
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Real
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81 Chs

Chapter 48

Right now, inside Takeru's apartment, there were two unconscious people, one was Takeru himself, and the other was Ayano after she took a beating from both Aki and Yuriko. As for those two, they had calmed down after they taught Ayano a lesson for what she did earlier, and were now silent

Aki was silent because of the shame she was feeling right now from being seen by a boy, while Yuriko was covering her face with both hands as she had a depressed feeling around her

"… … … I'm sorry, Yu-chan… For being unable to stop Ayano earlier"

"No, Aki-chan… It's my fault for jumping the boat without thinking…And causing her to do that"

"At least you have a boyfriend, while I won't even be able to marry anymore…"

"T-That's not true!"

"You're not going to make a stupid suggestion of sharing Takeru-kun, aren't you?"

"Hell no, Takeru is mine, and mine alone. I won't share him with anyone, not even you, Aki-chan"

"Why are you suddenly being harsh to me?! You're supposed to agree with what I said so that I can refuse it!"

"… I can't bring myself to even think about sharing Takeru with someone else, including you, Aki-chan"

"… … … You really got attached to him, huh? I guess, that's what you inherited from your mother"

"? What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just forget it I said anything"

And the two turned silent again, but this time they were feeling better than before

"*Gasp* ?!… ?… … … Ugh, for how long did I pass out?"

Then just as they two were silent. Takeru came back to his senses again, so he sat up and asked Yuriko that

"Just for about half an hour"

"I see… Hm?"

Then when he noticed Aki sitting to the right of Yuriko, he accidentally met his eyes with hers, and he began remembering what Ayano had shown him right before he passed out

"…" *looks away*

So Takeru just looked away from Aki with a blushing and embarrassed face, and Aki who noticed why he did that also began to blush and look away as she covered her chest with both of her arms. As for Yuriko, she was able to guess why the two were acting like that, so she began to pout from jealousy, so she went closer to Takeru and tightly hugged him, and as usual she buried his face in her chest was still covered by her school shirt

"You can't do that, Takeru. You can't think about other girls, especially in front of me"

"… … … Sorry…"

"Don't worry, it's Ayano-chan's fault after all. So for everyone's sake, do your best in forgetting about what you saw from Aki-chan, okay?"


"Fufu, and if you want, I don't mind helping you in forgetting it by ov-"

"Oi, don't even think about finishing that suggestion"


Yuriko clicked her tongue at Aki stopping her attempt to make Takeru give his consent for more skinship with her. So Yuriko had to do with just hugging and occasionally kissing Takeru


Aki meanwhile just watched the stupid couple, and for a very brief moment the thought of actually trying to convince Yuriko to share Takeru with her passed through Aki's mind, but she quickly abandoned that idea as soon as it came to her mind

A little after that, the doorbell to Takeru's apartment rang, which caught the attention of everyone, and even…


Woke Ayano up

"Is someone supposed to come here, Takeru?"

"Not that I know, I'm going to see who it is"

With that Takeru was released of Yuriko's embrace, and then went to see who was at his front door. At the sound of the doorbell being repeatedly activated, Takeru opened his front door in a very angry mood

"What do you want?!… Huh?"

"Yo, Takkun! We came to-"

*Slams the door shut*


Takeru in a reflex movement, closed his door in an instant and held it shut, while he made a despairing face as he cold sweated a lot

<Why are they here now?!?!?!>

"Oi! Takkun! How can you close the door in front of your friends?!"


Takeru heard Kazuo's shout, but he refused to say anything, hoping that they would think that they got the wrong house or would get tired from waiting outside…

"And you better not try keeping us outside, because we know very well you're inside and we'll wait until you open this door!"

And Takeru's hopes were immediately crushed

"What's wrong, Takeru?"

"Eh? Ah! I-It's nothing, Y-Yuriko!"

Then Yuriko came to Takeru since she got a little worried about him closing the door so suddenly


Meanwhile on the other side of the door


" " "…" " "

Kazuo, Kenzo, and Kyo all stood silently in front of Takeru's apartment front door

"He won't open that door no matter what"

"Yeah, that's exactly like him"

Without much else to say Kazuo said that, while Kenzo agreed, but just as they were about to say something else, Kyo heard a faint sound coming from inside Takeru's apartment

"Wait a minute a guys, keep silent for a moment"

" "?" "

Kazuo and Kenzo got slightly confused at what Kyo had just said, but they still kept quiet as he asked then…

"What's wrong, Takeru?"

