Max, a Mexican military man, loses everything in a mission that goes wrong so he ends up reviving in the year 830 at the beginning of the Viking Age, as the son of a Jarl in exile named Einar. Einar can overcome the challenge of surviving a hostile world where only the strongest can live. It is up to you to find out.
With great care, Einar placed himself behind Kassia and taking his penis with his hand began to caress Kassia's vaginal lips.
This he did for a while, as the sensation of wetness and warmth that had his penis between Kassia's labia provided was addictive.
Feeling that his penis was sufficiently lubricated, he used his thumb to caress Kassia's beautiful anus in circles.
When he felt she was relaxed enough, he began to insert his penis while gently stroking Kassia's back.
"Just breathe slowly and relax your anus Kassia, if you feel like it can't get in, make some effort like pushing.
That way my penis will be able to enter without problems and it will not hurt you. "
Kassia, who was quite aroused, bit her lip and began to relax as she felt Einar's penis slowly enter her anus.