
Yugao Uzuki

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon where my patrons are voting on the future direction of the story!


Yugao is waiting for him back at the compound, and Naruto can guess why easily enough. He doesn't stop and address her right off the bat though, he walks past her, forcing her to uncross her arms and fall into step beside him. After a beat, he finally speaks.

"I spent a lot of today asking around about you, Uzuki."

He catches her blink out of the corner of his eye, the only sign that she's surprised.

"I'm aware, Lord Uzumaki. Though I didn't expect you to be so up front about it."

The corner of Naruto's mouth quirks up at that and he finally does come to a stop. They're much further into the compound now though, so if voices do end up being raised, there's a little less chance of them being heard at least. Turning to face Yugao Uzuki properly, Naruto lets out a sigh as he sees the blank look on the former ANBU's eyes.

"Why would I try to hide it? Did you think I would be so foolish as to NOT look into the woman that the Hokage had assigned to guard one of my wives."

Yugao sniffs at that, her back ramrod straight and her arms once more crossed over her chest.

"I feel it is my duty to remind you that the Genin Hinata is not your wife yet. She cannot marry you until you have impregnated her."

Naruto rolls his eyes at that.

"No, you don't."

A look of confusion crosses her face for just a moment before she wipes it smooth again. Nevertheless, Naruto elaborates before she can demand clarification.

"You do not feel that it is your duty to remind me of that fact. You're only reminding me of that fact because you feel threatened by me looking into you. A little petty of you, Uzuki… but I'm not mad. I understand, in fact. How could I not, given what I've learned today?"

Yugao finally lets some emotion show at that, bristling at his words. Naruto holds up his hands in a placating gesture, however.

"Peace, please. I'm not trying to upset you. I understand that you lost someone. You have my condolences. Everything I heard today tells me that Hayate was a good man and a great shinobi. He was taken from Konoha far too soon."

Naruto's blunt but altogether kind words force Yugao to release a shuddering breath as he finishes talking. The former ANBU's nostrils flare, but in the end, she uncrosses her arms.

"You're right. He was a good man. He was a great swordsman. He didn't… he shouldn't have died this early. It wasn't fair."

Shaking his head, Naruto offers Yugao a wan smile.

"Life rarely is, I've found."

Something akin to pity flashes across the purple-haired kunoichi's face at that, likely as she's reminded of Naruto's circumstances and history. As an ANBU, she would know more than most about him, wouldn't she?

After a long moment, Yugao is the one who engages this time, speaking hesitantly, tentatively.

"… One of my earliest assignments in the ANBU was watching over you and making sure no harm came to you. I must admit, I couldn't ever understand why you were treated so poorly. Even if people were afraid of you because of the demon fox, they shouldn't have shown you such hate, not if they didn't want another rampage…"

Naruto's smile turns positively grim as he shakes his head.

"The vast majority were fearful and stayed away, shunning me because of that fear. The few who treated me the poorest were the ones who lost the most in the attack, who let their hatred and grief overcome their fear. And then there were people like Iruka Umino, who lost everything in the attack but still managed to see me for the child I was, rather than the fox locked away inside of me."

Silence falls as Yugao processes his words for a little while. Naruto allows her to do so as the moments drag on, but eventually he speaks up again.

"I'm sure a kunoichi of your caliber has already put it together, but there was a good reason for why I looked into you, beyond just wanting to know more about you. I also needed to fully figure out just what game Tsunade was playing."

Yugao stiffens at that, all but revealing her own feelings on the matter. As Naruto had said, she's obviously already put it together. And yet, it's a bad sign that she's in denial, given the next words that come out of her mouth.

"I'm not sure what you mean. The Lady Hokage has assigned me to you in order to make sure nothing else happens. Hinata must be watched, and I am to be a third party making sure that she does not so much as pick up a kunai ever again."

Naruto just shakes his head and chuckles.

"That's all well and good… I've spoken to Hinata and she's all too happy to never fight again. But don't be obtuse, Uzuki. I think we both know Tsunade would not have put you under my direct command if she didn't want something more to come out of all of this."

Yugao stiffens even further, nostrils flaring as Naruto gives her a sympathetic smile.

"Why do you think that is, hm? Why would Tsunade assign you to me personally, rather than simply putting Hinata under ANBU guard? I'm not much of a Lord of anything yet. My clan is practically nonexistent and this compound that Tsunade has given to me is literally her old home. Besides, she's the Fifth Hokage. She would have been well within her rights to give YOU authority over ME, at least in matters of making sure Hinata didn't cause another massacre."

Naruto pauses, watching Yugao closely as his words sink in despite her clear lack of desire for them to do so.

