
The Saintess Wants Marriage!

"What are we fighting for?" Iris was the name of the Underworld's first demon queen. For thousands of years, she reigned over the demons and fought countless wars against the Holy Palace, defending her homeland. No matter how many lives were sacrificed, the war never ended. Tired, she challenged the strongest Paladin to a deathmatch. On that fateful day, she used up all her magic to seal the two of them inside an unbreakable crystal, and cast a spell of eternal rest. When she woke up, she was no longer Iris. She had possessed the body of Serenia Aubellin, the newly elected Saintess. ___ "Have you ever heard of a marriage so grand that the entire world was united?"

illeannne · Fantasía
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34 Chs

It's A Miracle!

"I can't." Serenia sighed, shaking her head.

It was impossible. The area heal she performed earlier almost took her out, and that was with wounds that were 'lesser' threats to their lives.

Meanwhile, just like the man laying down in front of her, everyone here was on the brink of death, literally one step away from meeting El. A small push would be enough to let their souls be taken away by the grim reaper.

"That can't be.." The healer, in addition to several others in the area were struck with grief.

"Sorry. It's just.. on a different level. I can help them one by one, though. Like this man.." Serenia hummed, falling into a trance as she tried to diagnose his condition correctly.

The healer said that his bleeding wouldn't stop, nor would the wound close. All his spells just bore no fruit at all.