


Juliet Calland

/"They will kill me./" Leo said for the thousand times and I rolled my eyes.

/"Relax, I will be the one who will fight them./" I said even though I'm a little bit nervous inside.

/"Your father will kill me./" He said as he held my hand tightly. The car entered the palace and Leo was already sweating. I tried to laugh seeing him this nervous. The car stopped at the entrance of the palace and I pulled Leo out.

/"Juliet, why are you-/" Jayson walked out from the palace and his eyes widen seeing me with Leo.

/"We'll explain it later./" I said as I dragged Leo in. We walked into the main room which is the big living room. We both walked in and I can see our parents already there. Especially my father who's not that pleasant seeing me with Leo.

/"You both need to explain us why you both want us here./" My mother said as she looked at me suspiciously.