
The Sandcrawler

— — Synopsis: — — — — — — — — The High Dominions punishment towards those deemed Cursed has grown. Every Awakening comes with the risk of disownment and expulsion from society. They're deemed as devils. It's almost time for Heath's Awakening into noble society... I wonder what'll become of him. — — Extra Info: — — — — — — — — Written for WSA 24 800 word count (minimum) Cover made by me Hopefully there’ll be a new chapter released every week — — Warning Notice: — — — — — — WARNING ⚠️: There are some dark/offensive themes covered in the book, along with blood and gore. — — Authors Note: — — — — — — — This book is written following Heath Maladar. He’s meant to be portrayed as a villain, though with noble intentions. I may have made the “good guys” seem a bit too evil, but I hope you can look past that…

Saurx · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Awakening [1]: Cursed

The cries of the crowd erupted from the street below, marching down the street in a hury — so much so the dirt kicked up and engulfed what seemed to be the entire block. The dry smell of dirt filled my nose — that and the ever so present smell of blood. I traced my fingers against the edge of the windowsill; dust collecting on my hands as I watched. Not the angry mob, but the guards they were following — each one a rope tied to the arms of Cursed.

Some of them walked with their heads down. No semblance of resistance. Others took to screaming and begging. That didn't stop the mob. They were unforgiving. Stones and bits of broken glass were hurled towards them as they cried out in pain. Slurs and insults berated each and every one of them as they were 'safely' escorted outside the city walls. Exilement. None of them were over the age of sixteen.

It wasn't long before the group turned the corner and the distant screams left from my ears. All that was left was the noticeable trail of blood lining the center of the road. I examined every detail I could; Not out of curiosity, but a rather odd sense of pity for those devils.

It was only the squeak of a door from behind which got me to turn.

"Your room smells of dry dirt!" He exclaimed, fanning the air away from his face as he approached.

"The mob outside shot it up here," I told him, quickly turning back outside, "While they were harassing the Cursed."

"I see. Must remember it's not harassment, dear child. It's the order of things- the way it should be."

He stepped to my side; His rough, rigid hands wrapping themselves around my shoulder. Just the thought alone almost made me puke. More concerningly did I nearly flinch. Surely I'd have been punished if that had happened. I've already been punished enough.

"Father," I blurted, "What becomes of those who get exiled- the Cursed?"

My fathers hand ever so slightly clenched — my heart skipping a beat. "Must you always speak so softly? If I didn't know you, I'd think you have compassion for them."

"Of course not, father." I immediately responded. "I'm simply curious."

"Well, you don't need to concern yourself with that. Not even I know. Devils like them deserve it, and that's all I know of."

I paused. "I see."

"Well now, child. It should be about time for us to head out. That's the crux of why I came to see you."

"I'll be down in a minute."

Without much more of a word, the door closed shut. I let out a quick sigh, pivoting around and paced straight for a silk cloth, gently wiping off my hand before refolding it and shoving it into my pocket.

* * *

Heading down the stairs, the flavorful scent of rich broth and the noticeable stain of potatoes flooded into my nose.

"Heath, you're here!" I could hear my mother exclaim, "Come eat before your big day."

"I'm fine, mom." I responded, sitting off to the side and slipping on my black leather oxfords one by one, "I'm almost late, anyways."

Almost as if it were on cue, my father waved me out the door with his head, "Lets go, dear child. The Dynast are waiting on us."

"Be sure to eat later then, hun!" My mother shouted out to me before my father shut the door.

His handkerchief up to his forehead, he impatiently tapped his foot on the porch.

"Now where is Daniels?"

All throughout, I could feel the sweltering sun bear down upon me. My eyes — naturally out of curiosity — peered directly towards the blood that seeped into the dirt; under the suns heat having been nearly completely dried up.

It was then that a dark wagon finally turned the corner — the familiar face of Daniels holding the reigns as it pulled up beside us.

"Daniels-!" My father exclaimed, slowly climbing the stairs up into the cabin as I followed behind him, "We're running late because of you!"

"Sorry, Sire," He muttered, placing his bowler hat to his chest as he addressed us, "I needed to do some final preparations for my trip."

"Yes, yes, we can talk on about this on the way over-" Daniels promptly commanded the horses forward as my father continued, "-and about that, any word on how long you'll be in Alnahr for?

"Should be about a month, sir."

I've heard Daniels' mention his business trip a few days ago, though I'd never expected it to come this sudden.

"Very well. I assume you're leaving right away?"

"Yes, Sire."

My father scoffed. Not a single word more was spoken for the rest of the journey.

* * *

By the time we made it to the tower, droves of people were already swarming the streets as we could hear the Doyen's speech echo through the streets.

"Bye, Daniels." my father exclaimed, quickly pulling me off was we rushed through the crowds.

The process of reaching the stage was rather pland — just endless stairs and hallways to get on top. It would be fair to say that the height of the stage was… excessive. Not even mentioning it's size.

The whole way, it was rather obvious to me that my father was nervous. His motions were rushed and erratic, and he could've sweat out an entire river by now. Nonetheless, we had made it up on top of the stage before the Doyens could finish speaking.

"The Maladars!" a man spoke, trying to keep his voice as low as possible, "Good to see you've made it."

"Ah, Damian. Always a pleasure to be in your aqquaintance."

My father grasped my shoulders, adjusting me forward and into a line with the rest of the families.

I knew the man my father was speaking to — Father of the Terina family; Very easy to identify thanks to his combed and refined short brown hair, with an oddly groomed beard placed underneath.

They act kind enough to each other, though it's quite obvious, at least to me, that they despise each other. Then again, I can't say I blame my father. They're insufferable.

I suppose my father noticed my annoyance, as he turned to me, mouth right up against my ear as he spoke; "Don't act up, boy. Not infront of the Doyens."

"I know, father."

"Now-" one of the Doyens commanded from atop their pedestal, "Let the noble Awakening commence."

In an instant, a deep, green glow shot itself into my chest. I could feel the warmth of it bear down on the inside of my skin as it morphed itself into a small sigil.

I could see the Doyens pacing down the line — one by one activating everyone's sigil.

It felt off though. lt felt warm. Too warm. Painful, even. Painful? Why is it painful?

I felt my hands begin to tremble. I felt my breath grow heavy. All I could smell was blood. Before I could even know what had happened, I felt my chest explode. I felt my blood begin to rise.

My heart collapsed.

I felt my breath grow heavy — the Doyens now approaching me.

But my heart collapsed.

"Boy-!" I could faintly hear my father murmur from behind me, "Boy- what's wrong!"

I felt too exhausted to respond. I could feel the air being sucked out from my lungs. I could feel the magic begin to burn my insides.

My heart collapsed. My heart collapsed. My heart collapsed.

The next thing I knew, the magic imploded. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't smell anything. It was as if time had stopped. It's was as if nothing ever existed at all. The moment I regained myself, my hands were already in chains.

I heard the screams and panic coming from the audience. I couldn't see what was happening — my eyes covered by a white cloth; My mouth gagged as I was dragged away.

"He's Cursed-!" I could hear Father Terina shout out, "Noble blood can't be Cursed!"

My father muttered out, "M-my wife! She must have lied about her ancestors!

The second I heard this, I screamed. At least, I tried to. I squirmed and thrashed. I berated him with my words which would never be heard.

"He's going crazy!" Father Terina shouted.

Just moments after, a hard boot shot up towards my jaw. I felt it crack.

(Innitial Batch Release Chapter | 1/3)

Author here; Thanks for reading the story! any support would mean a lot to me. I’ll try my best to answer any questions anyone has!

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