
Pallet Town

In the tranquil town of Pallet, the Oak residence buzzed with a quiet urgency.

Lance, the formidable Dragon Master and Champion of the Pokémon League, sat at a table, his expression stern.

He waited for Professor Oak, the renowned Pokémon researcher, to arrive.

Urgent matters needed discussing—children were disappearing throughout Kanto, and rumors of a shadowy organization behind these events had surfaced.

Lance's thoughts were interrupted by the distant sound of children arguing.

He glanced out the window and saw Gary Oak, the professor's grandson, in a heated debate with Ash Ketchum.

The two six-year-olds were at it again, each claiming they would be the greatest Pokémon Master.

"No way, Ash! I'm going to be the best, just like my grandpa!" Gary boasted, crossing his arms.

"In your dreams, Gary! I'll catch the strongest Pokémon and win every battle!" Ash shot back, his fists clenched with determination.

Gary smirked, stepping closer to Ash. "You couldn't catch a Caterpie if it crawled right into your hands! Face it, Ash, you'll always be second-best."

Ash's eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah? Well, at least I'm not a know-it-all like you! I'll train harder than anyone, and one day, you'll see. I'll be the greatest Pokémon Master ever!"

Gary laughed, a mocking tone in his voice. "Keep dreaming, Ash. You don't even know how to throw a Poké Ball properly. Maybe you should practice on your own shadow first!"

Ash clenched his fists, his face turning red with frustration. "You just wait, Gary! One day, I'll have the strongest Pokémon team, and I'll beat you in every battle. You'll be the one eating your words!"

Gary rolled his eyes. "Sure, Ash. Maybe in your dreams. I've got real talent and skill. You're just a wannabe."

Their argument was cut short by a shadow passing overhead.

A Dragonite descended rapidly, its powerful wings stirring the air.

Gary recognized it instantly and, with a quick farewell to Ash, sprinted towards his home.

"Hey! Where are you going, Gary?" Ash called after him, but Gary was already out of earshot.

When Gary arrived, he saw his grandfather, Professor Oak, carrying an unconscious, badly injured boy.

Gary's curiosity piqued, and he hurried inside after them. The boy looked to be about his age, covered in bruises and cuts, his face pale.

"Grandpa, who is he?" Gary asked, his voice filled with concern and curiosity.

Professor Oak didn't answer immediately. He moved swiftly towards the inner sanctuary where Chansey resided.

"Chansey, please, we need your help!" he called out urgently.

The Chansey quickly gathered around, taking the boy with gentle hands.

"Chansey~! Chansey~!" they responded, nodding as they began their healing work.

Taking a sigh of relief, Professor Oak turned to head towards his office.

Gary was still full of questions. "Grandpa, who is that boy? What happened?"

Professor Oak placed a reassuring hand on Gary's shoulder.

"I found him in the forest, Gary. He was alone and injured. I'm not sure what happened to him, but we need to help him."

Gary was astonished. "But how did he get there? Why was he alone?"

"I don't know yet, Gary. But right now, he needs our care," Oak replied.

"The Chansey will take good care of him."

"Chansey~!" they affirmed, bustling around the boy.

Gary nodded, his concern evident but trusting his grandfather. "Okay, Grandpa. I hope he gets better soon." With that, he headed out.

Professor Oak watched as Gary left, then made his way to his office.

Upon entering, he was surprised to see Lance already waiting for him.

"Lance, I didn't expect you so soon," Oak said, closing the door behind him.

"I couldn't wait. The situation is dire," Lance replied, his tone grave.

"Children are disappearing across Kanto, and we suspect a mysterious organization is behind it. We need to get to the bottom of this, Professor."

Oak's expression turned serious. "I feared it was something like that. We must act quickly. But first, I need to ensure the boy I found is safe. He might be a clue to what's happening."

Lance nodded. "Understood. Let's hope he can tell us something when he wakes up."

Just then, Gary burst into the room, unable to contain his curiosity any longer. "Grandpa, I know you're busy, but I need to know more about that boy. Is he going to be okay? Who is he?"

Professor Oak looked at Lance, who gave a slight nod. "Gary, the boy is a mystery to us as well. I found him alone and injured in the forest. Right now, our priority is to help him recover."

Gary frowned. "But how did he end up there? Do you think he was lost?"

Oak sighed. "It's possible. There are many questions we need answers to. For now, we need to be patient."

Gary nodded slowly. "Alright, Grandpa. I'll go check on him again. Maybe when he wakes up, he can tell us what happened."

As Gary left, Professor Oak turned back to Lance. "What do you think, Lance? Could this boy be related to the disappearances?"

Lance rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "It's hard to say, but we can't rule out any possibilities. The timing is suspicious, and if this organization is involved, the boy might know something important."

Oak nodded. "We need to keep a close eye on him. I'll make sure he's well taken care of."

Lance stood up, his expression resolute. "And I'll continue my investigation. We need to find out who's behind these disappearances before more children are taken."

Professor Oak extended his hand. "Thank you, Lance. Your support means a lot."

Lance shook his hand firmly. "We're in this together, Professor. We'll find the truth, no matter what."

After their intense discussion, both Lance and Professor Oak headed to where Ethan was being treated.

Upon reaching Ethan, they found him still unconscious but resting peacefully. The Chansey were diligently monitoring his condition.

"Chansey~!" one of the Chansey said, looking up at Professor Oak.

"How is he?" Oak asked.

The Chansey smiled and nodded. "Chansey~! Chansey~!"

Professor Oak translated the gesture. "It seems he's stable now. He just needs a little rest."

Lance let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear."

Oak approached Ethan, intending to check his pulse. Just as he was about to touch him, a sudden and powerful psychic force erupted from Ethan's body, pushing Oak back.

The energy was intense and shimmering, creating a barrier around the boy.

"What's happening?!" Lance exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock.

Lance's eyes narrowed as he observed the phenomenon. "That's some serious psychic power."

From another part of the lab, Oak's Alakazam appeared, sensing the disturbance.

With a focused expression, Alakazam used its own psychic abilities to neutralize the energy emanating from Ethan.

The forceful energy gradually dissipated, and Alakazam floated down, landing gently beside Oak.

It leaned in, whispering something in Oak's ear. The professor's face turned pale, his expression shifting from concern to shock and then to a deep, unsettling horror.

Lance, noticing the drastic change in Oak's demeanor, stepped forward. "Professor, what did Alakazam say?"
