
The Royals Of Wildred

Wildred, Culbert, and Isolde were the three most powerful kingdoms on earth. Many years ago, the first son of the 23rd king of Wildred, Prince William, was exiled from the Kingdom by the Court of Wildred, for allegedly giving the Clovis scroll to the prince of Isolde. After the death of the 23rd King, Baldwin the younger brother of Wiliam became the new king, and due to his love and affection for his brother, he brought his brother back into the kingdom. Wiliam out of depression slept with one of the maids of the kingdom, impregnating her, some days after the incident, the wife of Baldwin, Queen Adele was announced pregnant. When the two women finally gave birth, Wiliam switched the two children, taking his brother son and putting his own child, beside the queen, as he wanted his son to become 24th King of Wildred. Prince Wiliam was later appointed Duke of Arnoul and Roderick, the real son of King Baldwin grew up as the adopted son of prince Williams, while Harold the real son of prince Williams grew up as the prince and son of King Baldwin.. Inorder to unite the two kingdoms together , Clare, the princess of Culbert, was set to marry the prince of Wildred, Harold Waltimore. Unfortunately, she fell in love with Roderick. Will Roderick find out the Truth?, Is he truly the rightful heir to the throne ? , Will he find out that Rosyln is actually his sister ? And what will he do ? , as the kingdom of Isolde and Wildred are about to start a war. Read the chapters to find out!

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Chapter 1 - The Royal City

The Royals Of Wildred

Wildred was one of the three most powerful kingdoms on earth, it was located in the East of Armstrong.

The 23rd king of Wildred was King Percival. While the queen was Kathrine , and they had two sons which were; Wiliam and Baldwin.

Wiliam was the first son of the king ,and was the rightful heir to the throne,but he lost that right during the Arkham war.

Arkham War, 1906

Wiliam was summoned to the Cheifs palace, by the court of Wildred, he stood , and looked up , With his father sitting among the cheifs, the king was wearing a red colored robe and a golden crown.

King Percival was already an old man, he was around 60 year old, he had a blonde hair, and black colored eyes, and a fair complexion.

However, Wiliam did not inherit his father blonde hair, Wiliam had a black colored hair and eyes, he was tall, strong and brave.

The Cheifs palace, was one of the most beautiful structures in the kingdom, second only to the King's Palace.

Wiliam stood upright, with the the cheifs and King before him, the chiefs were dressed in the most expensive and finest robes of the kingdom.

"Wiliam, prince of Wildred and Son of King Baldwin , we have summoned you here on the charges of theft, betrayal and murder"the King said.

"You stole the Clovis scroll and gave it to the prince of Isolde, you also killed the royal knights who tried to stop you"The king added.

"What do you plead?"the king asked.

"I plead guilty"Wiliam replied.

Wiliam knew there was no point in lying, there was substantial proof, evidence and witness,he would rather say the truth, to lessen the punishment.

"Allegedly giving the scroll to the prince of Isolde is an unforgivable act, you deserve to be executed, but as you are a royal, we will not kill you"The King added.

"Wiliam, son of Queen Kathrine, you are thereby exiled from the kingdom for eternity!, you shall not be allowed to step foot on our land!"the king added.

"That is your punishment!"..

After hearing those words Wiliam felt betrayed, and heartbroken, he wondered how could a father exile his first son, he knew his punishment will be severe, but not to this extent.

He asked himself'Should I have just done nothing to protect my nother?'

Several days ago .

Wiliam the prince of Wildred agreed to meet with the prince of Isolde in the forest of Omar.

The two princes and their troops had both arrived in the meeting place.

They were on their horse, armed with swords, axe and several weapons.

The meeting place was surrounded with giant trees , with beautiful red flowers called "Yolande".

"Where's my mother?!"Wiliam asked.

"She is still well alive, but if you want to see her, you have to give me something in return"Roland replied.

Wiliam knew his mother was with the kingdom of Isolde, during the Arkham war, Isolde was able to capture the queen of Wildred, Kathrine Waltimore. Wiliam journeyed through several cities trying to find his mother.

