
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

creature1 · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Getting started is hard

The sun and the moon were still talking over the lights in the sky, and the red light from their fight covered a corner of the sky. The conflict had started for some time and it seemed that it would end with the victory of the sun. Tepel's son ran out of the house, he didn't pay attention to the stairs, and he rolled on them like a ball and went down.

Acting as if he was used to this happening, he clenched his fists and raised them, then yawned and started walking through the dark streets of the city.

There was no news of anyone else, Tepol increased his speed after walking a little and started his morning routine. The second secret of a soldier is perseverance and perseverance.

The boy ran after the women and passed through the narrow and dark alleys one after the other.

After a while, he stopped in front of an old shop, the old wooden doors and windows made noise from time to time and showed off the oldness of the shop.

From the entrance door and wall, there were some strange items hanging along with a bell. There was a small sign above the shop and the word "Cook of the People" was placed on it.

The fat boy jumped up and tried to ring the bell, but failed the first time. He looked around. He took the usual stone and placed it under the bell. If anyone saw him, he would laugh at the funny boy's efforts.

He went on the boulder and shook his body fat by jumping and finally landed on the ground with the sound of a bell. The landing looked a little painful, but the boy didn't react except for a passing "ouch". He took the stone and left it in front of the entrance.

He glanced around and waved his hands when he saw that no one was around.

 He took a deep breath, took another look at his old but clean clothes and waited for a short time in front of the door until the old door opened.

A middle-aged man came out of the shop. Seeing the son of Tepel, he smiled and said:

 "As always, you came early Ethan"

Ethan shyly put his hand on his head and answered:

 "Ethan, in a strong and courtly sense, this is the symbol of a soldier, and as a soldier, I must show it in the best way, Alexander."

With the same kind smile, Alexander waved his hand as a sign of invitation and whispered:

 "I know. It's always the same, boy!"

Ethan replied:

 "Yes, and your words are repetitive, Alexander."

A middle-aged man with relatively gray hair, a long beard and a well-balanced figure, laughed in a fatherly manner and said: "You sweet-minded and sweet-tongued boy!"

You always arrive early. A child should work as much as he can. »

Ethan rubbed his sleeves as if he wanted to fight and then said.

 "Alexander, how many kilos are you?"

The middle-aged man answered with surprise:

 "60 kilos, how about that?"

 "And how much do you work?"

With a frown and a little tiredness, he said:

 "from morning to night. What exactly do you want to achieve, kid? »

 "Well, I just wanted to say that I weigh fifty kilos, so I work as much as I do. do not worry!"

The man laughed again and threw the apron and work clothes at Ethan.

 "Take it big little man, you have to work like a cow!"

Ethan asked with a serious frown.

 "What size?"

Alexander answered with a mischievous smile.

 "Oh my god. Sorry, I meant a calf, I shouldn't work harder than you..."

 "You are so bad Alexander!"

 "A soldier must be strong and strong, Ethan..."

 Ethan said as he was changing his clothes.

 "Don't worry, uncle, a soldier is not afraid of snake bites. Good luck lizard!"

And then he ran away laughing through the seats in the restaurant.

Alexander laughed loudly again and whispered:

 "Finally, I can reach you, son..."

In the morning, two people tasted the beginning of their hard work with laughter and immediately got down to work.

Little by little, people were lining up there for breakfast and the extremes for morning drinks, and two people had to prepare the dishes, tables and chairs by themselves.

Ethan took a cloth and dusted the table and chairs, and Alexander started preparing food and arranging the dishes.

It didn't take long until the sound of the bell announced the arrival of the first customer and the start of their daily business....