

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!

Also, great news! As of the start of 2022, right freaking now, this story updates twice a month instead of once a month! Get hyped!


"… Stand up and strip."

The older girl takes a moment to process his words, but as soon as she does, she stands up and obeys. There's a blush on Tenten's cheeks as she follows his instructions, but there's practically no hesitation in her movements. Her shirt goes first, revealing that the young aspiring Weapons Mistress binds her breasts with bandages like many particularly well-endowed kunoichi.

Her pants follow, as do her underwear. After revealing her pretty puffy pussy, topped with a trimmed little bush, Tenten finishes up by unwrapping her breasts, letting them decompress and fully pop out of their confines. She's pretty busty, though not the bustiest he's seen. Not even the bustiest in his harem, in fact.

Still, Naruto can't help but admire her body, even as she fidgets and squirms under his gaze. Despite being a year older than him, it's clear that Tenten has prepared for this meeting. She's definitely reworked her thinking to take into account his status… probably even better than he himself has. Still, seeing her fingers twitching, Naruto goes ahead and gives her another order, to make life easier for her.

"Lift your arms up for me at a right angle."

Though Tenten blinks in surprise at the odd order, she nevertheless obeys, raising her arms until they're directly perpendicular with her shoulders. Once she's done so, Naruto pulls a pot of his special sealing ink out of storage and grabs a brush, his eyes twinkling as he cocks an eyebrow at the naked beauty in front of him.

"Do you trust me, Tenten? Rather… are you truly willing to do whatever it takes to join my clan?"

Blushing deeply, but nevertheless meeting his eyes, Tenten swallows thickly before ultimately nodding.

"Y-Yes, Lord Uzumaki. Whatever it takes."

Despite starting her confirmation with a slight stammer, her voice firms up completely by the second sentence. She truly means it, he can tell. Which is… well, it's a little intense, isn't it? Sheesh, had Naruto really somehow inspired such desire? Or was it more that Tenten saw an opportunity in his new clan that no other clan could offer her? She was the ambitious sort, that was for sure.

And yet, she was also willing to take on the position of concubine instead of wife. Funnily enough, Naruto hadn't even considered that as an option until now. He… fully intended on marrying every woman that he'd drawn into his clan so far. He'd made that decision back when Ino had been causing issues, hadn't he? He'd decided that he wasn't going to let there be any sort of pecking order or hierarchy.

No, every woman he brought into his… well, his harem, would be equal to one another. That was his promise, at least to himself. And so… even now, Naruto had every intention of making Tenten a full wife alongside all the others. He just wanted to have some fun with her first. He'd make sure she enjoyed it too, if nothing else.

Regardless, with Tenten's obedient form naked and free as a blank canvas for him to play with, Naruto takes his brush and the jar of ink and begins to paint a masterpiece. Seals, some of which he'd been taught by Jiraiya, and some of which are his own creation, soon begin to take form all across Tenten's body. He applies seals to her arms and her legs, to her lower back and her sides, and even applies seals to her breasts.

For good measure, he places a seal around her neck as well, effectively collaring the older girl. As he finishes up, the brunette kunoichi, red-faced and shivering from the application of cold ink against her body and the immediate warmth that follows when he uses his chakra to activate each seal, looks a little confused and concerned, biting her lower lip as she considers him carefully.

"What… what would you have me do, Lord Uzumaki?"

Smirking, Naruto tucks away the jar and brush and brings his hands together behind his back, clasping them as he grins at Tenten.

"Obey, Tenten. That's all you have to do…follow my orders."

"… Alright…"

Of course, he contradicts himself a moment later by snapping his fingers instead of giving a verbal command. In an instant, his finger snap lines up with the activation of the seals across Tenten's body. Her arms snap behind her back and her feet lock together as the seals all attach to one another, acting like invisible bindings.

However, these invisible bindings were more powerful than physical rope or chain could ever hope to be for one reason and one reason only… they were powered by Naruto's chakra. As with most seals, a particularly powerful individual with access to a boatload of chakra could overwhelm any such restrictions and break the seals with enough application of said chakra.

