
The school goddess and her 2 devils

Judith is a strange girl. As beautiful as a goddess, the body of a succubus, the wit of a philosopher, but with the strength of a hundred men, and as cruel as a demon. However, despite these anomalies, she wanted to live a normal life. She hide her beauty and abilities just to live an ordinary live. But, that came all crashing down when some retarded dumba** decided to raze her highschool down to the ground. Then, after being tricked by her old hag, 16-year old Judith finds herself stuck as a transfer student inside the worlds biggest school for girls, Minerva Girls Academy. Housing over hundred of thousand Amazonian girls, secluded inside a glamorous island, what could go wrong? Maybe, a lot. Like when she discovered a HUGE GRAVEYARD or discovering an army of MECHA-TECH AMAZONIAN army. Or when she walked in onto 2 Greek goddess making out, who happen to be the supposed dorm-leaders that hate each other's ? Secrets, hidden plots, battle, blood...and things about her dead-mother!? Join us on the adventure of a life as Judith accidentally uncovers a plot that could destroy the world itself...And spend the night with one of those muscular goddess....Or both

Yuna_fantasia · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Dorms, New Friends, Night-out Part 3

11:00 p.m

It's now 11:00 p.m, the majority of students have either retired to their beds or retreated to their dormitories

It's her cue to take action

The first thing she does, is walks toward one of her drawers, violently opening it. Inside here, contains the key-case. She yanks it out, impatiently tapping on the lock. It opens a second later, revealing a small chip inside the rather-big case. She snatches it out, practically slamming it on her neck.


With a beep, the damned thing finally unlocked, fall to the floor. A evil grin bloomed on her angelic face as she shed the glasses and baggy jacket, liberating her face and body. Her cascade of long, chestnut-brown hair flowed in waves down to her knees. Golden eyes, akin to pools of molten gold. Her curvy, voluptuous figure seamlessly fit with her yellow dress. If anyone saw her now, there's no doubt they would say that she's a goddess.

But, the cruel expression did fit her gorgeous face. She lifted her long leg and-


Stomped on it, making a satisfying crunch. She slowly lift her leg, revealing crushed up bit of the former choker. 

Next, she waltz toward the the drawer by her bed, opening, and pulling out her goodies. She sat it on her bed, carefully unzipping it. She, then tipped it upside, letting all of the fancy wallet fall onto her bed. Her grin akin to the Cheshire cat. She sat down and swiftly start to sort them out.

"10, 20.....50..."

It process takes her more than 20 minutes as they were a lot. When she was finished, her grin replaced was a genuine smile. Her cheeks flushed pink. Her aura overflowed with happiness.

"About $37,000!! Not bad, not bad."

Her melodious voice filled with excitement for all the wrong reasons. She concealed the stack of money in her bedside drawer as she returned all the wallets to their original places within her bag.

Then she gets up, heading to the dressing drawer. Getting out a piece of black clothing and stripping herself of the cute yellow dress she's wearing.


The moonlight softly entered her window, enveloping room the in a soft white glow. However, a strange figure stands in the middle of the room. This is Judith. She looks complete different than before, wearing a black skinsuit that clings to her every curve, basically acting as a second skin. Her hair tied in a high ponytail. Nick's sneakers adorned her dainty little feet. There are a fox mask hiding her gorgeous face. In her hand, is her wallet-filled purse. 

She stared at her free palm, opening and closing it. She nodded to herself. "(The Hydroxyzine has completely worn off )" She thought, pleased that all of her strength returned.

She approached the window, opening it. Then takes a few steps back. She bent down slightly, into a running position.


She propels herself forward, dashing to the window with astonishing speed. Seizing the window's edge, she briefly pauses before pushing off once more. Leaping into the air, she swiftly clutches the house's ledge, effortlessly hoisting herself up, landing on the roof. She inhaled deeply, feeling a familiar rush in her veins. Putting some strength into her legs, she hurtles forward, launching herself off the roof.

She flew in the air, her hair fluttering behind her. She gracefully landed on roof before running again.

Now, how she is doing this!?

After the legalization of Ash, an intriguing coincidence surfaced—an anomaly that puzzled many. Strangely, the following generation, there was an unprecedented increase in the size and height of men compared to the preceding one. This perplexed people, as how could this happen? How is it possible?

Despite thorough investigations, no concrete evidence emerged. Theories floated around, suggesting factors such as diet or radiation, yet no definitive answer was found. Eventually, the investigation concluded, labeling this phenomenon 'musterion,' acknowledging it as an enduring mystery.

