
The Rule of the King Of Power (DROPPED)

People who are Enlightened rule the world. They unlock a fraction of the knowledge the Starters have, the creators of the universe. As technology advanced, society did as well. People who were never enlightened were at the bottom of the food chain, never having any power in the hierarchy. The school was no different. People who were of the same bloodline as starters had better assess to technology and the best of the best training. They were the people who ruled the school. Dredly was never as strong as he wanted to be. He always disappointed himself destroying his self-esteem. He gets bullied by a kid named Angel. He was of the esteemed bloodline of Parker. As his emotions bottled up inside started to overflow, he started showing signs of awakening. Dredly is met by a strange salesman who says that he'll help him awaken under one condition. (Dropped)

Rebel_Kiddo · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Due to lack of motivation, I'll be dropping this. But, I will be doing another novel which I've had in the back of my mind for a while. More like a few years. I will try and do a consistent schedule for that novel. Just check my account and find it when I post a chapter tomorrow.