But only if the person who's chakra had been used to power the seal in the first place, was the weaker of the two. Obviously, Naruto had a pretty big cheat in the form of the Nine-Tailed Fox in his belly, but even if he didn't have Kurama, he would still have the chakra-rich Uzumaki Bloodline to fall back on. That was what made Uzumaki ninja preferable as containers for the Nine-tails in the first place… their naturally large chakra reserves.

This was all to say, Tenten didn't even try to break free. There was a momentary jolt at first as she found herself suddenly bound by invisible bondage where she'd been free moments before, but after that immediate attempt at jerking free followed by the realization that her sudden state was his doing, the would-be Weapons Mistress pauses, panting a bit as she blushes and finds herself in a somewhat embarrassing position.

Arms behind her back, ankles locked together… and chest jutting out beautifully as a side effect. She looked great, especially with how her tits were jiggling ever so slightly with every panting breath she took. Stepping forward, Naruto smiles as he grabs one of her breasts and brings it to his mouth, taking her teat between his teeth and worrying at her nipple for a moment before pulling and tugging… like a babe might.

A moment later, much to Tenten's audible shock, Naruto gets some milk. Just a trickle, but enough to slowly fill his mouth as he continues sucking, until finally he has enough to swallow and pull back. Her nipple continues to leak as she lactates, with Tenten staring down at herself wide-eyed and gobsmacked in disbelief.

"I-I… I assure you Lord Uzumaki, I have lain with no man in recent times. I'm not pregnant… I can't be pregnant!"

Immediately feeling a smidgen of guilt for her panic, Naruto does his part to calm her down.

"Hush Tenten, you don't need to worry. You're not pregnant… I'm the one that's making you lactate."


Sliding his hand down to the base of her breast, Naruto trails a finger over the seal that's been painted onto her mammary there.

"This seal here is infused with a bit of my Nature-aligned Chakra. It's prompting a biological reaction in your body that's entirely artificial. You're not pregnant, you're only lactating."

Tapping the seal, they both watch as the leakage from her nipple quickly peters out and stops entirely. Tenten looks gobsmacked, while Naruto just grins wickedly.

"There's probably some things I could teach you about sealing that would go well with your weapons shtick… you know, if you did end up joining the clan."

Her shock and surprise quickly vanish, to once again be replaced by Tenten's game-face as she all but thrusts her chest out into his hands a bit further.

"… Like I said, Lord Uzumaki. Anything at all."

Chuckling, Naruto strokes her tits for a few seconds, just to enjoy the soft feel of them. Like all the kunoichi he's had so far, Tenten's body is hardened and trained up to be a fighting machine… but there are still feminine elements to her, just like these. Her breasts mold and squish in a truly satisfying manner in his hands, while Tenten moans throatily, encouraging him to continue.

Ah, but he had other things in mind. Pulling his hands back from her tits with a hint of regret, Naruto snaps his fingers again… and takes hold of an invisible leash as Tenten suddenly jerks forward, gasping from the sudden 'tightening' sensation around her neck. Though it cannot be seen, Naruto has made a connection between the seal 'collar' he's etched onto her throat and his own chakra, effectively a chakra string… but much thicker then what puppet controllers use.

Giving the chakra leash a light tug, he watches in amusement as Tenten has to catch herself, doing a little bunny hop to avoid falling flat on her face thanks to the way her legs are locked together. But, as Tenten quickly discovers, her legs are locked together at the knee, not at the ankle. She can still walk, just not very comfortably.

Amused, Naruto raises an eyebrow.

"Comfortable, Tenten?"

Blushing, Tenten simply averts her gaze and nods.

"Of course, Lord Uzumaki…"

He knows she's not, but then, the whole point of this was to test her limits all the same. Which is why the next thing Naruto does is begin to casually walk towards the door while tugging gently but firmly on the chakra leash. He's moving slow enough that she can follow after him in an awkward waddle, but even still, it takes Tenten a moment to realize where he's going.

"L-Lord Uzumaki?"

Stopping at the threshold of his office, Naruto looks back over his shoulder at Tenten, lifting an eyebrow.

"Hm? Problem?"

Moving forward, shifting awkwardly in her bound state, the sealed kunoichi bites her lower lip.

