Zhu Kang, a trafficked soul, was captured by an evil organization and was stripped of his real memories. Unaware of the dangers he worked for this evil corporation as a system. One day, all of a sudden, fifteen men dressed in black started a shoot-out killing all the other systems. In desperation, Kang threw himself into a transmigration device that tossed his soul into a random world. "System 202 has escaped.... a-again.....” one of the black-clothed men said. Trembling, he glanced at their team leader. Kai Alden gritted his teeth. “You let him slip away so easily! Send me into that world. I will capture my dear System and bring him back here,”
A few days went by the rumor he had started that mister horse-hung Altren had a small cucumber spread like wildfire. It was all thanks to our dear love gel guy, jake.
it was super fun listening to men diss him like that.
Zhu Kang giggled loudly as he packed his bags. But soon his smile went away as he looked towards the door.
But there was a big downside to this rumor.
Altren won't leave him fucking alone!
Every time he exited a class, mister Altren would be standing guard waiting for him.
Today was the same. Zhu Kang hesitantly stood by the door. 'I hope I don't get murdered…' He picked up his phone and messaged Ruth.
{"Help, going to be murdered."}
{"by Altren? He won't kill you that's for sure.. Maybe punch you a bit,"} came the reply with a smiley face.
Zhu Kang gritted his teeth. "Not the time for smiley face buddy." He vigorously typed.
{'come collect my corpse at Psych major room 3. This is my official death note. Altren is my killer.}
His phone rang instantly.
"Ruth I'm being pursued by a narcissistic egomaniac,"
"Don't throw around words. Just walk out and say sorry. That will do the job." Came the calm reply from his trusted friend Ruth.
Zhu Kang paused. "You think it will work?"
"And clear the rumor about his dick size. Men are very sensitive about these stuff."
"Aw, but I was having fun with it…... Fine, I'll see what I can do," he cut the call.
Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the room. Just as expected, Altren stood out the door casually leaning on the walls. Few girls surrounded him clicking secret photos.
'He seems popular. No wonder Jake wanted to hook up with him..'
"You! You just wait!" Altren suddenly dashed towards him.
By instinct, Zhu Kang ran. "I don't want any trouble!"
"You should have thought of that before you fucking started a rumor about me!" he growled, chasing after him like a madman.
Panting, Zhu Kang glanced back. Altren was not even sweating.
'Fuck, is he even human? Oh, I forgot he is a superhuman. How can I even outrun a superhuman? It's like running from a rabid dog on crack,'
"You fucker give up running. Today I'm going to follow you even if you run to your house."
"Gasp, I get your real purpose now. You just want to ogle my brother, don't you?" Zhu Kang glanced back with a glare.
To his surprise, Altren's face was flushed pink.
Zhu Kang came to a pause, holding the wall. His legs were already burning from overexertion. "You psycho. You were.... chasing me like a fucking bull just to see my brother. Don't you see how this is going to reflect on my brother's opinion of you?"
"That will only matter if you tattle to him." Altren gripped the back of his shirt, dragging over to a nearby room.
"You are kind of stretching out my shirt..."
"Shut your trap," he slammed him hard on the lockers.
Zhu Kang groaned lightly. "That hurts... you happy now. At least that might repair your fragile ego,"
He went too far. He could feel it.
Altren's eyes glowed bright blue and all of a sudden, his clenched fist flew to his face.
'That's it…. I'm done for….'
Zhu Kang flinched, closing his eyes tightly. 'Not my nose... not my beautifully straight nose!.....' he carefully protected it.
A huge bang was heard.
But he did not feel any pain.
He opened one eye and peeked at him.
Altren looked at his eyes wide and then looked at his fist... "I... I didn't mean to..."
Zhu Kang's mind worked overtime analyzing that reaction. 'Oh my god he just revealed his superpowers to me! I can definitely threaten him. Let's be a good villain,'
He swiftly pulled his phone out of his pocket and snapped a picture of his face and the huge hole he smashed into the lockers. "I have proof! I have proof that you are super. If this got out, you will be screwed. Any more move and I will send it to the press."
Altren plucked the phone out of his hands and crushed it.
"I have iCloud!"
The young hero froze, half in shock and fear. "You... you are playing with fire. The moment you release this news, I will... will kill you."
Zhu Kang raised a brow. 'A hero kills a normal human? That won't happen?'
"Let's see who reacts faster, your fist or my fingers," he whispered, glaring at him deeply.
Altren started to sweat profusely. "look.. you don't want to do this..."
"Hey if you are a super, won't you have too many enemies? They will be all coming to you seeking revenge. Or worse, few crazy scientists might kidnap you and experiment with you,"
This time Altren's expression went weird. "I think you watch too much drama,"
"Really? You are talking about that now?"
"Look... listen..."
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" the principal walked over, glaring at them with the intensity to kill. "What have you done to the lockers!!! You both! Answer me now!"
Altren trembled slightly as he stood.
Zhu Kang peered at him. 'Is it that bad to be revealed to the public? Why is he so scared? Fuck, he is trembling like a wet puppy... I almost feel guilty blackmailing him...'
"NOW! Altren, was it you? I know that Kang is a good boy. He won't even hurt a fly..."
"Sir.... I..." Altren mumbled, glancing at the ground.
"that was a football. Someone played with a football during recess and it broke the locker. We were just standing by it. it's not his fault," Zhu Kang said with a wide smile.
The principal looked unsure for a second. "how can a football…..?."
"With force speed and distance it is very much possible sir. I think if you refer to the amazing study of zolcowich he clearly explains all about it,"
"Oh.. is it? That's good to know. Both of you back to classes," he said, gently patting Zhu Kang's back.
After he walked a little distance, Altren moved close. "Who is zolvowich?"
"My imaginary character. There is no way in science that can be explained. It was a convincing lie. If I had not, that old croonie would have definitely shouted out your identity to the world. And fucking stop trembling. It's not the end of the world."
Zhu Kang grumbled, walking away.
'It's not an act of grace. I'm definitely not a hero. I just pity that fellow.... it's just pity...'
"Next time you chase me around like a lovestruck fool, I will definitely release it to the press! Be warned of the wrath of Zhu Kang!"
"That sounded super nerdy...." Altren whispered with an unknown look on his face.
"Fuck you.."