Zhu Kang, a trafficked soul, was captured by an evil organization and was stripped of his real memories. Unaware of the dangers he worked for this evil corporation as a system. One day, all of a sudden, fifteen men dressed in black started a shoot-out killing all the other systems. In desperation, Kang threw himself into a transmigration device that tossed his soul into a random world. "System 202 has escaped.... a-again.....” one of the black-clothed men said. Trembling, he glanced at their team leader. Kai Alden gritted his teeth. “You let him slip away so easily! Send me into that world. I will capture my dear System and bring him back here,”
"Where will I get funds now...." Zhu Kang quietly slipped into his bed.
"Maybe I should get a new part-time job." He mumbled, glancing at his schedule. It was still jam-packed, and he barely had time for four-hour sleep. Even today he had two part-time jobs scheduled, but somehow because of that terrifying jerk Altren he had to miss it.
"If you have any trouble, let me know." The cute guy who woke him up in the morning looked at him, all worried. "You are already overworked and barely get any sleep."
"I know, but I don't feel comfortable getting fund from you. Sorry..." Zhu Kang smiled at him softly.
If he had wanted to, he could have asked his brother.... well, he would have robbed a bank of something for him.
But Zhu Kang wanted to be independent.
Plus, he did not feel comfortable getting money from anyone unless he earned it.
"Then.... then I have another idea," the guy he assumed to be Ruth stood up and walked closer to his bed. "You see, my uncle works in the catering business. Most if the time he caters for extravagant parties. If you want, I can hook you up with him. "
Zhu Kang raised his brow. "Ew, why would I want to hook up with your uncle?"
Ruth frowned. "For a job? Oh, my god you thought...."
Zhu kang grimaced. "Didn't listen to you properly, my bad..."
"The waiter gig really pays well, plus it's on the weekends and at nights so you can earn a bit of cash,"
"Sweet," he shot up and shook his hand. "But there is no suspicious business involved in there, right?"
"Jeez...they are all dope parties, but bear in mind you have to lower your head and move about. Your face.... it might catch someone's unwanted attention," he blushingly said, and ran back to his bed.
"Hey you still didn't tell me when this party was,"
"Tomorrow night," Ruth mumbled, hugging his pillow tightly.
"Great, I can pay my dorm fee soon," Zhu Kang happily chuckled. Suddenly, his bed was kicked from under.
"Shut up and sleep darn it," love gel guy shouted, kicking the underside of his bed even more.
"Sorry good night~"
In a very good mood, he went to sleep.
The next day was Sunday even, so he had three part-time jobs lined up. He got up early and got ready. Before leaving, he shook Ruth slightly. "Hey can you let me know the time and place?"
"It's at 9pm. I'll sent you the location on Google maps in a while." he shyly whispered, wiping the drool stain from the corner of his lips.
Zhu Kang helped wipe it away. "Thanks man. Don't forget to ping me, yes?"
"I—I forgot to mention, I will be working alongside you tonight. Is it okay with you?.."
"Why would I not be okay? Just sent me the address, bro," Zhu Kang gently patted his back and left the room.
Ruth just sat there, blushing red. Like a school kid, he kept squealing loudly hugging his pillow.
Suddenly a pillow hit his face.
"You like that silly Kong." Jake mumbled from opposite him.
It was not a question, rather a statement.
Ruth slightly glared at him. "Don't call him Kong. His name is Zhu Kang!"
"okay okay..jeez you sound whipped."
Ruth sighed loudly, holding his head. "Yeah.... but I think he has someone else."
Jake sat up instantly. "Who? Who does he look? Does he go here? Oh my god tell me everything you know,"
"he.... I don't know anything about that man. But all I know is that he is a super*."
Jake gasped. "Kong snagged a super?!!! Shit that guy has his charms out!!" He exclaimed and all of a sudden he looked low. "I wish my new boyfriend is a super,"
"You were dating Frederickson, right? I thought you both were in love."
"Love doesn't last, kid. He was a douche," Jake grumbled, and rolled himself back into a cocoon. "I swear I am going to find a guy much more handsome than him and that guy will most definitely be a superhero!!!"
Zhu Kang, who was just out the door, heard this incoherent shout. "He is going crazy..."
Shaking his head, he walked away. His first part-time job was closer to his campus. A cafe. His schedule said that he had the day shift from 7am to 11 am. After that, he had a small break for lunch from 11 to exactly 11.20.
11.21, he would have to catch the bus to some area to work as a private tutor.
His tutoring job was from 11.50 to exactly 4 pm.
After which he was working as a bartender for the nearby strip club from 4 to 7 pm.
Just reading this packed schedule gave him a headache.
He patted his chest slightly. 'This kid worked to his bone. But why doesn't he have any balance left in his account. Does he gamble or something?'
He thought as he reached his first locating for the day.
The cafe was clean and very cute with indoor plants at every corner.
"ah Zhu, you are here. Come on clean the counters and water the plants. I heard there is going to be a concert just a few streets from here. We might be getting a lot of customers." A young man who was sweeping the floors whispered to him.
Zhu Kang nodded. He swiftly cleaned the tables and watered the numerous plants. "um... what else do I have to do?"
The man glanced at him with her brows raised. "You just have to stand there all pretty. Your face is our greatest marketing chip after all," he cheerfully patted his cheeks and went behind the counter.
Zhu Kang stood there with a wide grin on his face. 'Sooooo my job is just to be pretty.. this is going to be easy as pie...'