
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

creature1 · Fantasía
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7 Chs


The wooden door of the abandoned house opened with a creaking sound, the house had nothing special except that it could hardly be called by this name.

A small commotion was beginning. The door slowly opened and revealed the cold and soulless interior of the house.

The terrifying sound did not stop, a shadow crawled into the house without paying attention to all the commotion. It is as if he is not at all afraid that the owner of this so-called house will notice his presence.

Perhaps he was also confident in his stealth skills as someone who ventured into such a soulless place.

Shadow wasn't very fast, though he didn't seem to need much speed to get rid of his target.

He rolled to the corner of the inner wall of the house. He looked around and swallowed.

In addition to the sound of the door rattling, the sounds of the wind and the grinding of the floorboards could be heard.

The environment was so simple and empty that it was not even possible to steal stigma from someone who invaded such a place. There was nothing to steal.

An old bed, and a table and chair were placed next to it. The table was almost crooked and the chair was barely standing straight with several strange patches on its legs.

The attacker looked around, there was nothing else...

A spider fell on his face and he waved his hands towards the spider in shock, there was nothing left to hit the ground but he barely managed to keep his balance.

He held his breath. He put his hand on his waist sheath and started running towards the bed at full speed.

A man was lying on the bed, a stout man whose appearance hardly suited such a dilapidated place. The man was even forced to fit on the bed considering his figure, and this caused the attacker to catch his breath again as he looked at his target.

His exciting action today will undoubtedly be remembered, he believed in this and knew that he was involved with a great personality.

But he also believed that he had to finish what he had started. He did not have a deadline to withdraw. The stout man was lying on the bed as if he would never wake up.

A sleeping human had nothing to fear in his eyes. The attacker paused again and stared at the big man's face more than before, maybe he wanted to remember his face forever before he was done.

His eyebrows were sharp, his face looked like it hadn't been shaved in a while, and his hair looked a little messy.

But in the attacker's mind, this still did not detract from the majesty of the man's figure.

The number one secret to success is a commanding physique.

And he was confident in this secret like all his beliefs.

The appearance of the stout man was slightly broken, his tanned skin and his muscles created a combination that made the attacking breath more trapped in his chest.

By looking at his eyes, you could understand that just looking at the man in front of him was worth as many lives to him. He was looking at his usual pattern.

A role model who was the best role model of a successful man even in his sleep.

He still looked shocked and upset that the man hadn't woken up, maybe he was already prepared to fail but he just wanted to see his role model awake one more time and fight him.

Just like the previous years when he accepted his defeat many times in the fight with the man and this left him with a heavy grudge and an unforgettable memory.

The attacker complied with his demands, nodded and began to take slow steps.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the ruined house.

If the man woke up, he would still not be his opponent, but in any case, there was no sign of the stout man getting up.

He was in a deep sleep, a sleep that played the aura of silence in his arms like death.

A dream that, in the end, made a more dangerous threat for him to wake up than the blade of the winner of the sword.

The attacker deliberately made as much sound as he could through the door and the wall, but the sound came from everything but his target, hopelessly, without waiting for a reaction from the other side, he rolled over and hit the wooden floor hard with his head right in front of the bed.

 "I, the number one soldier of the Seven Heavens Army, am ready to serve you, sir."

A chubby boy of about eleven or twelve years old with white skin and black hair, a shaved nose and gray eyes was prostrated in front of the stout man.

 "I know that you have the question, how did I become the number one soldier of the army, who is both a donkey and a goat? Am I right, sir?"

Tears hung down from the head and face of Tepel boy along with nasal mucus, and while wiping it with his sleeve, he continued:

"Because everyone betrays you, everyone, from big and small, old and young, kind and mean, friend and enemy, acquaintance and stranger. Everyone betrayed you, commander.

Then he stammered:

"Now.... only you and I are left... Father"