
The school goddess and her 2 devils

Judith is a strange girl. As beautiful as a goddess, the body of a succubus, the wit of a philosopher, but with the strength of a hundred men, and as cruel as a demon. However, despite these anomalies, she wanted to live a normal life. She hide her beauty and abilities just to live an ordinary live. But, that came all crashing down when some retarded dumba** decided to raze her highschool down to the ground. Then, after being tricked by her old hag, 16-year old Judith finds herself stuck as a transfer student inside the worlds biggest school for girls, Minerva Girls Academy. Housing over hundred of thousand Amazonian girls, secluded inside a glamorous island, what could go wrong? Maybe, a lot. Like when she discovered a HUGE GRAVEYARD or discovering an army of MECHA-TECH AMAZONIAN army. Or when she walked in onto 2 Greek goddess making out, who happen to be the supposed dorm-leaders that hate each other's ? Secrets, hidden plots, battle, blood...and things about her dead-mother!? Join us on the adventure of a life as Judith accidentally uncovers a plot that could destroy the world itself...And spend the night with one of those muscular goddess....Or both

Yuna_fantasia · LGBT+
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10 Chs


Lustrous, green trees passed by the train window. The early morning sun gracefully illuminated the lush forest below. Small animals and birds flew through the forest. The sight was beautiful, as if a painting. But Judith didn't appreciate this beautiful view one damn bit. 

To be honest, she didn't want to be on this train. If it were up to her, she'd just pack her things and get off on the next stop. Unfortunately the Hydroxyzine is doing a fantastic(Note the sarcasm) job, she can barely feel the muscles in her body. Forget leaving the train, It's taking her everything in her body just to remain conscious.

Not to mention the (not)oh-so-lovely chains(yes, you heard me. Goddaamned motherf*cking chains) wrapped around her delicate wrist, tied to the train window handle.

oh, and let's not forget the sh*tty zappy collar(Yes, a collar! A f*cking collar. What the f*ck? She's not a f*cking dog!!) around her neck! It's programmed to electrocuted her if she tries to escape this tiny hellhole!!

Thus, she had no choice but to be a good girl and stay put. Seriously, this is bullsh*t.

"That old miserable hag.....Next time I see her, I'll definitely kill her" She cursed under her breathe as she dazedly glazed at the ever-passing view. She, then, shifted her across her. There's a brown suitcase lays on the seat across her. Inside this suitcase is the key to unlock this damned thing. However, the lock is programmed to open only when she gets there. Hell, at this point, she want to vomit blood at the slyness of that B*tch. She thought of everything.

She slowly raised her cuffed hand, tugging at the chain with all of her available strength. It was futile. "(It's no good..)" She give up on forcefully breaking her chains, instead touching the d*amned collar. As much as she hates to admit it, it pretty. It's a deep blue color with lace woven-patterns and a sapphire, it looks a choker. But still, she hates it

She groaned, feeling her world spinning as she laid her head on the glass window. She's been stuck here for 6 hours already. She's drugged, only having less than 1/5 of her true strength. And she bored out of her mind. So the only thing she can do now is sleep

She nods off, falling into a deep slumber. 


"Attention to all passengers, this ride will soon come to a stop! Please get make sure to not forget any of you belongings!"

"I repeat, Attention to all passengers, this ride will soon come to a stop! Please get make sure to not forget any of you belongings!"

"I repeat, Attention to all passengers, this ride will soon come to a stop! Please get make sure to not forget any of you belongings!"

"Mhh!" I snapped her eyes open, revealing divinely pure golden orbs. It took me a few moments to regain my composure. 

"Mhhhhhmmmm!!" I stretched from my long slumber. That was a nice nap. 

"Oh" I looked at my palm, Opening and closing it, repeating this action a few times. I could feel an evil grin creeping on my face. Look like the Hydroxyzine worn off. Almost all of my strength returned. 

She giggled before getting up and-


Ripping my hand from the damned chain that bounded my, breaking it in the process. She touched the collar again, intending to break it. "No." Before shaking my head. If by some chance, not quick enough, I'll get electrocuted. And..

She looked out the window.

"I'm already here." She mumbled in a sour tone. 

Instead of the view of bright forest, a vast sea was replaced. Yet, not-so-far-away, a island come to view. Even from such a far distance, one could see the magnificent big glass buildings and tall towers. It's like a little city. Well, that's exactly what it is though. The bright golden sun dipped behind a fluffy-looking cloud, creating a soft orange flow on the little city. 

"Minerva Girls Academy". It makes me both laugh and cry as I think about it. Minerva Girls Academy, the biggest school for girls in the world. It located on a medium-sized Island and is home to ten of thousand-maybe hundreds of 'young, aspiring women'. Thanks to that old hag, I can perfectly recite the advertisement brochure, 

Do you have a talented girl but don't know where to send her. Well, you're in luck. Join us, with over 360,000 satisfied parents and well-behaved girls. Send your little girl to Minerva Girls Academy. With over thousands of extracurricular actives and facilitates to choose from, let her shine the brightest she can!! "

What chessy bullsh*t. Alas, as unfortunate as it is, over half the adults across the world believe in this bullsh*t. Including that old hag of mine. Now, now you may ask, "why the hell I'm here?" Well, you see, not to brag but I'm kinda a genius in art. I can paint a picture just by looking at it once and do a hell of a lot of a job than even the painters themselves. 

But, I don't paint often, it was more of a hobby. I already had a lot on my plate. Hell, I was already in a (not)perfectly normal highschool. It just that, some random retarded son of a b*tch burning the damned thing down! With no school, I was forced to look for another. Then that f*cking old hag, for some reason, wanted me to paint. And like the idiot that I am(not), I painted. I painted the damned best I could to relieve some stress and anger. Just like always, everything went perfectly. And so I unknowing doomed myself to two years of this fancy-a** hellhole. You can image the rest right?

And here I am, with no way to escape even if I wanted to. I could only be a 'good girl' and get ready. 

I checked myself one last time. Wearing an off-shoulder yellow dress that ended to my mid-thigh, paired with white stockings and brown combat boots. I nodded in satisfaction. 

I unzipped my suitcase, digging around. Shortly, I found my items, pulling them out. First, big goofy glasses that look like that came out of a cartoon. Do they work? Yes. Do I need them. No. As I have 20/20 vision, I don't need glasses. But, they keep pests away. 

Next is a over-sized jacket, again, pest-repellent, hiding her bombastic body from prying eyes..

Then, I tied my wavy, knee-length brown hair in a tight bun. 

Finally a large bag, my purse. 

And to top it off, a beanie

All of a sudden, the train came to an abrupt stop. When here. 

My new hell