
The Royal Twist

"I called you out here because I want to know why you're against me and Herb getting...married" Lavinia admitted. "I never said that I was." Rose denied. "You didn't have to, every time that Herb and I were about to have a conversation you just shut it down" Lavinia said. "Do you really have no idea why?" Rose challenged. "Because you don't like me." Lavinia sighed. Suddenly, Lavinia found herself with her back against the column and Rose right in front of her holding her against it, Rose's face so close to her own that if she just leaned forward a tiny bit they would be...kissing. "Because you promised me that I was the one you were going to marry" Rose whispered into Lavinia's ear.

sammysamuels · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time in the land of fairies and elves, there lived the daughter of Queen Cinderella and King Charming, Princess Lavinia.

Her parents decided that she should be raised by the fairy folk because they hoped that she would be safest there, far away from any man who wanted to lay harm on the only heir to the throne.

The fairies cooed and awwed as Princess Lavinia giggled and held her tiny arm towards the leaves of the oak tree that she was lying under.

"Isn't she such a cutie?" Blossom grinned. "Why she's the cutest, I don't understand how her parents could bear to part with her for even a second, much less 18 years!" Peach crossed her arms.

"Oh hush now, I'm sure the king and queen had their reasons" the Fairy Godmother scolded the fairies.

"No child deserved to grow up parentless, especially when their parents are still alive" Peach scowled.

"There are things that you are still too young to understand I'm afraid, come now, help me make the flowers bloom" Fairy Godmother said. Blossom followed Fairy Godmother to the flower garden. Peach glanced at Princess Lavinia once more before leaving with a heavy sigh.

8 years had passed since Princess Lavinia came to live with the fairies. She was a rather sprightly young thing who loved to run around the gardens and jump from one huge lilypad to another. All the fairies had grown fond of her and loved her so.

"Lavinia, where are you?" Blossom called out, emerging from the bushes. There was no response, so she looked around until she heard laughter coming from the lake. "Oh that girl, she must be playing with the frogs again." Blossom sighed. She flew to the lake and screamed at the sight of a boa constrictor slowly coiling around Lavinia. The rest of the fairies rushed to where Blossom was, concerned.

"Love, what happened?" Peach asked Blossom as soon as she arrived. Terrified for Lavinia's life, she pointed a shaking finger towards the lake.

"Lavinia!" Peach screamed and flew towards her. Just as she was about to shoot fireballs at the snake the boa constrictor held it's tail to it's lips as if to say "shh". "What do you mean shh?!" Peach said angrily. The boa constrictor glared at her "shh." Peach decided to take a closer look at Lavinia's state before making any rash decisions. She held her wand threateningly at the snake before seeing that Lavinia was fast asleep.

"Thisss wild child, isss ssshe yoursss?" The boa constrictor hissed. "What's it to you?" Peach asked, still suspicious of the snake. "Ssshe playsss with my hatchlingsss, but ssshe wasss too energetic ssso I put her to sssleep" the boa constrictor said.

"Did you poison her?!" Peach demanded. The boa constrictor looked offended "Heavensss no! I sssang her a sssilly lullaby"

"Sssorry- I mean...sorry. It's just... I thought that you were... I don't know" Peach sighed. "Going to keel her?" The snake grinned mischievously. "That's not helping" Peach glared. The boa constrictor merely laughed. "Here, take the poor bebe. Ssshe tired herssself out" the snake said, gently cradling Lavinia with her body and handing Lavinia over to Peach. "May I ask for your name?" Peach said, staring down at Lavinia to make sure that she was okay. "Mia" she introduced herself.

Suddenly, there were yells coming from the land beside the lake. "What are you doing to my child?!" For the first time in 8 years, King Charming had finally made an appearance.

After Peach delivered Lavinia into her room in the hollowed out oak tree, she went to the meeting place of the fairy council. Once she arrived she saw the king pacing back and forth, probably still fuming about what he had seen earlier.

"Fairy Godmother, Cinderella assured me that Lavinia would be safer here than with us. For 8 years I have allowed this madness to happen, but when I finally visit I see my daughter with a boa constrictor!" King Charming yelled.

"My King, I assure you that the situation was handled and that no harm came to Lavinia. In fact you can ask Peach exactly what happened" Fairy Godmother said.

"King Charming, Mia - I mean - the snake was merely putting Lavinia to sleep" Peach assured him.

King Charming laughed mockingly "yes, and I suppose lions are just big kittens now."

Peach opened her mouth as if to argue but stopped when Fairy Godmother raised her hand. "We have told you exactly what happened from our point of view, as you are Lavinia's father I understand how that whole scene must have seemed especially after having no context before stumbling upon it. Whatever you wish to do from here on, your wish is our command."

King Charming was silent for a moment, the fairy council waited with bated breath for his final word, for his word was law.

He straightened himself up and squared his shoulders, having finally reached a decision. "I'm taking Lavinia home".