
Do As The Romans Do—A Fish-Spearing Match

Traductor: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As her father had passed away, Meiboba was bullied by these children since she was a young girl.

Initially, she was already numb from their treatment, but when she was taunted and mocked by a circle of people in front of the big sister she had just gotten to know, Meiboba blanched.

"We're here to catch some fish, don't be like that…" Meiboba was pale as a sheet, talking to the boys with a pleading gaze as she was afraid that Yun Jian would ignore her because she was bullied together with her by these boys.

There was a gleam in Yun Jian's eyes.

Meiboba had been bullied since she was little just because she had no father. These rambunctious children around her made fun of her and even made rhymes about her background.

Meiboba did not use to be alone and alienated like she was now. She used to have friends but they were scared away by these boys soon later and no longer wanted to play with her.