
The Sacred knight

About a thousand years into the future,the universe begun to acheive the next stage of evolution. The beasts of the earth had a mutation. They suddenly begun to grow bigger,fiercer and faster. As a result of this, mankind was brought to thier knees. But one day Rin Kruger rises up to achieve his dream of becoming the strongest in the galaxy and bring back the peace it once knew.

Melvin_Adeambowen · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Sacred Demon king Whale

The beast hunt competition begun on the next day. Everyone everywhere paid complete attention to the game. It was held on an island which was called Mist island.

Mist island was a haven for dangerous monsters and plants. The monsters were known to be the type that attacked on sight. The objective of the competition was to kill as many beasts as you can within the allotted time. The island was also surrounded by the ocean which was also filled with a lot of dangerous sea monsters.

When the start off whistle was given, they all flew away to mist island at different speeds and arrived at different times and locations. However Rin decided to dive into the sea and see what kind of beasts it contained.

"The ocean is really massive." Said Rin as he gleaned underwater. As he moved Rin took out his sword and cross slashed the beast in front of him.

Primary horned electric eel killed

Eleven points gained

No artifact or beast soul acquired.

Rin saw that there were many primary beasts in the top and if he wanted to face some dangerous beasts, he would have to go deeper. Also the place really seemed ominous. He would have to be on his guard. The closeness of the ocean to the earth's core increased it's gravity therefore making it difficult to move. But thanks to the black knight's amazing capabilities, Rin could still move easily but not for long. The ocean had a depth of ….while he travelled at a speed of 30,000m/s. Suddenly Rin sensed a monster nearby.

Rin changed his direction to the nearby monster. When he arrived into contact with it, he used his speed as a weapon,pierced it's head and killed it before it could make any attack.

Mutant sea shark killed

Twenty nine points gained

No artifact or beast soul acquired

Rin wondered how the others were doing. Some of those who landed on the island came into contact with a giant bloodthirsty bear. They all struggled with the bear but finally it was killed by Joe Anderson.

As Rin continued to travel, he finally sensed the presence of very dangerous beast. He stopped for a while and then later decided to move slowly. He continued to move until he arrived face to face with the beast. As he laid eyes on the whale beast, for the first time Rin was scared.

"What a dangerous beast. If I succeed in killing this whale, My rank would definitely increase. But if I fail, I'll die because no one else is around here. What should I do?" He asked himself

"I'll definitely have to fight. Now that it has completely sensed me, there's no escaping now." He added.

Suddenly he felt a chill down his spine as he stared into the eyes of the beast. It was definitely humongous. And old. This beast could be about a hundred thousand years old. As for the kind of power it had, Rin did not even dare imagine. This whale was nothing compared to any of the beasts he had faced.

"Who dares to disturb my peace!!" Said a very threatening and humongous voice coming from the whale.

"It speaks?" Said Rin

"You have come to your death!!!" It added.

Suddenly, it's whole body begun to grow red as if it was preparing for a fight.

"What a powerful presence. It's almost as if I cant breathe." Said Rin. The beast roared releasing heavy bowels of electricity along with the heavy waves. Rin was blown far away and also affected by it's power. Rin had totally no idea how he was supposed to fight. By the time could fully recover, the whale was already near him. What made the giant whale even scarier was it's evil presence. He could barely move as he usually did. Now that he knew one of it's attacks, he tightened his grip on his sword and dagger and swam at top speed towards the evil whale. He begun slashing the evil whale's body but nothing worked. Not even the Excalibur could hurt it.

"Are you tickling me?" It teased. At this moment, Rin was had up. His weapons did not work against it.

What looked like a red mist begun to engulf Rin. By the time he realized, he was covered with red mist and the whale was nowhere to be seen. Some seconds later, Rin spotted the whale right behind him. Before he could launch a desperate attack, another evil whale appeared, then a third and a fourth.

"What is this? An illusion?" Said Rin. Then out of nowhere the four evil whales attacked. Rin was hurt and coughed out blood. This was no illusion. All their attacks hurt him pretty badly.

At a point in time, Rin thought about admitting defeat until his mind took him back to his time with Lin Tylang at storm corporation. A secret weapon Lin had handed over to him and had advised him to use only in desperate situations. It was a small metal rod which when activated brought out eight small poisonous pins. Rin accepted it but never used it because he wondered how a little weapon such as that would be of any use to him. But at this point, he was at the cross road between life and death so there was no choice but to seek it's help.

Before Rin did anything, he decided to find the Whale's real body. He had already felt the evil aura of the whale. If he concentrated enough, he would definitely be able to locate it.

Within just a short while, he found the true whale which was not among the four whales that attacked him. Rin activated the weapon. As told, eight poisonous pins were released from the rod to the whale. The little pins pierced it's impenetrable skin and entered. Within a short while, The whale gave out a roar of pain. The loud roar made Rin's ears go numb until he could almost hear nothing. Then suddenly the Whale stopped moving and died.

Level three sacred Demon king whale Killed

Five hundred points gained

New status: Level five royal knight

field of death and Demon whale canine acquired