Max, a Mexican military man, loses everything in a mission that goes wrong so he ends up reviving in the year 830 at the beginning of the Viking Age, as the son of a Jarl in exile named Einar. Einar can overcome the challenge of surviving a hostile world where only the strongest can live. It is up to you to find out.
It is a very fun toy and will help children to understand a little about how the wind can be used, not to mention that it could be a nice toy for children.
We could also make them more beautiful and detailed to sell to merchants, I am sure they will be able to sell them among the children of the nobility.
But first, we work on making our first kites, I want you to see what I do so that you can repeat it later. "
After saying those words, Einar reached out his hands and pulled the wooden box containing the materials towards him.
Looking inside he began to take out some long and thin pieces of wood which he arranged on one side of the wooden box.