"Um… where are we g-going?"

"For a walk. Unless this is a step too far for you…"

Immediately, she takes another step forward, practically next to him in the door's threshold.

"No! O-Of course, Lord Uzumaki…"

And so, they step out into the Clan Compound, with Tenten traveling at his side. While the seals painted on her body are visible to the naked eye, for all intents and purposes Tenten looks like she's decided to restrict her own movement and take a stroll naked at his side. There is no visible bondage, no visible leash… just her and her body on full display as Naruto, holding the chakra leash in hand, guides her along the path.

To her credit, she doesn't ask any further questions or show any further signs of reluctance. While embarrassed, she's willing to do even this much to get in his good graces. Naruto can admit that he's impressed, even as they walk around the compound's inner courtyard. He of course has no intentions of taking her into Konoha proper. That would not only get him in trouble, but also be something Naruto would never do, even if Tenten WERE willing to do it to show her loyalty.

No, as far as humiliation goes, he's restricting it to only a partially public place. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't go unnoticed. More than one of the women that Naruto has already bedded can be seen looking at them. None approach, none say a word, and none get in their way, but Naruto knows that Tenten, with her honed senses, detects their interest all the same. They're not exactly hiding it.

By the time Naruto brings them to a stop, Tenten is bright red and positively blushing up a storm. Smiling, he pulls her in close, bringing her back against his body and keeping one arm wrapped around her midsection while his other dips down… down to her slit. As he begins to toy with her, Tenten gasps, shivering at his touch.


"Do you like that, Tenten? You can thank another seal for that. Its currently increasing your sensitivity threefold… but only from my touch. Only when I'm toying with you."

Shuddering in his grasp, Tenten moans a little, even as her hips buck in his hands, her juices soon slickening his fingers as she gets worked up nice and fast. With her sensitivity ramped up and her pressed up against his chest as he fingers her, it's no surprise that Tenten is enjoying herself. To be fair, Naruto is enjoying himself as well… but admittedly, there's a degree of anticipation to it too. He's waiting for her to realize…

It takes some time. After all, she's got a lot on her mind. This isn't just pleasure for her, but an audition for the rest of her life. Slowly but surely, he manages to work the tension out of her shoulders all the same. Slowly but surely, he manages to turn her into putty in his hands, even as a puddle of pleasure forms at her feet, trickling down her thighs which glisten with her pussy juices.

And yet… he feels it as she starts to tense up again. Her moans take on a different note, and the bucking of her hips into his hand as his fingers work away at her cunt becomes a bit more desperate, a bit more frantic. The more he works her over, the more she starts to mewl and whine until finally, he hears it.

"P-Please… please…"

Immediately stopping, Naruto makes a questioning noise in the back of his throat.

"Hm? Something the matter, Tenten?"

"I-I should have cum by now… did you do something else to me?"

He can't help but grin. She really is a smart girl. Sliding a finger from the bottom of her slit all the way to her clit, Naruto flicks it, causing Tenten to shiver and cry out. But even though she shakes… she does not orgasm.

"That's right. There's a seal currently preventing you from climaxing without my say-so."

For a moment, Tenten is silent. Then, she lowers her head submissively.

"I see. Lord Uzumaki… may I please cum?"

No outrage, no indignation, no demanding anything of him. She assimilates this new information, accepts what he's told her, and then promptly asks quite nicely for his permission. Really, Naruto is just toying with Tenten and trying to see what her limits are… but she really is a natural submissive, isn't she? She's also a fine kunoichi from what he remembered seeing all those years ago during the Chunin Exams and judging by what he's feeling of her body now, she's only trained harder in the years since.

He would be lucky to have a woman like her join the Uzumaki Clan and bear his children, to be frank. And there was no doubt in his mind that he would be letting her in, once they were done with this debauched interview.

In the meantime, however, how did he want to play the rest of this? Let Tenten experience relief and then fuck her? Or fuck her, make her really break and beg for it, and only then let her cum?

Her life might not be in his hands, that would be much too melodramatic. But her ability to orgasm certainly was and it was up to Naruto how he wanted to proceed.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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