
The Runaway Duchess

Leiana is a duchess who runs away from her husband and everyone with no one knows. Only she knows of her pregnancy. And only she knows that she's a transmigrator. Before she transmigrated, she is once a president's bodyguard. She died after receiving the bullet intended for the president. She wakes up in another body and is about to give birth. Shock splashed over her one after another. However, she slowly accepted and adjusted to everything until she gives birth to a boy. Upon remembering a few important details about the novel, Leiana chooses to avoid being involved in the flow of the novel. She tries her best to hide away but a few people won't let her be. Assassins always come after her life and wanted to stop her existence in the world. She can protect herself but she is not confident about how long she can protect her son from them. Then one night, a group of assassins attack their house. She fights them while ordering her son, Leitz to keep himself hidden. Since Leiana's body is originally weak, she couldn't fight them the way she used to. She is struggling and catching her breath with the few movements she made. Leitz is witnessing everything even the time when his mother bleeds. He jumps out of where he is hiding and lost control of his power. Leiana who witnessed her son being out of control couldn't help but feel hurt for her son. She decided to live with the old man whom she trusted as their family for her and her son's safety. Years passed by and the mother and son live their life normally and peacefully. Not until, when her friend from the capital sends her an invitation to a birthday party. There she attended together with her son to meet the people she don't want to meet or bump with. There she came face to face with her first love who is confessing in front of her after all these years. Also, she meets the man who is known as her husband and the father of her son. Where her husband is trying to bring her home together with her son.

Mieka Guan · Urbano
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


The game started. One of the three bullies threw the ball towards Leitz with all their might. However, Leitz just stood there, took a step towards his side, and caught the ball in his hand. He steps his right leg behind and threw the ball back with all his strength.

The ball passed through the side of one of the bully's faces. He can feel the wind together with the ball that is flying passed him. He couldn't move to react or see the ball.

"Ah~ my bad... I missed," Leitz tilted his head with his glowing crimson eyes. "But next time, I won't." He smiled.

"Y... you..." the bully stuttered and started to tremble.

"Brat!" one of them already picked up the ball and threw it toward Leitz.

However, Leitz calmly dodged the ball and caught it by his hand. Leitz's eyes were glowing and his face is calm and indifferent with a cold gaze.

The game suddenly changed course. Leitz had the upper hand now over those three bullies who were barely standing and got bruises and bleeding. Leitz continue to play the game until the three bullies fell to the ground.

However, Leitz seems not satisfied yet and walked toward them and looked down.

"What? Is that all you've got?" Leitz tilted his head with a bored expression on his face.

"You... mon... monster!" one of them shouts.

Leitz raised his hand and was about to hit them with the ball when I manage to stand up and dash toward him.

"Leitz... it's already over.......p..." I hold his arm to stop him.

However, Leitz didn't hear anything and just push me away. Ah, what should I do? If he continues, he might kill them! They are even in a worst state than our playmates. Ah!

"STOP IT LEITZ! TITA LEIANA WILL BE ANGRY IF YOU WON'T!" I yelled to him hoping to get back his senses.

Leitz halted and freeze. He blinks then his eyes turn back to normal. I sighed in relief. What a troublesome friend I have.

"Mommy..." Leitz muttered.

"Leitz..." called out when I saw him calming down.

"Aw!" Leitz winced at the pain he felt in his body. Although he manages to dodge the ball, he still gained some scratches and a few bruises from earlier. Before he confronts the bullies. Looking at him like this, he seems like a child like me.

"Pfft!" I contained my laughter.

Leitz glanced at him. "What so funny?"

"Your look so messy right now. You look like an abandoned puppy hahaha!"

"Look who's talking..." Leitz talked back.

We stared at each other and burst out in laughter. After a moment, we decided to go back home. While we are making our way back.

"Hebron, I don't think I can approach my mother looking like this."

I pause a bit and look at him. "Uh-huh! You are so dead to Tita Leiana."

