
The Royal Protector

Everything seemed wrong in Lyra Castir's life. Her parents dying, an over protective foster 'dad', a foster brother who doesn't act like a brother, and her mysterious head injury in which she lost all her memories... just a couple examples for ya. Her only freedom is school, which to her means getting away from her life at home. On her way home from school, on a seemingly normal day for Lyra, she gets stopped by a total stranger. That's when her life gets turned upside down, and now Lyra is not only saving herself but a family she never knew she had from another realm. *** I hang up the phone, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again. Making that the third time this week! "Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is familiar. "I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho? "I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!" "My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins. "How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy! "Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I seen you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated. "I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking. "No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. Well, you and the others. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asked behind me. "Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective. "Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal." "If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. "You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Author_Flower · Fantasía
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12 Chs


"Garret!" Molly smacks his chest, I wasn't supposed to know about Frederick and marriage either. Just like I can't know about the accident. Placing my hands at my sides, I leave the room happy that we were still right next to the door. Walking down the hall, I hear the door open again and Molly and Garret asking for me to stop so they can explain. I shouldn't be as mad as I am at them, but I hate them knowing things about my past and not telling me! Poor Frederick, and what is this they're having people do research thing about? I'm not staying! I told Chase and Flora I wanted to meet my parents and go. Although, they're my parents! This is my home, shouldn't I stay here? What about Sophie and Melanie? I start to run, and those two yelling behind me aren't helping me any. I run, and run, and run. I bang through a set of doors, leading me outside. The garden. It's even better in person, or at least better than what the window showed. Chase and Flora! They were out here before! Maybe I can find them, and get my traveling stone back. Chase took it from me at the house. Running through the flowers and bushes my nose is attacked with different smells. Out of know where a dog that's foaming from the mouth pops out of one of the bushes. I'm dead! Holding up my hands, I scream. Then it's silent, the dog is gone! I open my eyes hugging myself, it got cold. "Oh my god!" I whisper, looking at the frozen dog in front of me. It's frozen solid in a block of ice! Looking at my hands, I jump with excitement! My powers! Wait, did I kill it? I start backing away from the ice block, I don't know how to undo it! I don't know how I did it! Running again, I see a fountain. Running to it, and stopping there. How big is this stupid garden? Maybe I'm just that slow of a runner! Touching the water, I sit on the edge. I was going to get married to Frederick, I must've liked him a lot . . . probably loved him. I'm 15 though, I don't know what real love is! I look around the whole garden, where could they be? If they went back inside I'll never find them! I walk around the garden now, not looking anymore. That's when I hear a girl laugh. Then a 'shhh' It's close, like on the other side of the bush to my left close. Walking back the way I came and peeking to the left where there is a fork in the road I didn't taken. There is a blonde-haired girl, a fake bleach-blonde hair girl. Wearing a skimpy what I assume is supposed to be a sundress. Next to her on the grass is a boy, with dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. He is in a suit. He is very very VERY good-looking! The girl pushes her lips onto his and pushes herself away. That was abrupt, and something I didn't need to see. "Tell me one more time!" the girl attempts at sounding sexy, but to my ears, she failed. He throws his head back, smiling maybe but he doesn't look happy, white teeth shining. He spots me peeking! Oh shit! I move, and speed walks away. Oh wow, Lyra way to go! I hear noises behind me, and I think he is chasing after me. Damn, he is probably going to cuss me out for snooping! Making a sharp left into a small hole in the bushes, to catch my breath he appears. "What is it? What did you see?" The girl asks next to him, trying to grab his hand. He steps away from her looking around. "I thought I saw the Caster girl, but she's been dead for two years. It's not possible." He says, was that pain I saw in his eyes when he said my name? Should I come out and be like, yeah it was me! No! I stay put, and the two of them walk off. God has everyone in this freaking town seen me!? Peeking out to see if they're gone, I slip out breathing again. Running off the Find Chase. Speed walking, and on a mission, I walk the opposite way than that boy and girl. Hearing another girls scream, and a boy laugh I head that way. The boy was Chase! Running now, I leave the garden out in the