But one thing clear. Humanity has certainly evolved

Currently, it said that a man is 3 times stronger than they forefathers. And woman, being equal to them. 

With that being said, Judith is different. You see, her muscles are 5 times more dense than the current average person, enabling her to perform incredible feat of power and agility of someone her size. 

The wind danced through her hair. Her footsteps as light as a cat's, leaping from one building to the next. She couldn't suppress the gowning smile behind on her masked face. The rush of adrenaline, the rhythmic movement against her muscles, and the wind dance through her hair—it was the missing piece she had longed for. This, right here, was exactly what she craved for today.

"Haha.." She could help but to let out a laugh as she backflipped off a house. Does she now where she's going? Yes. 

Earlier, when it seemed like she was to preoccupied with her goodies, in fact, keenly observing her surroundings, mapping out her route. Which she perfectly remembers. 

All she just as to do is follow the route.


15 minutes later

The moon shone brightly in the starry night sky, illumining the school city below. Most students are either asleep or in their dorm. There's hardly anyone in the streets, if not any. The moonlight enveloped the town in a white light. A lone figure could be seen on top of a roof. Although their features could be made out, it obvious it's a girl. 

Judith stayed silent, observing the central park below. This is the place she was at earlier, filled with people to the brim. The same place she's going to dump all of these wallet. 

She faced the building across from her, taking exactly 28 steps back.


she propelled herself into the sky once more. Simultaneously, she opened her bag, turning it upside down .And dumping the contents!

Hundreds of shiny wallet descended from her bag, succumbing to gravity as she began to descend. The roof loomed nearer with each passing second. This time, her landing was not exactly quiet, but she paid no mind—everyone was asleep anyway. Peering into her bag, she was pleased to find it empty. Her mission was accomplished. Just as she about to leave. 

Infusing power into her legs, she propelled herself into the sky once more. Simultaneously, she opened her bag, turning it upside down and releasing its contents!

"What the f*ck?"


A tall, bulky girl with pitch-black hair and eyes, stared into the litter-central park. She was held over due to the incident and extracurricular actives. She's didn't expect to come out and find hundreds-if not thousands of wallets on the moonlit ground.

"What the f*uk!?" She couldn't help but to curse.

 "How did happen??' She thought to herself while look around for any clues. Alas, the lone figure had already disappeared.

But....Another figure was watching...


Judith nimbly jumped off the roof, latching onto the edge before entering her room.


She panted at the extracurricular actives she's done. But, her pink lips curled into a smile for the hundredth time this day. This feeling. The rush. The strain of her muscles, the adrenaline pumping through her veins It was too little and much for her. 

Firstly, let me clarify. She didn't take everything, she only stole 80% of the total money in each wallet. She knows if she steals entire contents would arouse suspicion. How could one, let alone hundreds of girls, not have any money in their wallets? It would be too conspicuous. That's why she settled for 80%

She made that mistake once, She won't do it again.

She ripped of the stuffy mask, then her clothes. She breathed a few times before regaining her composure. But that was close, she almost got caught.

She stood there for a few seconds, letting the moonlight illuminate her almost perfect body. Then, closing the window, she headed to her bathroom, taking a shower as quietly as she could. After that, she got out, looking herself in the mirror.

A soft jawline, plump pink lips, cheeks retaining a touch of softness, a cute button nose, and large, doe-like golden eyes framed by slender brown eyebrows. A curvy body with D-cups, a not-so-small waist, a hint of belly fat, wide hips, a fat ass and shapely long legs. The one and only imperfection on her glorious body is... scars

Vicious, cruel scars litter her entire body from torso to her calf. But still, it doesn't change the fact that she's gorgeous, reminiscent of Aphrodite herself.. And she knows she is. She knows how beautiful she is. But, at the same time she does. She doesn't get how people go insane over her. How people would kill to be her and be with her. 

In other words, she bored and tired at her heavenly looks. It's like eating the same food for every single day. You would start to feel tired right? You would want something else right? Even if it's you favorite, you would hate it if you had it for every single of your life, right?

She sighed, shaking her pretty head. "(I need to sleep. I have wake up in a couple years.)" Suppressing her thoughts, she slipped into her pajamas. She then setting her alarm and got into bed. 

Slowly her eyes close, drifting off. Judith knows that in just a blink of an eye, it will be her first of hel-school day. It's her last thought, before falling dreamland.

.....Not know a certain figure was watching her