
The Rivermoore Chronicles

Rivermoore, is a small town with mysteries and secrets ready to be revealed. Join Youtuber Kwong Seulgi on this journey and explore the town again to see what's new.

Diana_Yumi · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Mystery Box

Previously in Rivermoore...

Kwong Seulgi, a newbie from South Korea, was accused of being suspect number one in the fire. But also won someone's heart.

In Greenmoore, Rosalyn received a premonition about past events before her friend being stuck in Hell.

In Sunnymoore, Brianna was traumatized and thinking about her life when her husband appeared to comfort her.

Read now one more chapter...

A new day and a new chance to restart. I am at school again and it looks like everyone is focused on their phone. This is hard for me because I don't know what is happening. I can't forget the kiss from last night either. But I need to relax and cold my mind. (deep breaths)

Albert A.; You did it! (screams behind me)

Me; Oh my goodness! What I did do this time? What is going on?

Albert A.; You solved the mystery about the fire before anyone.

Me; What? But I... I just recorded and I don't know anything about it yet.

Albert A.; Just try not to go so far.

Taylor H.; Seulgi, are you watching it?

Me; Everyone on their phone? Yes, and I am surprised for it too. Probably they are watching my channel.

Taylor agrees and I am curious to see if my intuition is right. Deep down I knew it someday they would accept me as their blogger.

Me; And this is news?

Taylor H.; Quick! Come with me.

I am following Taylor and she brings me to a room full of papers, a board with some sticky notes, a bookshelf, and studying desks. It is like a disorganised office.

Taylor H.; Really Seulgi, with this story we can save Blue and Gold and it will be great to help in my thesis to enter college too.

Me; Then, can you trust me?

Taylor H.; We are bloggers and we want to find out the same story. Why don't we work together?

Me; I'm in then. I know we are the ones who can solve this mystery.

Taylor H.; With your connections and my experiences, we are going to close this case quickly.

Me; You took the words out of my mouth. You know the school more than me, the newbie. And I am just a YouTuber with followers around the world. Some of them I know because they are my childhood and High School friends and family, also from courses I did before coming to Rivermoore. In South Korea, Chinese is an obligatory language to study at school.

Taylor H.; Let's go!

Me; What about a friendly competition? Let's see who will solve this mystery first.

Taylor H.; Right, but you need to promise me you won't get angry if I solve it first.

Me; You are trustworthy. Don't worry about it because I won't be angry with you, but surprised.

Taylor H.; And promise me our friendship will continue even if you lose this competition.

"Friendship? I thought we were more than it. But it is okay because she is kind and cool."

Me; I promise.

"I don't know why but somehow I am feeling that again. The intention to kiss her, and I think this is the perfect moment for it."

I get close to Taylor and start my kissing face expression. But someone has to screw up the perfect moment, a chance to show herself my true feelings and how I am interested to start a relationship with her.

Albert A.; What's up girls? Wow!

He sees the whole scene and tries to sneak out, but slips on the floor and makes a noise amazing us.

Albert A.; Sorry, my bad. I'll come back later.

He leaves the room without talking about it and my flirting moment ends up. I breathe deeply and focus on not thinking about gossip through the school walls. We leave the room sadly and find two girls next to the tree. It is Vivian and Bridget.

"I can't believe Albert saw me kissing Taylor."

Bridget C.; Kwong! How was it?

Me; How was it what?

Vivian L.; Kissing Taylor!

Taylor H.; I'm sorry, but nothing happened!

Bridget C.; Are you sure? Because Albert told us everything.

Taylor H.; Ugh! Of course, it is him.

Me; I don't know what you are talking about.

Bridget C.; Then it is the truth! This is so cool! I would be nervous if I was you.

Vivian L.; Is it official?

Me; It is not like you hadn't kissed anyone from Rivermoore, haven't you, Vivian?

Vivian L.; I didn't kiss and... But a soft skin and a charming face as Albert...

Me; See? Wait a second. Where have you been Vivian? Last night when the Chatswin was on fire?

Vivian L.; Hm.. Changing the subject to avoid the question, huh? Smart one. But it is fine, if you want to know, I was having dinner with my family.

Sheriff K.; Excuse me, girls. Seulgi, can you come with me for a minute? I need to talk with you in private.

My feet are frozen, my body is shaking and I am scared to be in jail as an innocent. If I get caught for something I haven't done, it will screw up my status in this new town and maybe they will spread the news around the social media and I will lose my followers too. Anyway, I need to collect some proof to defend myself, otherwise, I will be in every daily news and maybe I have to move to neighbouring towns like Greenmoore. I heard there are more mysteries than here.

Me; Yes, sir! I'm mean, I am coming.

Bridget C.; What have you done this time?

Everyone leaves, but not Taylor and I. She is just some feet away from me and with her back to the sheriff.

Sheriff K.; Now speaking serious, we have an important issue to talk about.

Me; Did you find suspects?

Sheriff K.; Some and you are one of them.

Me; I've already told you I am not involved in it! I was just talking on the phone with my mom and collecting information on my channel.

