
Why me?

They finally get to their house, Sharon leaves her purse on top of the table, and gets into the shower Andrew tags along too.

Andrew :So princess let me know if thy most loyal servant is still worthy of pleasing you

Sharon :(Smiles) How so?

Andrew :Allow me to show you(kisses her and makes love to her in the shower,they take it to the bedroom, as they where making love, the Rolaratita that was in Sharon's purse glew)

Back in the dark palace

Maravista :Untie me you idiots

Griterad :(tries to untie him and gets electrocuted) Ouch great one the Rope has a high voltage.

Maravista :You fool's can't do anything right.

Griterad :l have an idea a some water might cool it down(picks up a huge trunk of water and pours it all over Maravista, till he got electrocuted to death) serves you right you good for nothing ungrateful, signalistic asshole. (then he addresses Maravista's army) now that your king is dead l'm your new commander and chief now return back to your resting place, l'll call upon you, when l'm in need of you, until then stay there and never come back.(the army dissappears)l can't believe it l've single handedly defeated the God of signals, what a warrior l am, not only that but I'm now in control of the army of darkness, boy oh boy what more could one ask for. (he sits on the throne and then realizes that the crown is near Maravista's corpse, as soon as he placed his foot on the water he poured on Maravista he got electrocuted, and breathed his last, A mouse walks around the dead bodies which later disappear as a result of dying. Then the mouse transforms into lordergreen) lordergreen :Hahaha dead and gone are those who challenged my authority, if I play my cards right not only will I own countless faithful hearts but I will be twice the king my father once was but only one can stop me, the Messiah, but l'll keep the rule strictly judo keep your friends close and your enemies closer hahaha ha.

Andrew :(noticing that Sharon is finding it hard to get some sleep)what is it honey? Talk to me.

Sharon :l don't know it's just that sometimes I find myself thinking about my father and how close he was with my brother he trusted him with everything even his life the day he died he got killed by one of Maravistas assassin when he was on his way to meet the prince of the south Arulerevera planet, that day he didn't want any security he wanted to spend quality time with lordergreen, poor lordergreen l hope he doesn't blame himself for what happened to our father, he ate the whiteball from his neck so l view him like my father even though he is my brother. He is the only family I have left.

Andrew :Don't beat yourself up about that, l'm certain lordergreen did everything he could to protect your father.try to get some sleep.

Sharon :Yeah you're right, night love.

(Andrew heard some noises in the house so he went to check it out, to his surprise lordergreen was sitting in the living room with the TV remote in his hand)

lordergreen :Andrew how nice of you to join me, see l told you l'd be around, now let me know what's the one thing you want more than anything in this world.

Andrew :Well I haven't really thought about that but I would love to be rich but not the ordinary kind of rich l wanna be filthy rich, I want to own private jets, expensive jewelry, a private island and a house in Hollywood.

Lordergreen :is that all?

Andrew :l'd love to have fast expensive sport cars as well that's about it, wait why do you ask?

Lordergreen :l'm willing to give you everything you mentioned but there's only one condition never ever turn into an arulerevera ever again.

Andrew :Wait l'm a bit confused l thought you wanted to train me to be a better Arulerevera in order to take Maravista out.

Lordergreen :Worry yourself nomore about him, l took care of him myself.

Andrew :Ookay but I still don't understand, l thought you and Ulariva, liked it when I became an Arulerevera cause l wasn't just any arulerevera, l was the Messiah you've been waiting for.

Lordergreen :Don't get me wrong, l'm happy that you showed up and I finally got to see you with my own eyes and believe me it's something I was willing to kill for, but as your guardian your safety means a lot to me but when you turn into an Arulerevera you attract certain energies, energies that could be a threat to your very own survival. There are too many things l wish to tell you but you're just not ready to hear them yet. So l'm giving you the chance to enjoy life to the fullest by granting you everything you asked for.

Andrew :Okay l'll talk to Sharon about this.

Lordergreen :The deal isn't between you and Sharon it's between the two of us, transforming into an Arulerevera is something that could put you in jeopardy so as your guardian take heed to the words l just told you Andrew never ever and l repeat never ever transform into an Arulerevera ever again.

Andrew :Okay l hear you l won't ever arulereveralise myself ever again.

Lordergreen :Good very good now l want to see something.(turns on the television and it showed princess Ulariva "Sharon" getting married to another arulerevera. I know it hurts Andrew but this goes to show that you can't just go around trusting everyone you see. Ulariva came to this world for one thing and one thing only to get away from her husband a little birdy says that she was supposed to find the Messiah and get him to fall in love with her and after his seed is in her then she can return back to her husband who waits so dearly for her night and day. I'm so sorry Andrew l hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here's what you can do you can walk away from her now leave it all behind, get into your car and keep driving. Cause my power tells me that tonight was the night you gave her that seed, knowing my sister l don't think she'll be kind enough to let you live now that you gave her what she came for.

Andrew :What this is all just too much, so you mean to tell me that all this years we've been together all she wanted was my seed.

Lordgreen:l know it's hard to swallow but it's true

Andrew :So all this time she knew l was the Messiah but why was she so surprised when l told her who l was as an arulerevera?

Lordgreen:She always knew who you were, your transformation just assured her that she is on the right track.

Andrew :But why am l the Messiah why couldn't it be someone that was fully born as an arulerevera.

