
Chapter 131 - The Move

Altren hurriedly knocked on Kang's door. Small footsteps slowly moved closer and closer to the door. "Come on, hurry up and open the door Kang,"

Kang only opened the Door halfway and peered at him vigilantly. "Why are you here again? didn't I tell you to go home?"

"I have to talk to you and your brother right now, let me in," he tried to push his way through but a stronger force slammed on the door on the other side and held the door close.

"Go home Altren" Gwyn's voice was heard behind the door.

"You don't understand. there was a stalker here."

The inhabitants of the house went silent. There was a silent clicking sound and the door was thrown open. Gwyn looked at him with his eyes narrowed. "Where?"

"he left, but he might still be around her watching us."

Without a word Gwyn grabbed him by his collar and pulled him in. he closed the door and locked the latch. "How did that person look like?"