" " "?!" " "

They heard a slightly muffled voice, and more surprising to them it was that the voice was clearly from a girl. The three knew that it couldn't be Takeru's sister, Akari since she was still busy with college to be able to visit Takeru, and considering that Takeru never had a female childhood friend, nor was he close to any of the middle school girls as well, mostly because of them, the three reached the conclusion that he had a girl from his new school inside his apartment right now

<Takkun got a girlfriend?!>

<Perhaps, he isn't that bad looking, if you remove the fact that he does appear to be a chunni with his appearance>

<That's impossible! He's too unsociable to start a friendship with someone of his own volition and even less on getting a girlfriend, and he also always keeps an angry glare most of the time>

" "…" " < Yeah, that's true> >

"…" <Alright, boys! We need to make him open that door immediately!, any ideas, Kenzo? Kyo?>

<None here. Sorry, mate>

<It's alright, Kyo>

"…" <I have an idea, but I'll need you two to prepare yourselves in defending me>

<Will your idea work though?>

<Absolutely! I, Kenzo the great, know Takkun the best here, he'll open the door the moment I start my plan>

" "…" "

Kazuo and Kyo looked at each other with some doubts about what Kenzo said, but without any better idea, they nodded in agreement with Kenzo's idea. So they both stepped to the sides of Kenzo in preparation to attempt in defending him from Takeru

"Alright, Takkun! Open that door to your good ol' friends!"

Kenzo waited for some seconds, but no answer came from the other side of the door

"Alright then! You leave me no other choice then!… Ahem…"

With a very loud and confident voice, Kenzo began speaking again

"I summon thee, Takeru! The great lord of-"

Then before he could even reach half of his sentence, the door was opened in a flash, revealing a Takeru that had already begun a lunge attack towards Kenzo. And, of course… Kenzo immediately stop talking and began screaming

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!… … … Huh?"

Kenzo was in a defensive posture to protect his head from Takeru's attack, but the attack never came, which left him confused. Then when he opened his eyes, he saw Kyo first, since his head was turned to the left, and he was making a very surprised face. Seeing him like that, made Kenzo slowly undo his defensive posture, and then he found out why Kyo was making such a surprised face

And that was because in front of him was a tall, silver-haired, beautiful, and handsome girl. Casually holding a very angry Takeru with a well-placed hug around his chest, almost as if she was holding a cat, the girl had a big and happy smile on her face as she looked back at the three

"So? Who are you three?"

"… Huh? Ah! That's right! I am Okamura Kenzo at your service!"

"I am Hasegawa Kazuo, It is good to meet you!"

"And I am Inaba Kyo, It is a pleasure to meet you!"

" " "And we're Takkun's ones and only friends!" " "

The three introduced themselves in a very flashy way, that even included a group pose. All of which only made Takeru's face show even more anger as he also began to blush, all the while he looked even more like an angry cat being held back by its owner as he tried to attack them

" " "…" " "

Yuriko, now joined by both Aki and Ayano, stood there in silence at the scene they just watched. But then, Ayano and Kyo's eyes met for a moment, and they noticed each other

" "Ah! " "

"?" (x4)

Which made everyone, except Takeru who was too focused on wanting to punch his three friends, look at the two as both Kyo and Ayano looked away with awkward faces

" "… … … We're dating" "

"… … … HUUUUUUUUUUH?!" (x3)

Hearing that made Aki, Kazuo, and Kenzo all scream in surprise, while Yuriko did have a slightly confused face, she kept quiet, since she also wanted to say something similar

"… Erm… I am Nanami Yuriko… And I'm Takeru's girlfriend"


Hearing that unrelated and poorly planned introduction, made the three weirdo friends of Takeru all make an even more surprised face and scream. While Takeru on the other hand, was now just looking to the ground in an attempt to hide his embarrassment since his anger subsided due to how chaotic everything got