
Entrance to the barony of Kincora

In the capital, Inis of Einnis County, the son of King Cenn, Prince Eogan was looking proudly at his army that he had been painstakingly preparing.

'With this army, I will destroy the army once and for all that accursed pagan king. I am sure that he will not be able to defend himself because my entire army is armed with bows.

I simply will not give him the opportunity to defend himself, as I am sure that more will happen. They will not even be able to touch my soldiers from afar.

My only regret is that I lost too many people in the process, so I will have to steal a few many people in order to regain power.

I'm sure that once my army can completely destroy those damned pagans, the High Pontiff himself will be able to declare me a king.

He might even go so far as to build a fleet and attack that heathen island once and for all. '