"What do you think it means, that Tsunade put you under me, rather than the other way around? Ostensibly, you're here to watch Hinata. And yet, you report to me, not the Hokage. Not unless she asks for you. You take your orders from me. Why do you think that is?"

For a long moment, the two of them stare each other down in silence, Yugao's face a mask of frustrated denial. But either she sees the writing on the wall, or Naruto's method of approaching her via a place of understanding actually works, because the former ANBU eventually lets her gaze drop, her shoulders slumping as she lets out a sigh.

"The Lady Hokage wishes to push me into your arms. She wishes to place us in such a situation that I join your harem and you breed a child upon me. She's trying to see that my skills and the teachings passed down to me by Hayate are in turn passed down to someone else, and she believes I will be more inclined to train a son or daughter than one not of my own blood."

Yugao's voice sounds so… broken as she speaks, and Naruto immediately realizes she's in no mental state for them to do anything today. Today… today needs to be about understanding. It needs to be about approaching her from a place of mutual respect. He could have been domineering about this, he could have exercised the authority that Tsunade had given him and already had Yugao on her back.

But the resentment from such a path would have been everlasting. She might have come to despise him, or even hate him. A relationship born of such a thing would have been rotten all the way through.

Stepping forward, Naruto places a hand on Yugao's shoulder, wincing a little as she immediately stiffens up. He very deliberately doesn't move the hand anywhere else on her body as he speaks from the heart.

"It should have been Hayate. He should have been the one to make you a mother. He should have had a chance to be a father for however short a time his illness might have made it. I know I can't replace him, Yugao, and I want you to know that I have no intention of trying. Tsunade might want us to get together… but she doesn't always get what she wants, even as Hokage."

Yugao stares at him wide-eyed and shocked, blinking rapidly as he gives her shoulder a squeeze and offers her a kind smile. However, when he pulls away from her and turns to walk away, she catches his hand before he can go.


Pulling him back around, the former ANBU grabs him by the face and kisses him right then and there, causing Naruto to freeze up and blink in surprise as he kisses her back after a moment of shock. Pulling him in close, she makes it all too easy for Naruto to place his hands on her hips, the two of them grinding together for a moment as they lock lips.

After a beat, Yugao pulls back and looks him in the eye, letting out a shuddering breath.

"I'm not… I don't think I'm ready to go as far as the Hokage wants j-just yet."

She sounds as nervous as he's heard her yet, like she's still half expecting him to refuse her the time she needs to come to terms with this, like she's expecting him to order her to bend over right then and there so he can fuck a baby into her. Naruto just smiles and nods in understanding.

"Then we won't go that far."

Yugao's eyes widen, and then she's kissing him again, a bit more urgently. In a short amount of time, they move into one of the buildings and begin to get a little more heated. Touching is something Yugao is very much fine with, and so Naruto does quite a lot of it. His hands slide up and down the toned swordswoman's sides, feeling her through her clothing as their tongues exchange saliva and drool.

Her own hands aren't idle either, moving around his body but seeming a lot less sure. It's clearly been a while for her… years, in fact, given when Hayate died. It's difficult to resist the urge to push for more, especially with Kurama in the back of his head as always, angling for him to breed, wanting him to spread his seed.

But Naruto can tell that nothing will be served by pushing Yugao into something she's not ready for. The former ANBU is still in mourning after all this time. She hasn't allowed herself to move on, not until now. The fact that she's finally willing to seek a light at the end of the tunnel of grief she's been in all these years is good enough for the time being.

They don't go any further than kissing and heavy petting before eventually breaking away from one another. This, of course, leaves Naruto feeling very pent up, but he doesn't have to go very far to get that taken care of. In fact, he finds Shizune hard at work in the next house over, and more than that, he finds her leaning over a table with her dress hiked up and her shapely behind exposed, her glistening pussy lips waiting for him.

Not one to balk at such an open invitation, Naruto moves into place behind the gorgeous medic-nin as stealthily as possible, but he can tell she knew he was there from the tone of her voice as he grabs her by her hips and sinks into her smoking hot depths. She makes a faux surprised cooing sound, but it's quite clear she was waiting for him and more than that, she knew exactly when he'd finally shown up.

"A-Ah… lord husband~"

Chuckling, Naruto shakes his head.

"What's with you girls and titles today, huh? You know you can just call me Naruto, Shizune."

"Mmm, b-but I do have business to discuss with you, Lord Uzumaki… business that directly pertains to the Clan."

Blinking, Naruto cocks his head to the side as he slowly glides in and out of Shizune's tightening, clenching, but also sopping wet cunt. Her pussy walls cling to him, but the slickness means it's so very easy for him to thrust in and out of her, drawing breathless moans from her lips.

"Oh? Go ahead then, keep your lord informed."

"Y-You have begun to receive, mm, m-marriage proposals."