open I spot a lake and a dock. With teenagers on it. Chase, Flora, Frederick, and the other girl. Swimming! These things are sitting on the sand. Waiting a moment to catch my breath, I look for my stone. Spotting it laying on his shirt, I wait for them to all be distracted. I want to go home, not necessarily back to Harris, but back to Earth! An undog-like bark erupts from behind me. I turn, the dog! Jumping away, and yelping. Making a run for my stone. The dogs chase after me, barking and something else that I've never heard! "Lyra?" Flora yells, and I see her and Frederick running toward me, Chase is swimming out of the water. The other girl is frozen solid, staring. Reaching my stone, the dogs take me tumbling to the ground. It's growling and dripping with slobber hovering about me and holding me down. "Get off you freak!" I scream, trying to push the thing off of me. Then it flies up, and snow and ice fall on me. I just shot it! Good, I hope it's dead this time! Scrambling to find my stone again, on my hands and knees. "Lyra?!" Flora yells, almost to me. Finally, I feel the stone in my hand, and I stand gripping it. Getting a good look at the one girl I don't know, she's crying. My bedroom! My thoughts go to my room, my bed and dresser, and the TV. Then I feel all tingly and then pulling. Back on my feet, I'm in my room. Dropping the rock, I fall to the floor. Bawling my eyes out. Why can't I just be normal? No, I just happen to like an alien or something! Glancing at the clock, I get up after a while. It's 10:44 at night. Shower and then go to sleep! Leaving my room quietly I head to the shower. Then once I'm done I'm back in my bedroom. I fall asleep instantly. I wake up to a Harris singing me happy birthday like I normally do. Rubbing my eyes, I thank him as well as push him out of my room. Time to get ready for my last day of school, and my 16th birthday. Grabbing random jeans from my dresser, and walking into my closet to grab a shirt. I get dressed and then straighten my hair, something I never really do. Then shoving on my Roxy slip-on, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and check my makeup. I jump dropping my toothbrush when Sean practically knocks on the door. Picking up the toothbrush, and rinsing it. I leave the bathroom. He isn't happy or something. Using a kitchen cup to rinse my mouth, I wait for Sean. Harris is humming happy birthday cooking the special pancake breakfast that I won't touch. Remembering that I left my phone in my room, I head back up. Opening the door It bumps into something and I immediately apologize thinking it's a person, but it's my room so there isn't anyone in there . . . or at least there shouldn't be. "Lyra! You have to come back with us!" Flora says smiling when she sees me. Oh shit, no dream. Stepping away from her, I grab my phone. "Lyra?" She asks. "No." I say, "Flora I don't want to be with a bunch of liars and secret keepers." I say leaving her there in my room. "Who were you talking to?" Sean asks, right outside the door. I freeze, who were you talking to Lyra!? Holding up my phone, I laugh slightly. "Melanie." I say, following him downstairs and outside. Getting into his car, he tells me happy birthday. Arriving at school, he holds my elbow for a second. "I guess since it's your 16th birthday. . . I can bring you to that party." He says looking toward the school, my heart leaps. I get to go to Tatum's party! What will I wear? I have nothing good, for a masquerade party! Skipping to the school still doped up in happiness, I meet Melanie and Sophie. Explaining what just happened moments before, we all talk about what we're going to wear. It's just the three of us sitting in the math room, no one else. I mean who wants to go to math early? So it's nice and quiet. Look up images on our phones, and talk about how we will even get the outfits/costumes. I won't be able to go shopping to get one, but the other can maybe pick one out for me and bring it to my house. Scrolling through the website of the town store, that's a year-round costume store, we find a couple of cool masquerades dressed. Although, most of the girls invited probably went there and got their costumes as well. Melanie and Sophie decide that they will go check right after school, to see if anyone bought any of them. So we waste another, 10 minutes just messing around on the internet, of course, nothing inappropriate because the teachers monitor what we're doing. Out of know where there is a knock on the storage room door. We all jump, then put it off. Then it happens again, and again. I get up from my seat. Maybe there is a window in there knocking things down. Opening the door, and switching on the light I'm greeted by Chase and Flora! Shutting the door in their faces, I tell Sophie and Melanie there was nothing in there. Once the bell rings, and the teacher shows up we play hangman, and cards all period. I keep glancing at the storage room, even though there is no more knocking. The student body is told to report to the auditorium, where we are going to all watch a movie that we all voted on last week. Turns out we're watching 42 The Jackie Robinson Story. Taking my seat between Sophie and Melanie, and sharing the popcorn that I bought with them we chat through the previews. Once the actual movie begins we hush, and I focus on the screen. Halfway through the movie gets paused, and there is a bathroom break. I just need to wash my hands that are full of butter. Leaving the bathroom, I get pulled into the science room across the hall by Chase.