What speed' thought Aiko, looking at the well built teen aged boy wearing a green sleeveless jumpsuit and an orange scarf on his neck.

"Come on Aiko, let's go," said Kushina, looking at Kakashi's annoyed face with a smile while pulling him.

"Who was that?" asked Aiko curiously following Kushina.

"His name is Might Guy, a friend of Kakashi" said Kushina with a smile on her face.

'Kakashi has friends?' thought Aiko rudely. Nobody could blame him as he had met Kakashi a few times during this month and the latter had always had a gloomy aura about him making people difficult to approach..


Inside a famous tea house in Konoha, a black haired woman with black eyes and kind face was sitting inside a booth.

There was a black haired girl with an oval face and same black eyes sitting beside the woman gazing out the window seeming deep in thought.

The girl was around the age of five, but had bruises and bandages covering her hands.

The door of the booth they were in opened and two red headed entered the scene, one tall one short.

"You've arrived, Mikoto and Ichiro-chan" said Kushina, looking at the black haired beauties.

Aiko also looked around the room curiously.

"Hello Kushina", said the older woman with a gentle smile and looked towards Aiko asking "who is this handsome boy?" She asked.

Aiko sensed a warm aura from her showing her gentle personality and there was also a small weak chakra signature coming from her body making him realise that she too was carrying a baby, while the aura of the little girl beside her was calm and collected.

"He is Aiko, a member of my clan" Kushina said to Mikoto, and turned towards Aiko and added "she is my best friend since academy days, Mikoto Uchiha and that is her daughter Ichiro-chan, you both are of similar age, ya know."

A look of surprise flashed past Mikoto's eyes as she looked at the boy and she said "oh that's good, where are you from Aiko-kun" she asked curiously.

"I don't know," replied Aiko calmly surprising Mikoto.

"He was rescued from bandits and lost his memories due to his injuries," explained Kushina."Now he is staying at our house" she added.

"Oh, poor child" sighed Mikoto, looking at the boy sympathetically making him uncomfortable.

Soon, they sat on the table and ate some tea and sweets. Aiko thought that the sweets tasted good as most of his meals consisted of ramen in the hokage's mansion while Kushina and Mikoto were talking about something.

"Why don't you kids go out and play, but don't go too far and be back in a few hours," said Mikoto, looking at Ichiro who was looking at Aiko curiously.

Aiko and Ichiro looked at each other and Ichiro nodded her head and headed towards the door, Aiko nodded towards Kushina and followed after her.

"Kakashi, please keep watch on them," said Kushina once they were alone in the booth and Kakashi arrived at the door with guy behind him.

"Don't worry lady Kushina we will keep watch on them" said guy energetically before Kakashi could answer and dragged him away.

"Ichiro-chan seemed very silent, what happened?" asked Kushina as the girl was usually quite upbeat, unlike today.

"Oh…" sighed Mikoto. "Fugaku took her to the battlefield, and she's been like that ever since she came back" she added a bit worried.

"You Uchihas have weird traditions" commented Kushina sipping her tea.

"She is the eldest after all." said Mikoto while eating a cake.

"Yeah.., how are you feeling?" asked Kushina looking at her friend. " Does it hurt a lot while giving birth?" she asked in a low voice.

"Hahahaha.., So the great Kushina Uzumaki has things she is afraid of?" Mikoto joked, teasing her.

"I.. I just want to be prepared". Kushina argued her face going red.

"It will hurt, but... it will be worth it" said Mikoto with a warm smile, gently stroking her bulging belly.

Kushina's gaze also became warm and expectant seeing that. "I hope our kids will also be best friends like us," she added with a smile.