
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasía
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52 Chs

Chapter 12: Window Emerges

The whole week, while he was getting bullied as usual, he was abused by the window, thinking it was the devil's temptation because of his lack of knowledge.

Now, he was happy to see, just getting mad at his uncle because his uncle lied to him.

'I still don't understand why he did that, I wasn't bad'

He stopped still before entering, he though about what was happening.

'So, this thing is obviously giving me invisibility, its as if you have a system for…'

He though about his knowledge of culture but came up with historical literature from his class.

'A vampire system, when you can't handle the sun, or have super strength, or have a thirst for blood, I wonder how stupid someone must be to not know about that'

He sighed, "At least I don't have that version, if it exists," now he thought about the existence of others.

'Am I the only person that has this, or other people?'

He shook it off and though immediately what to do in the current time, "I should go into school as it's the only place I can use it, I presume…"

He looked at the houses at the other side of the road, they had a wet, red colour, as it decayed going through all seasons, he started walking up to it. He turned to where he was cowering in the corner.

'I don't feel different…'

He walked back, to see if his hypothesis was right, he walked back to the school, and he saw that he was correct.

[Invisibility activated]

He stared in puzzlement, then tried clicking it, he waved his hand at the window, it was going through. He tried it multiple times btu it would do nothing, then it was starting to get transparent, then slowly disappearing.

"Wait, no, don't go!" He cried, being desperate as he still did not fully understand it. It disappeared.

He sighed and walked into the building, he slowly creeped up as the receptionist was on the right side, there was a smooth wooden table and there was a wooden barricade, with glass windows. There would be gaps so she can slip her hands through.

He walked past as she just stared at the papers, not caring about him. As he looked at her, he just got the weirdest memories from people talking about her.

It was a cold winter, there was somebody injured as he was in a fight (which happened pretty often), there would be battered walls because of it, depending on the area.

There were none in the reception, as its in front of the teacher, but the toilets, no teachers ever went there, except for the caretaker, who had the hardest job, for minimum wage.

Back to the student, who was not Kumas, he had a meeting with the school nurse, that's when the conversation started. The blood was everywhere and an old lady, in a white lab coat bent down.

Infront of him were three guys talking, they were all talk no muscle, (your average weakling that tries to stay out of the bully's way).

"Man, why do we have an old lady?"

One of them said in a bothered tone, "In all the anime's, the nurses are hot, ours isn't."

But the person replied with a smirk, "but we have the receptionist," and both agreed by nodding their heads.

As Kumas was behind them, doing his work, and being happy not getting bullied. He was the only person who was doing it as everybody else was next to the injured person.

'What's so good about her?'

He overheard them and he just wondered with the non-motivated attitude he had, why they were like that.

"As she is writing, you can see them," he whispered it pathetically.

That rung in his head, "when she is working, you can see…"

'Out of everything, why do I have these thoughts now'

He sighed, forgetting he can be heard, then the lady looked up. Kumas froze in shock, she stared directly at him, he thought he was caught however, she just glanced over.

He collapsed slowly onto the floor, it was a nice and fuzzy carpet. Even though he was in the clear, his eyes were building out of him.

'Stay calm, and just go'

He slowly made his legs push his body up, they shook frantically. He looked up and saw what the guys were talking about.

'Are you serious?'

He blinked and saw that she was writing something, her pen was a blue ink.

He leaned on the table, making no creaking sound, then glanced over to see what she was working on. Her hair smelled lovely, enough that he closed in.

'What fragrance is this? Why am I doing this? I ne- '

He was close enough to see what she was writing about, his hearted stopped when he saw it.

'This is about me'

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