Sheriff K.; Really? But the principal called me saying that someone denounced you as responsible for the fire and that you hide some evidence in your house.

Me; Say what?

"Now I am drowned. How can an anonymous denunciation without proof or videos can blame me? This is absurd!"

In Hell, Sarah Morningstar is prepared to visit her old friends with her Guardian's help, Noah Scott, to talk about the new threat hunting Greenmoore and Hell. At Brainiacs, Rosalyn Warren, Thomas Pruitt and Holden Kirby are reading some books of Greenmoore stories about legends and supernatural tales of Eversgreen forest.

Thomas P.; In 1951 during the clan wars in Greenmore, the twelve families classified as the most powerful ones were Safford, Warren, Kirby, Scott, Blackwell, Pruitt, Larlin, Tapper, Miller, Hecher, Rosemberg and Gardner. They fight against the witches as opposed to living in peace with humans because they feel offended by human beliefs and traditions about witches.

Rosalyn W.; If you are talking about the twelve witches that took my grandma with them, the last one from my family, we already know it. How it can help us?

Thomas P.; There is more. It is said that Eversgreen forests have always been considered haunted forests. People have fear of that place because when someone goes camping, climbing or swimming there, missed and have never seen it again. Some families like Blackwell, Hecher, Marlin, Pruitt and Gardner decided to stay away from the human world to hide their identities and be safe.

Rosalyn W.; Then it means that the only ones who kept going with this huge secret are...

Holden K.; My family and yours, Warren, Miller, Tapper, Safford and Scott chose to keep this secret.

Rosalyn W.; I ask myself every day who cursed my family and how I survived it all alone.

Holden K.; You still have us, me.

Thomas P.; Both sides know, no matter if you are a witch or not, when the clock strikes midnight on October 31th, all the portals are opened for a while leaving the threats as spirits, deities and something else to disturb or help us.

Holden K.; Of course we know. It is Halloween.(laughs)

Thomas P.; The mayor of this town, argues every time to convince people from Greenmore that there is nothing supernatural going on here. And on the same day as his speech, he disappeared and has never seen again.

Holden K.; Jerk, who told him to not believe in it?

Rosalyn W.; Holden!

Holden K.; Sorry, but we still haven't found any information about legends of haunted trees, alive or cursed.

At Safford undertaker, Angelo looks at an old photo with his cousin's parents, Helen and Zelena on it. He had always had their support in hard moments.

Angelo R.; It was like back in the past.

[flashback] Edward Safford deals with a demon to make a mortal called Davina Miller fall in love with him in exchange for his soul, but the demon refuses and says it needs more than a soul to have a deal with it. And later his soul would be in Lilith's hands.

Edward S.; I need to marry a mortal even if she doesn't know who I am, at least to have an heir to continue my legacy being the High Priest of Mahogakuen, the academy for young witches to practice their magic based on my ancestor's methods.

Balbat; What do you have to offer?

Edward S.; My soul. I can give you my soul for this.

Balbat; Your soul is nothing to me, I need something strong.

On the other side of the door, Fabian Blackwell is listening to everything and thinks Edward is disrespectful to be in the Beast coven. Blackwell also as loves the same woman as Edward is trying to pursue with his charm just to have an heir. Fabian waits for the right moment to revenge on his status and the Safford family.

On October 31th in 1951, an heir was born, a girl called Sandra and everyone believed that women are not capable of leading an Academy for young witches and it has always been administrated by men.

Edward S.; She is upstairs with her mother who is saying goodbye because she knows she is mortal and her daughter is not. We know that non-blessed witches are not allowed to live with mortals, because they don't have control over their powers. It is right that we have to split the human world from the magic world, but we need to break this seal when we are talking about having heirs more powerful than pure blood witches. Knowledge is our power and not our blood.

Edward goes upstairs with his sisters, nephew and aunts to show the new welcome member. Sandra Safford. But the baby and her mother are not in the room as expected, there is just an open door, an empty crib and nothing else.

In the forest, Davina Safford is trying to escape with her daughter, but something is not right. Somehow her legs are paralysed and Sandra is taken by force. Edward was clear when he said Sandra is different from her mother. And although part of him loves Davina, she is the sacrifice he offered to the demon in exchange for having an heir a long time ago. The Blackwell family watch everything in silence and Fabian got traumatised by that scene thinking about how to be the next Mahogakuen leader. Years have passed and Sandra grew up raised by her aunts to practice magic and live in the mortal world.

On April 28th in 1958, an announcement of the missed present leader of Mahogakuen made Fabian be the next leader of the academy. The news told by Fabian's wife was Edward got missed after travelling to talk with the Satanic Counsel.

Ms Blackwell; The current leader left us to a Counsel meeting in the forest and left the responsibility to us, the Blackwell family while he is off.

Zelena S.; Edward haven't warned me about his absense, but I believe he is fine. Pray Satan.

Angelo and Helen Safford are inside the house taking care of a dramatic girl. Sandra always received a visit from her father at night and this time he didn't show up as expected.


Helen S.; Keep calm, honey. He must have an important meeting. Don't you want to sit and have a cup of tea?

