
Chapter 2 the kyuubi attack

I flew as My red aura surrounded me landing right in front of Kyuubi I glanced at him.

[a new skill has been unlocked]


I nodded "okay" and used observe

[KURAMA THE NINE TAILED FOX- the strongest of the nine tailed beast]

i already knew that but thanks. I lowered my power level a bit so I won't kill him, I actually liked the tailed beast it was sad that the people only think of them as mindless beasts.

My hands encased with chi causing it too glow red before I thrust-ed it forward creating a vortex made of fire (Mario's ultimate) the attack managed to stun him maybe I underestimated him to much as he turned his attention towards me kurama roared in anger as he brought his paw down at My I jumped out of the way

Just then the third hokage came in his battle gear with his staff he looked at me suspiciously "I don't know who you are we'll speak after this crisis is over" i Nodded and flew towards the kyuubi

"take this kame-hame-ha" I fired a beam of blue light towards the beast the beast on instinct dodged the attack but looked at me shocked

their he is the fourth hokage and his wife kushina naruto was on a pillar god Minato is so luck to have a women like her she is so hot.

They appear to be arguing mostlikely to do or not to seal do I then noticed the death god was behind them

The fox seemed to noticed as well and he went to strike the baby Kushina jumped infront of the baby in attempt to save It

Thats when minato saw his chance 'REAPERS DEATH SEAL" He roared he then sealed the kyuubi inside his son

I quickly rushed over Yondaime "what the hell You know how Jinchurikis are treated You could of sealed it into someone else why did you have to seal it into your son?

"Hehehe" Minato chuckled evilly before he coughed up blood "Konoha needs a weapon." he said before the light from his eyes faded

My fist clenched This was nothing like the yondaime I grew up to watch as a kid I Looked over at kushina and she seemed to be bleeding out she looked heart broken as well She is now the only person I respect in this world along with Naruto I have to let her live

"KUSHINA" I rushed towards her and tried to heal her "KIRA BY A SENSU BEEN NOW!"

instantly a sensu been was in my hand

"Everything is going to be alright!" I told Kushina my voice watery She was a person I admired and respected "eat this It will heal your wounds " she was hesitant at first but she nodded I Put the been in her mouth once she ate it she gasp as all of her wounds healed She smiled weaklly at me "thank you" she said before she passed out I caught her before she

"... Damn you minato"

the clouds started to gather as My eyes flickered teal a white aura surrounded me as It flickered to gold then back to white

[Forcing calm...Error Error]

Lightning Struck the ground as I remembered My life all the torture I went through do to being an orphan I realized that Naruto in this universe well get it worse then the cannon and nobody well see him as a person I imagine the beatings and the mob attacks Naruto would of gone through kushina could of been captured tears were flowing down my face lightning struck the ground again as My hair flickered golden before returning back to black The ground started shaking as the villagers were panicking

Naruto woke up and started to cry

My eyes widen as I forced myself to calm down the clouds parted and everything returned to Normal, I picked up kushina and and naruto who looked at me in the eyes My god those eyes were so blue I could literally drown in them

I smiled nervously at him This is akward well I was untill he grinned at me I smiled back his smile is infectious

[how cute!]

"Shut it kira" I muttered embarrassed as I carried them back towards the village