
The Same Half

Never one without the other With claws as sharp as blades And lullabies as soft as silk Where one goes, the other follows Watching, listening, hunting and waiting Beware of the same half For their shadows cause death And their presence bring ruination

KaMi · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Path to Undivinity

It was before the creation of anything; a time that no one knows.

Golden blood spilled carelessly across the universe as the gods slaughtered one another to achieve the greatest title - the King.

What they once thought were immortal bodies became nothing more than regular flesh that can be pierced by their divine weapons, adding more to the growing demise of their race's very existence.

"The Keres are growing more and more powerful." A dark figure loomed over the clouds, watching another gruesome battlefield unfold .

"We cannot help it. War was meant to be violent and cruel." A second, much smaller figure slowly appeared beside the first one.

"Our kind would completely disappear if this continues." The first one sighed in pity.

"If the Fates have decided, then it shall be." The other one replied nonchalantly.

Cries of men and women surged below them, followed by screams of death and destruction.

The first figure looked up at the dark sky as familiar screeches of the Keres echoed throughout the entire battlefield. Their torn wings flapped against the strong winds and their mouths water from the smell of blood and death. It was once again time for another banquet for the appalling creatures.

They snatch away the dead like the helpless prey that they are. The heavily wounded try to get away from their claws, to no avail.

"Soon, we will all be food." The second figure whispered, watching the Keres eat their prey as they fly above them.

"Are you afraid?" The first figure asked, still focused on the battle below.

"What is there to be afraid of?" The second figure replied.

Silence between them ruled, both pondering over the same question.

When the first light of dawn finally struck, it was eerily quiet.

Hundreds of lifeless gods sprawled across the vast land of ruined temples and homes with the few survivors having left the place long ago.

Not an inch of life could be seen anywhere.

"We should also go." The first figure stood and the second one followed behind.

The sky shone brightly, giving the battlefield a more clear yet horrifying image.

"When will be our turn?" The smaller figure asked as they walked away.

Both of them looked at the howling Keres flying above them, seemingly increasing in numbers as time flows by.

The first figure, who seems to be nothing more than just a young man, squinted his eyes when the light reached his face.

His sister stood beside him, blinking several times to get used to the blazing sun.

"It will never come for us." He calmly stated as he looked into her eyes.

The wind blew gently, and they simply vanished.