Lordgreen:Your parents were both Arulereveras but because of the wars between the north and south Arulerevera planet they ran to earth and transformed into humans they chose to die as humans because they believed that one shouldn't live forever, they said that rest was a major part in the cycle of life.

Andrew :What about my grandparents?

Lordergreen :They took your parents in when they saw them stranded in an Australian forest and assimilated them.

Andrew :l don't believe you leave my house.

Lordergreen :Okay l'll go but think about everything l've just said(turned into the silver owl and flew out the window, Andrew goes back to bed)

Next day

Andrew wakes up to find Sharon making breakfast, he stared at her and sat down at the kitchen table.

Sharon :That's strange, whoever said there's a first-time for everything surely wasn't fooling around l'm used to feeling your the warmth of your lips on my cheek every morning.

Andrew :Sorry about that l'm just a little tired that's all (continues to stare at her)

Sharon :Uh babe you're looking at me funny it's freaking me out what's bugging you.

Andrew :Nothing like l said l'm a little tired, l'll be back (grabs the car keys and rushes out of the house, Andrew gets into the car and drives to the bar)

Bartender :Oh my God l haven't seen you here since George Bush was still president, what brings you here Andrew?

Andrew :The same thing that brought everyone here the booze get me a whiskey on the rocks and keep them coming till l've had enough.

Bartender :Okey dokey boss whiskey on the rocks coming right up.

(Andrew drank till he passed out on the bar counter)

Bartender :Get up it's time to go

Andrew :Get me one more

Bartender :I'm afraid I can't do that we're closing. But l'd be happy to serve you more when we open, get up fella.

(As Andrew was walking to his bar a couple of thieves spotted him and wanted to make a quick buck by robbing him)

Theive1:Well lookey lookey if it ain't the famous historian Andrew Jacob's.

Theive2:Do you wanna know what I hate more than the cops well l'll let you know, it's the fact that I see you face all over the paper when all l'll be trying to do is get to the sports section to see how my team played.

Theive3:You just bumped into the paparazzi smile for the camera(pulls out his gun and points it to Andrew)

Andrew :"l was born to live forever"

Theive1:What that was some strong stuff you've been drinking on.

Andrew :star's of the galaxies

Thieve2:In a minute you will see the stars when l knock your teeth in

Andrew :and the blood present in me

Thieve3:Okay Shakespeare show us the money Andrew :reveal my true form as an Arulervera(Andrew then transforms into an Arulerevera, the theives run off then Andrew jumps in front of them)

Thieve1:listen man you can have my Rolex it's pure gold (gives the Rolex to Andrew then Andrew chewed it like gum and spit it out, Andrew hanged all three thieves on a pole, transformed back to a human got into his car and drove back home)

Theive2:Hey man stop moving cause if we fall off we might burst our skulls open and die.

(Andrew gets back home throws himself on the couch and falls asleep, the next day he woke up to Sharon sitting on the other couch with her eyes set on him making it clear that she had been waiting for him to wake up)

Sharon :We're ending this now, you're going to let me know whatever it is that's bugging you right now.

Andrew :Why should I tell you something you already know? Princess Ulariva. Tell me who exactly are you most loyal to,your first Arulerevera husband or your throne?

Sharon :What whose been filling you up with all this b.s?

Andrew :Come on Ulariva don't act all surprised, like you did on my first transformation your brother told me everything how you came to earth on a mission of getting me to impregnate you and then run off with my child to your first husband, he even showed me the wedding on our very own t.v

Sharon :What are you serious right now? Don't tell me you bought the television trick it was an illusion, you know sometimes I wonder if lordergreen and I are really related how could he, listen Andrew l love you with every fiber in my being l'd never break your heart and l've never been married to anyone but you.

Andrew :Why would lordergreen lie about something like that it doesn't make any sense?

Sharon :What else did he say.

Andrew :He asked me never to transform into an Arulerevera cause my energy attracts other evil Arulerveras something like that

Sharon :l've had it with lordergreen he might be the only family l have left but he decided to kill himself permanently to me when he filled you with this rubbish, l swear on Aredanaki and king Zealaras stars Lordergreen is dead to me.

Andrew :So you are saying none of what he said is true

Sharon :Yes

Andrew :Even the part about attracting negative Arulerevera energies?

Sharon :Even that part

Andrew :Why is he so against me changing into an Arulerevera there has to be a reason why his against my transformation so much.

Sharon :l can only think of one the flow offenders

Andrew :The flow offenders what's that?

Sharon :It's an Arulerevera secret society against progress in the planet of the Arulerveras that means Maravista must have been right when he said my brothers sold him out when he got caught for trying to steal the liquidstar.

Andrew :But if he truly is a flow offender why would he hand us the Rolaratita just like that

Sharon :The Rolaratita! (she rushes to her purse to find the Rolaratita gone) that bastard he gave it to us knowing he'd take it back. (The lights start to go on and off)it's lordergreen, show yourself you good for nothing traitor l know you are a flow offender.

Andrew :(hears lordergreens voice in his head "bad move Andrew bad move) leave us alone

Dark palace

Lordergreen :The thrilling power of being in two places at once, Andrew shouldn't have spilled the beans to my little sister now l'm going to have to take care of her, the same way l took care of my father. But first I must teach Andrew a lesson that will cost him his worthless life.. Hahaha