


Linnea Lindberg

/"Isaac! We should go hiking sometimes!/" I said as I found a really good hiking trail here in Norway.

/"Hiking? You like hiking?/" Isaac asked me with a completely confuse tone.

/"Hey, I might be a Princess but I love nature./" I said and he shook his head. He suddenly walked to me with tons of books in his hands.

/"Read this.. It's good for your knowledge./" He said and I hissed looking at the books in front of me.

/"Come on, Isaac. It would be fun.. you've been working and working and working for 3 days straight. You didn't even hang out with me./" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

/"Linnea, I love working.. now read those books./" He said as he took one opening it and started reading it.

/"I hate books, I don't want to read it. Let's go outside and just.. have a stroll. How about that?/" I asked and Isaac shook his head.