
Chapter 265 - Its all my fault

Yuri carefully carried him out of the small staff room. The whole pub was filled to the brim with wiggling bodies. He could make out Yuna in the corner, but he did not bother calling out to her. It was because of her irresponsibility that Eric almost got kidnapped. He was safer with him.

He simply carried him to his car and placed him in the passenger seat.

Eric opened his swollen eyes, sniffing loudly. "Aaron, why did you do it?"

"Hmm?" Yuri gazed into his saddened eyes. 'What did he do to you?" his heart was aching so badly. this Aaron guy actually made Eric cry so badly like his.

Eric slammed his small fist on his chest, silently sobbing, " Why did you kill yourself…." He leaned forward, burying his head in his chest. "Why? You could have waited. I would have come back to you. Why didn't you wait? Why… I love you so much… I love you…"