Sandra S.; I WANT MY FATHER! [flashback]

Angelo laughs and someone knocks on his door.

Leticia R.; Honey, you can get out of your room if you want.

Angelo R.; Are your parents downstairs?

Leticia R.; Yes, but try not to scream with them, ok? Come!

The couple goes downstairs, and everything is pitch black. Reaching the last notch, Angelo is amazed by his family and some friends at a birthday party.

Angelo R.; You knew? Did you know all day and haven't talked to me just to surprise me with an incredible party at the last minute of the day? Wonderful!

Leticia R.; I know you hate surprises, but after everything that happened with you, I wanted to try something different.

Anya R.; Dad, this is for you.

Angelo R.; Aw, a spider in a net full of trapped insects? You are a great artist, aren't you?

Xander R.; And I made this toolbox because I know you are a handyman and like to fix everything.

Angelo R.; One more box to my collection. (laughs)

Even knowing his birthday is celebrated for three days in a year, one day before the anniversary there is a spiritual cleanse, and on the day there is a reborn ritual and after the anniversary day there is a party. Angelo accepted to party up as mortals do.

At Sunnymoore, Brianna G. is distracted waiting for the Sunnymoore Historical Museum visitors and once more obsessed spirits show her ex-lover face, Angel. It is like being stalked by the same face no matter where she goes.

Brianna G.; Angel.

Angel(obsessed spirit); Yes, my love.

Brianna G.; How are you alive after all these years?

Angel(obsessed spirit); Thanks to you, honey.

Brianna G.; I might be crazy, but I miss you.

Angel(obsessed spirit); I miss you too. Can you bring me back?

Brianna G.; Even if I could, I can't do it anymore. I lost my status and my gifts of Chosen One to someone else and who knows who is the hunter now. I am just a local historian guide and a lady. I can't do it magic anymore because I blocked up the energy of doing magic in Sunnymoore.

Angel(obsessed spirit); Really? If you blocked up everything I wouldn't be here, would I?

Brianna Grendell starts believing in the obsessing spirit talk, but feels it is not what she thinks it is. The doors are open and the visitors come in to explore the Museum. Brianna Grendell goes back to normal and prepares herself to welcome them, but the obsessed spirit pulls her to the ancient artefacts' basement with non-magic. Although there is no magic anymore, some energy frequencies can amaze anyone and awake a new category of magic non-described by old or new prophecies.

Brianna G.; Welcome to the Sunnymoore Historical Museum! It is a great honour to show you the founder of this town! Richard Wilkins!

Everyone claps and Brianna Grendell smiles pretending to be happy while she is uncomfortable.

Brianna G.; Richard was a great hunter and geologic searching for rare and mystic artefacts around the world. He was the first one to discover many artefacts buried here in Sunnymoore, a town full of mysteries. The legend says Richard's spirit is trapped inside the statue after being petrified by a new generation of Medusa. Is that real?

Everyone laughs thinking Brianna's comment is funny, but the legend is almost right. Actually, Richard was killed after being poisoned and stuck in the Sunnymoore mines which are similar to Greenmoore mines. The reason why he was poisoned and dead without coworkers with him is a mystery until now. Some people who visited the mines were the ones who said they saw something including the founder of Sunnymoore.

Brianna G.; The Malaya statue is an object used by many Indians from Meria Island. They believed statues and other objects are possessed by Gods bringing you luck, miracle, health and resurrection.

Brianna G. walks to another object on the exhibition balcony.

Brianna G.; Here we have an artefact collected by John Laurenti, a distant cousin of the founder or at least that is what they said. You can see, that the artefact looks like an ordinary box outside, but if you look inside, you will see symbols of fertility, wealth and protection.

Visitor; How do you know the meaning of the symbols?

Brianna G.; This is a great question! I don't know, but who collected knew and that is why all the information is recorded here to be studied and discovered by those who are interested in it.

Visitor; Is it true the founder's spirit haunts the town?

Brianna G.; Who said you that? Of course not!

Visitor; My grandma told me when she lived here, strange things and unknown events always happened in this town.

Brianna G.; And I will explain as soon as we go to the main attraction.

Brianna Grendell can't reveal the story about her oldself, a hunter. And how the hunter was responsible of taking care of all the strange events caused by supernatural beings such as vampires and demons, more powerful than ghosts and mystical creatures. Deep down she knows she had a crazy teenage life, and now she is safe because this is not her world anymore.

Brianna G.; And here we are! This artefact you see on the front was one of the rare artefacts found only in Sunnydale and there are no copies or other versions of it around the world. That's because it was created by someone who believed in magic and was inspired by Maori and Roman mythology to create this shape.

It is a voodoo doll used before Brianna was born. It can attract obsessed spirits or demons and they possessed the doll to manipulate the humans. Even with Sunnymoore blocked magic, the doll hasn't lost his ability to suck negative energies and who look at it, can be hypnotised to be a human puppet.

A bow 12 years of age is focused on the doll and a glitch makes everything around him blush. The boy is hypnotised and leaves the Museum without no one and disappears in the fog on the bridge splitting Sunnymoore from Greenmoore.


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