
The Rise Of Zhong Dynasty

Dynasty Zhong which is the strongest dynasty in Asia, Led by Zhong Ke. Zhong Dynasty was attacked by 10 dynasties in alliance. In just 1 month the Zhong dynasty was destroyed. In that dynasty there were 3 of the greatest samurai who survived the attack. Namely Zhong An who is the strongest samurai in the Zhong dynasty. The second Zhong Yip is the second strongest samurai in the Zhong dynasty. And the third is Victoria, who is the strongest female samurai in the Zhong dynasty. The three samurai gather a team and want to rebuild the Zhong dynasty and become the rulers of Asia again.

JoanAlfonso · Fantasía
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Zhong's Glory Era's Destruction

In a large area there is a very large dynasty. The dynasty is the strongest dynasty in Asia that almost killed 120 dynasties around the world. This dynasty is named Zhong, Zhong dynasty has a strong army and very superior weaponry.

Suddenly one fine day a small dynasty was holding a cooperative meeting in order to destroy Zhong's glory days and massacre all of Zhong's followers. They formed an alliance consisting of 10 dynasties that were destroyed by Zhong.

One week after the meeting, the Zhong Dynasty was attacked by carrying out a 360-degree raid / encircling the Zhong Dynasty's territory. The Zhong Dynasty, in its first battle, retreated and 100 civilians were killed. All residents were transferred to the center of the dynasty. After 1 week the Alliance received reinforcements to attack the Zhong dynasty so that the winning percentage was high.

They survived for 1 month in the Zhong dynasty area. They survive while fighting. After 1 month they got help again and immediately finished off the Zhong dynasty. Several civilians fled and the shooguns/warriors also fled to escort civilians. The civilians who settled were executed, one by one.