
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasía
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52 Chs

Chapter 48: The 'Skill'

Kumas entered the gleaming bathroom, to call it clean was no understatement and to call it an odd on out was no mistake. He compared it to the other bathroom to get his thoughts together, however, he could not do that.

'what were those people doing outside? That dog logo, it looks weird as well.'

The uncanny feeling he got from them stayed with him, he bit his lip, however, he just stayed in position, he had not gotten enough sleep. He stared to lie down on the floor, his head was saying something else.

'No don't sleep, the house, take care of the house.'

He swayed himself away as the light shined down on him, it burned down strong, but could not stop his sleepiness to kick in.

He awoke again, startled by the light. He opened and closed his mouth as if he was eating, but the only thing he was chewing was his watery saliver.


He officially woke and realised where he was, he turned his head quickly, then took a quick but deep breath.

'Open timer.'

He did not expect something to appear but when seeing that he still had twenty minutes left, he breathed a relief. He waited patiently, too scare to open the door if he would get caught. He was still mad that he did not get the skill promised to him by the system, so if he got nothing from this, he would stop trying.

The timer counted down and slowly but surely, it hit zero, he was happy that it happened so he just went up and started booting everything up. He saw looked at the windows as they popped up. A larger one looked down on him. Three cards, equidistantly separated from each other, were in front of him.

He saw a text being displayed above. However, before he did that, he looked at the notifications, ecstatic to see something pop up.

[Level 3 has been achieved]

He gleamed when he saw that, he saw it slowly disappear, and took a deep breath. He looked at the cards, the dark blue cards each hard the same markings at the back, it was a weird circle with a line going through, just with a darker shade of blue.

H read the text out loud, "you area able to flip the cards over, however, you are only aloud to flip over two, and pick one, if you have another card, you can sacrifice it to do one of the following options."

Kumas hoped he would be able to see the other options, however, he did not see them, he pouted aggressively at the screen. "Are you serious? This must not happen to everybody, this really is a weird thing.'

He vented out his anger at it, then stopped realising his vexed feelings. He looked at it, breathing in as he bent over from his knees. He looked at it and tapped the middle one. He saw it flip over, sizzling him a bit from the fright.

[Skill: Quick Punch]

[Type: rare]

[This will allow you to hit a person with a punch guaranteed for the set time limit]

[Time limit: 30 Sec.]

He looked at it and though that it was good, however, still went over the perks.

'So if I used it, I could be able hit somebody, so like Jim, if he came after me, but a guaranteed punch really depends on strength, doesn't it? So, it's useless if you are weak like me, I have to use strategy, not brute force in a fight, if I ever retaliate, or just run away, that seems good.'

He looked at it again, the colour stayed the same, but the text was bright white, he enjoyed thinking about the pros and cons of it, but came to a decision that it was useless for him now.

'That's annoying, what happens if the other one is bad.'

He looked left and right, he tried seeing if anything was behind it, but it turned with him, so he couldn't sneak a peak. Sighing he was about to pick the left one, when he looked at the type.


He concluded that it would be successful to get a rare one, however looking over his research that he made over video game data, he came to find that rare is not the best, but it has some good skill you have to look out for.

'So, it would be good in the future, maybe, so...'

Even though he stopped and thought about the pros and cons, he just came to the same conclusion of picking the left to him. He pointed and it flipped over.

[Skill: Dazzle]

[Type: Common]

[Will temporarily blind the person of your choice]

[Time limit: 5 Sec.]

The white text gleamed at him, even though it was a common one, he knew this type of skill would be best used for running away, or sneaking away. He wanted to pick it over the rare one, thinking that he would need it, but he saw the type and looked puzzled.

'Why is that common,? It should be better.'

He looked at it when he thought about the definition of the word.

'Common means it shows up a lot, right? So, will it pop up again?'

Kumas was contemplating over this, walking around, his eyes tilted up and his face going to a constipated face. He strolled around in a circle, using as much space as possible in the confined area he trapped himself in and is voluntarily staying in.

'But, how do I earn more skills? There might be more common then rare, so it would be harder to find this one, so how...'

'And also, how do I get more skills, I mean, it's not guaranteed that I get this skill as well, like the last one, not even showing up. I mean, I can run away, but why would I if I don't need to escape?'

He was about to move, his hand placing over slowly onto the common card, but when glancing to look at the rare, he also spotted the secluded card he did not look at, for good measures, he shrugged his shoulders, topped everything in his tracks like an interrupt signal in a computer, and he coded himself to get the other card.

Not expecting anything to happen, he does so, and gets a message.

[Can only pick two cards]

'As so I thought.'

However, there was more writing at the bottom.

[Do you want to you your skill card to open this hidden one?]

Kumas looked curious at that, he imagined that it was mentioning the one skill card he got for smacking Jim in the face, but he still could not use it.

'Was it meant for this situation? Or something else completely?'

He walked down at the toilet seat and slouched over, it was closed and clean, giving a bad bump towards Kumas' back. He sighs and thinks.

'Now should I spend my 'skill' on that, is it worth it?'

He brushes it off, having enough of the thinking and went up and clicked [yes].

Once doing so, the Card unravelled itself to reveal a different colour card. This one was purple.

[Skill: X-ray]

[Type: Epic]

[You will be able to see through specific layer of objects depending on the particles and matter its made up off]

[Time limit: 30 Sec.]

Kumas looks at it, takes one glance at the other two, the dark blue common card, and at the other rare card, reflecting the colour of the windows very well. He clicks on the purple card.

[Do you want to accept this card?]


[You gained the skill: X-ray]

[The other skill you used it on will help upgrade the skill]

[A rare skill used on X-ray]

[Skill: X-ray levelled up]

Nothing showed up after, everything disappeared in front of him and he slumps down onto the toilet seat, having the bump again on his back.

He looks annoyed at the door. "So, it was a 'Skill'," he grumbled to himself.

'So I guess I had no access something else as it did not mention the specific skill I had, like skills."

He sighed and shook his head, however, even though he got that emotional roller coaster, he could not help but smile.

'I finally got it. Open skill.'

[Skills: X-ray lvl 2]

He started to beam his smile to the world, fighting against the light bulb at the top.

'I will try it later.'

He got up and opened the door slowly, it was dark but he hoped he had enough time to get home, he would not want to stay at the school a third night in a row. He tiptoed through and tried looking for a clock as since being incredibly dark, it made it hard to see one.

When passing the hallway again, having this time no event happen in front of him, he could see the sunset with all it's beautiful beige colours.

'Wait... Open notifications.'

He completely forgot about it, he smiled as he wanted to see everything again.

[level is too low]

"£U%K YOU!!!!"

Hope you enjoyed


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