
The Scientists world: @n unknown place

She is nothing like her sister . no beauty, no fame, but she has something that her sister doesn't have guess what?her dream is to go to eeverely halls but her parents refuse but one way or the other she meets her self in the school but how . . Meet Phiona the black sheep of the house and her her sister what will happen when they cross part with Shawn Scene excerpt. I woke up to find self in a place and everyone was wearing labcoat ,where am I ,I asked a girl who was walking . Hi welcome we are all scientists here just then a boy pulled me into his arms and said don't talk to anyone here if you don't want to be dead meat so just stick with me I want to go back home I shouted, but you can't so let's start working on our experiment but where am I ?was the question I couldn't answer. love story note cover is mine do not repost or copy right Also please don't mind my English errors English is my second language and I am still learning so please bear with me

Aseoluwa_Olurebi · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I said get off but Shawn still remained still with his Arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

He raised his hands to caresse my face, I tried to dodge him but to no avail.

He pulled my cheek gently this time as he rested his face on mine.

Even though I don't want to admit it, all of his actions, made me feel butterflies in my tommy.

I noticed he inhaled my scent and the next thing he did made my legs unable to move, he smiled at me and brushed his lips against my temple and stood up, like he was innocent.

'That jerk how could he!!!". I was still he daze of what just happened, The minute I came back to my senses I stood up a abruptly!.

"How could you_!!".

'What! this woman should be grateful, "Phiona you should be grateful that I even touched you".

"And who told you that I care!". Phiona retorted.

"Okay if it's not then hug me".

I was dumbfounded by how this boy was shameless and I couldn't hug him hell no!, not in this world. I just glared at him and was about to walk away but stopped when he shouted one word that I hated the most 'COWARD'.

I turned back and without thinking twice charged for his neck.

"Say that one more time!".

"Coward!". He said again, like he was provoking me on purpose.

Shawn was amazed by how this girl acted towards him not once had he imagined that a girl who have this so much boldness and treat him like this. This really we excited him.

He chuckled, " coward, coward, coward". Shawn said.

Phiona just looked at me and I swear I saw her crying she just ran back without a word.

It was time for class and partners were still working on their projects.

Shawn went to sit down and he noticed Phiona was awfully quiet. "hey what's wrong?" Shawn asked.

"And why do you care".

He heard Phiona say.

"Because I consider you as a friend" . I was hoping this girl would at least forgive me but she just kept quiet.

"Okay I am shorry". I said .

"Are you kidding me you can't even say a proper sorry ,okay am sorry Shawn said and Phiona smiled .

Why did you cry? Shawn asked ,this was the first time someone actually cared about me and bothered to know why I was sad? Well it's because my parents used those words on me and it taunted me that I can't bear to hear some one say it to me the memory of my mother belittling me when I was a child visited me again and I wanted to cry so bad.

My eyes were already blurry and to my surprise Shawn pulled me into his arms and hug me .I am really sorry I didn't mean to, my glasses were already wet and I didn't know why but I just returned the hug back and all eyes where on us especially Josephine I instantly became awkward because I hated attention a lot I was about to redraw and I noticed Shawn was still hugging me .

Let me go I whispered but he just caressed my hair and said it's okay darling no one gonna hurt you .What! was this boy mad let me go I whispered but he just redrew and smiled mischievously and '' I will still revenge for what you did when you were sleeping now that you look happy it's my time to shine