If you are wondering why I called Leits's mother Tita and Leitz called my mother Tita also. It was first insisted on by Tita Leiana. She said that is a word she learns when she was young, it means 'auntie' or 'aunt'.

Leitz sighed slumping his shoulders. "I am so dead."

"You could have ignored them."

I may say that but I am also itching to punch them. We continue our walking back home.

"If I know you are itching to punch or kick them," he snorted.

"Hahaha, you know me."

"We've been friends for twenty-five years how can I not know you?"

"Huh? Twenty-five years?"

I saw him flinch and smile awkwardly at me.

"I said with exaggeration... you know, just act as if we are already grown and such... hahaha!" he laughs awkwardly. "Let's go faster!" walking ahead of me.

Huh? That doesn't make sense.

"That doesn't make sense," he mumbles but still I can hear it.

I chuckled and shake my head. As usual, Leitz is acting strange again. I catch up to him.

"You want to go in first?"

"No, I'll be glad to enter last."


"Oh, by the way, where is Hestia?"

"She is at father's fief together with our grandparents."

"Oh... I see."

"Our birthday is coming. You will attend right?"

"If my mother will come then I'll come."

"Aren't you being too clingy to your mother, Leitz?"

He gazes at me with a blank expression. "Aren't you too young to fantasize about my mother married to you?"

"Hey, mother said it is normal to have someone you admire!"

"Admiring someone and planning to marry a certain someone, are two different things, Hebron."

"Huh? But didn't you marry someone because you admire and like her?" I asked innocently.

Leitz pats my shoulder. "Hebron it is not that simple. I am telling you, my friend."

"It isn't?"

He shakes his head.


While we are having our conversation, the door slowly opened that making us look in its direction. I saw my son stepping inside alone. I furrow my brow and before I know I rush to his side.

"My goodness, Hebron. What happen to you?" I asked worriedly.

I check carefully his face. His nose has blood that it's been there for a long time. He has some scratches, in short, he looks like a mess.

"Where is Leitz, Hebron?" Leiana asked.

He didn't answer instead he step aside to give way to Leitz who just entered the house. I gasped upon seeing the child. My goodness, what happened to this two?

If I am surprised to see my son in such a mess, I am shocked to see Leitz state. He is not just a mess but he looks chaotic. It is as if Leitz has been rolling the ground and he has more scratches than Hebron.

"Leitz..." I muttered.

He looks at me and smiles faintly. "We are back, Tita Vera."

I sighed. I touched my head. I feel like I will have a headache because of this two. I felt a pair of hands resting on my shoulders. When I lifted my gaze, I saw Johann smiling at me.

"Calm down. The children might have a valid reason why they are in such a state."

I sighed. "Right."

I can feel Johann's grip on my shoulder. In two of us, he is stricter than I am toward our children. I know he might say that to me, but he will talk afterwards with Hebron alone when we get back home.

I understand that we, as parents must be firm at a certain time when disciplining and teaching our children lessons. But every time I am about to scold them, I can withstand when the twins are standing in front of me with teary eyes as if embracing something to come.

That is why I leave it to Johann. After all, we shouldn't pamper our children too much and must be corrected their mistakes. Even so, I can say that Johann is a good father to them. He also couldn't withstand our children he will hug them after his scolding and make sure that the children get his points.

I heard footsteps walking. I look at Leiana who left and came back with a first aid kit. She sat down on the couch.

"Leitz, come here," Leiana said authoritatively.

We have been friends and I already know Leiana. She is a kind and cool woman I say. She might not be any other lady that is elegant and graceful, but she certainly has her cha

After the accident, Leiana changes into a new person. As if she isn't Leiana anymore before the accidents happen. Leiana before the accident is like a mysterious person. She didn't talk about herself much and only answer the questions she wanted to answer. She is like a beautiful mysterious lady who arrived in our town.