"What do you want?"William asked.

"The Clovis scroll of Wildred"Roland replied.

Wiliam loved his mother so much, that he had no choice, but to give in to their demand, although he didn't plan on actually giving them the scroll.

The Clovis scroll was force fully taken from him and his mother was still not able to be found..

Arkham War, 1906

After the royal meeting , King Percival went to meet his son, the king was really sad that he exiled his first son.

There were two royal knights beside Wiliam, they were ordered to prevent Wiliam from escaping.

"I am sorry my child, but as King, I had no choice but to punish you"the king said.

"I understand, father"Wiliam replied.

"So who will become the next King?"Wiliam asked.

"Your younger brother, Baldwin would have to become the next King of Wildred"the king replied.

"Wiliam! Wiliam!"Baldwin yelled as he ran to his brother.

"So what happened?"Baldwin asked.

"I would leave you two , to say your last words to each other"the king said as he walked away.

"What!"Baldwin exclaimed.

"I am being exiled from the kingdom"Wiliam replied.


"I deserve it, what I did was wrong"William said.

"You are the next king, Baldwin. You should be prepared, because they are many obstacles, you would have to overcome"William added.

"Don't worry, if I become king, I promise to bring you back!"Baldwin replied.

Wiliam hugged his brother and walked away, he and his brother were shedding tears, as they had an unbreakable bond.

'I love you my brother, but I don't plan on giving you my right of becoming the next king of Wildred, I will come back and take my rightful place!'Wiliam thought as he walked out of the cheif palace.

Many Years Later.

The 23rd King of Wildred King Percival fell ill and died. Prince Baldwin became the 24th King of Wildred, with his new power and authority, Baldwin made the royal knights find and bring Prince vWiliam back into the kingdom.

October 6th, 1930.

Prince Wiliam the newly appointed Duke of Arnoul, walked into a secret room, he was armed with a sword.

"How is he?"Williams asked.

There was a woman laying on a bed, with a baby in her arms. She was one of the royal maids of the palace.

"He is okay"the woman replied.

"You know, he looks like you"the woman added.

Several Months Back

When Wiliam felt betrayed by his brother,King Baldwin. He seduced one of the royal maids of the kingdom and impregnated her.

Anytime William set eyes on the maid, he remembers nothing but of that night, when he had sexual intercourse with her.

"My brothers wife had just given birth"Wiliam said.

"That is nice"the maid replied.

"I have been thinking, Shouldn't I be the King of Wildred"Wiliam asked.

"Yeah, but you were exiled. Remember?"the woman asked.

"Yes but now that am back, I should be the King, but my brother still doesn't want to give me the throne, and if he dies his son will take over. The title of "King" belongs to me and my descendants"Wiliam replied.

"So what do you want to do?"the woman asked.

"I want to switch my son with his, without him knowing, so that our son will become the next king"Williams replied.

"That's absurd!"The woman exclaimed.

"I won't agree to such insane plan. My son belongs to me and I would raise him myself, no one! will take him from me"the woman ordered.

"You never had a choice"Wiliam said as he drew out his sword.

"It seems you have forgotten, that what happened that night was a mistake"Wiliam added as he walked towards her.

"What are you doing!?"the woman asked.

"Protecting our son"Wiliam said as he beheaded the woman with his sword.

Her blood spilled all over the room, even Wiliam and the baby were stained by her blood.

"I am sorry, but no one must know I made love to a maid, and that I have a son. My first son must become the 24th King of Wildred!"Wiliam said as he put his sword back into it's sheath.

Due to the 24 years of Exile, Wiliam had become heartless and cruel, as he suffered and had to kill hundreds of people to survive.

To him there was nothing like love, and to get something, he knew , there had to be sacrifices.


In the royal palace, the queen had just given birth, the king, queen and their newly born child, were in the Queen's room.

"Harold, my son. You are destined to rule this kingdom one day, I promise to do whatever I can to protect you"Queen Adeke said.

The royal family now had two male child, Otto, the son of prince Wiliam and Harold, the son of King Baldwin.

To be continued