That almost stops Naruto in his tracks.

"Wait, what?"

Oh sure, he's been collecting kunoichi with startling ease ever since Tsunade set him down this path. The number of women he's already set to marry is staggering as is. Hell, he went out today to find out more information about Yugao and ended up bagging and tagging Sakura on some random rooftop in the middle of doing so.

But it's still a little surprising to hear that there have been official proposals. Everything is still so new, so… unofficial. But then, Naruto supposes that's what Shizune is here for, alongside being one of his wives. She's here to help with the paperwork, isn't she?

"Nngh, w-while news of the Uzumaki Clan rebuilding under the aegis of K-Konoha is still… fairly secretive, i-it would seem some people have f-found out about it, nevertheless. A-Ah, that might have h-had something to do with you going around town telling anyone w-who would ask that you were s-starting a clan…"

Well… when she put it that way. Naruto can't help but let out an amused snort, even as he lightly smacks Shizune's ass for being so cheeky with him. The answering moan from the medic-nin makes him raise an eyebrow and do it again, and soon he's gently spanking the gorgeous older girl even as he fucks her from behind, something Shizune seems to enjoy very much.

"Well… tell me about them. Please tell me it's not too many yet…"

"Nngh, n-no… only t-two so far."

Two wasn't so bad…

"And who are they?"

"T-Temari of the Sand is the first."

Once again, Naruto pauses.

"Wait… Gaara's sister? How can I possibly marry her? She's not of Konoha, is she? Is she even in Konoha?"

"Mm, you can indeed m-marry her… if the Kazekage himself offers her hand in marriage, w-which he has. While it's true Temari is a Kunoichi of the Sand, s-she actually is in Konoha, acting as Suna's a-ambassador and has been for some months n-now. When, oooh, Gaara received word that you had been t-tasked with making a new clan, he apparently decided t-to help…"

Huh. That was… that was something. In his mind's eye, Naruto pictures Temari and ages her up a little in the same vein as Sakura and Ino had aged. He could see how she'd be beautiful now… she was certainly cute back in the day already. But honestly, it felt a little weird having Gaara just… gift her to him. Naruto would have to make sure Temari was chill with it first before he made anything official.

Continuing to sink his throbbing cock into Shizune's depths, Naruto grunts.

"And the second proposal?"

"T-The second… the second is actually of Konoha, b-but also something of an unknown. The Chunin known as T-Tenten has put in a request to be c-considered for your harem… she used that w-word specifically."

Tenten? That was… that was the kunoichi on Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga's team, right? Naruto vaguely remembered her. She wasn't from any clan, but she was pretty handy with weapons and the Sealing Arts from what he recalled. Of course, all of her sealing jutsu were focused on being able to put more and more weapons on her person while still showing off that athletic and toned figure of hers, heh. Still…

"What do you suggest I do, Shizune?"

Letting her eyes drift shut for a moment, Shizune just hums.

"Mm, if you wish for my advice, Lord Uzumaki… you are n-not in a position to reject either of these, nngh, o-opportunities at this point in t-time. Both are good, i-it's simply a matter of which you w-want to handle first. Tenten technically presented her p-proposal first. Her desire to join the Clan is particularly clear c-cut as well. As a clanless kunoichi, her p-prospects for further advancement are l-low. She wishes to t-tie herself to your rising s-star and will likely be very willing t-to do whatever it takes to make that happen."

Taking in a deep breath as he gouges out her insides with his thrusting cock, Shizune moans wantonly for a moment before continuing on.

"T-Temari's proposal came second, but there is c-cause to let her jump the line a-anyways. It would b-be a massive political victory for Konoha, t-to have the Kazekage's sister m-married to one of its clan heads. T-Though I imagine the Kazekage sees i-it more as a chance to repay you then a-anything else. That said, I c-cannot say for sure what Temari of the S-Sand's reaction to all of this might be. She might prove… d-difficult or uninterested in t-this arrangement."

Hm, all fair points. Naruto would need to meet with both girls one way or the other, even if he ended up rejecting their proposals (though he doubted he would reject either of them, and not just because he was in no position to refuse them like Shizune had said). But who was he going to meet with first? Tenten the clanless kunoichi but also a known entity who would no doubt be very eager to get a yes from him? Or Temari, his friend's sister and an unknown quantity who may or may not be furious at the position she found herself forced into?

Hm, decisions, decisions…

Luckily, one decision was quite easy to make. Inside or out? Obviously, Naruto went with the former, pushing into Shizune while gripping tightly at her buttocks as he fills her womb with his seed yet again. Moaning wantonly, the medic-nin collapses onto the table in front of herself, left panting and mewling as he finishes with her.

Still, Temari or Tenten first?


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