She always keeps others at arm's length. Leiana didn't know anyone here in our town. I try to be a friend to her, and though she didn't show repulsive or hatred toward me, she didn't even show that she is happy. She always has no expression on her face at all.

After the accident, Leiana slowly became livelier unlike before she looked like a soulless lady. She slowly shines like a bright sun whenever she smiles. And I slowly, get to know her even though she couldn't remember anything about herself anymore.

She might not be graceful and elegant. She might not a soft-spoken and gentle in her words. However, I can tell Leiana is a kind person, as well as can be cold and indifferent sometimes. How can she be kind to others, is the same as, how she can be cold and indifferent to them.

I remember I once said to Johann.

"Don't get mistaken for Leiana's kindness."

If you do, you will never handle her wrath. She totally will treat you as if you didn't exist at all, or act as wha imaginations do.

I stand up and bring Hebron to the couch as well.

"Leiana, can I borrow your kit?"

"Of course, Vera," she answered yet she was not looking at me.

Definitely. She isn't happy with this.

"Hebron, can you tell us what happen?" I asked my son calmly.

Trying to console him so that he can speak freely while I am cleaning and treating his scratches, as well as, Leiana to Leitz.

"Uhm... there were..." and so Hebron started his tale.

We just stay there in silence listening to him until he finishes. Leiana and I were also done treating them. I can say that Leitz does take Leiana's personality. You shouldn't mistake their kindness.

"Ah..." Hebron fidgeted his fingers.

"What is it, my son?"

"Do you have more to say, Hebron?" Johann seconded.

Hebron glance at Leitz and then looks at us.

"Uhm... Leitz's eyes..."

Hebron was cut off by Leitz.

"Mommy!" Leitz suddenly called out.

Leiana looks at him and raised one brow. Leitz flinch and like a puppy whimpered, as if he wanted to hide in the corner.

"Leiana, don't be so too hard on him. Maybe it is just a childish prank?" I laugh hesitantly.

She sighed. "Did you get into a fight?" she asked directly.

My goodness, Leiana. You already heard Hebron's story and yet you still ask him? Why are you pressuring your son? She can be a difficult person if she wanted to. I sighed.

Oh well, when Leiana became a mother. She became cooler than before. As the only parent raising her son, she must be soft at the same time firm to him after all her child is a boy. Unlike me, I depend on Johann in talking with Hebron. Since a man can only understand a man itself.

However, in Leiana's situation, she should understand how the young boys acted and think. What, are their hobbies, it will get harder when Leitz will grow into a young man.

"Uhm..." Leitz looked away.

"Leitz Merlette, I'm talking to you."

Leitz gazegazesk at her. I remember one time Leiana scolding Leitz.

"Leitz, when we are talking about a serious matter, you should look at me, and not just wander your eyes anywhere. That is not a good mannerism, Leitz."

And, every time she is upset about something that Leitz does, she will call him by his whole name.

"I am listening, Leitz."

"I am sorry, mother."

And Leitz will formally call her.

"Sorry for what?"


"Leitz, if you apologize, you should know what is apologizing for. It is also showing respect to a lady. Just simply apologizing because you know she's angry but didn't know the reason, is like mocking them even you didn't intend so."

I do not argue with that. Whenever Johann upset me and just apologize but didn't know what he did, feels like I am a fool or my irritation just burned more.

"I am sorry, mother. Because I got into a fight," he said apologetically with teary eyes.

Oh no~ he is about to cry. Ahh~ Leiana you will not let this cute son of yours cry, right?

Leiana pats his head. "Good boy..." she smiled.

Leitz smiles brightly and hugs her. Leiana hugs him while stroking his hair.

"You did well..."

"Really?" Leitz looks up at her.

"I am not talking about you getting into a fight." Pinching his nose. "I am talking about knowing and admitting your mistake."

Leitz beam. "It is because mommy raises me well!"

Leiana is caught in surprise by Leitz's response. She smiles and her gaze becomes soft and gentle.

"I am happy to have a son like you, Leitz."